Phone Chat Jobs Can Be Lucrative for Women Who Work

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs can be lucrative for women who work hard. In this industry you need to do more than just show up and answer your phone. You need to blog and go that extra mile. I think phone sex gets the bum rap of being a lazy girl’s job. But the lazy girls never make much in this industry. They may scrap by or get lucky because they have a great voice, but why put your paycheck at risk.

When I started at WBMT, I was new to the industry. Very naïve about how it all worked. And it took me a few months to master the blogging game. I do not think I was lazy in the beginning. I just had to find my way and understand the business. The more I blog, the more calls I get. Honestly, it is that simple.

I started blogging more than the minimum required per week. And I learned how to time blogs well. Like posting blogs at the start of my shift not the end of it. Once I understood how to make the real money, my paychecks soared. Any girl can make a couple hundred dollars a week doing this with no effort. But when you realize that with time and hard effort you can make over a grand a week, why would you settle for a couple hundred?

If hard work does not scare you and making serious money motivates you, then WBMT Is the place for you.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. When I graduated high school, I knew I did not want to go to college. Well, not so much that I did not want to. I could not afford to go to college. But I did not want a minimum wage job. I had a friend who graduated a year before me, and she worked at WBMT. Loved it. So, she got me the job here.

I knew my way around a computer. So, I had no problem picking up some of the things you need to learn for this job like Word Press and Google Docs. You do need to know how to do basic computer stuff for this job because we do everything on the computer. We are not writing code or anything, but you need to master blogging, record keeping in Google Docs and checking email and stuff.

But I love the laid-back atmosphere and the flexibility of phone sex. But I really like the money. I am 19 and I have never been to college, and I made Around $70,000 last year. Never thought that was possible. The more you blog, the more you work, the more you make. This is a great company with endless possibilities. And we have young girls like me and women in their 60s too. All races also. If you want to work from home and make excellent money, join our team.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobs(At home phone operator jobs rock. You get to work from home and set your own hours too. You have no commute to work and you can roll out of bed and start working. I love working from home. Before phone sex I worked fast food. Not many options for employment where I live. As I got older, standing on my feet all day long was not ideal, so I applied at WBMT.

And I have been here ever since. I love this kind of work. It is work though. You will need to blog daily at this company. Or at least the days you work. You can work 40, 50 or 60 hours a week here and your pay scale will be anywhere from a $1.00 to a $1.10 on your talk time. This is not a salary or hourly wage job.

You are only paid when you do a call. That made me motivated to work hard so I could make good money here. Every week my paycheck grew. Now, I make about $1600 a week. And I did not make that in a month in the fast food industry. If you are tired of being on your feet or at a dead end or stressful job, join our team.

A Phone Sex Operator Works from Home

phone sex operatorA phone sex operator works from home. We provide sexual conversations and fantasies to clients over the phone. You get to set your own hours and you can work as much as you want. You can work 30, 40, 50 or 60 plus hours a week with us. The more you work the more you make.

To be a PSO with us, you must be at least 18 years old and have a landline or cell phone. And you must have a modern computer and high-speed Internet. Previous experience in phone sex is not necessary, but it is welcomed. Good record keeping skills and a quiet place to work are a must too.

The job duties of a PSO with us include answering calls from clients, blogging several times a shift and keeping good records. You must be comfortable engaging in sexual conversations, role playing, using explicit language and fulfilling clients’ fantasies. You must also be able to keep the conversation going and maintain a high level of energy and enthusiasm without showing judgment.

We offer training and support for new operators. We will show you how to blog effectively. And teach you how to utilize our programs. We use Word Press for blogging and Google Docs for our record keeping. Prior experience is beneficial but not necessary. Our pay scale varies. You can make anywhere from 20 cents a minute on your talk time all the way up to $1.10 a minute. The more you blog and work, the more money you earn on your talk time. I love working for WBMT. I think you will too

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator is a Smart Question to Ask

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a smart question to ask yourself. A question I wished I had asked myself soon. Honestly, I had no clue that you could make real money doing this. Like an actual livable wage. And I think I thought maybe it was a scam. But I am mostly guilty of wrongly assuming that this was the kind of job only women who did not go to college or lazy women who did not want to work hard had.

Every notion I had about phone sex turned out to be wrong. I have met some amazing women doing this at WBMT. Women who are smart and hard working. And women who taught me that no matter what your background might be there are 100s of reasons for women to work in this industry. We have women who support themselves and their families with phone sex. We have coeds to grandmas working here too.

Although I do not have children, I have a disabled partner. I never wanted to leave him because he could no longer work like he once did before he got injured. But my salary alone was not going to support us both until his disability came in. But one day I looked into phone sex thinking it would be a side hustle. And it became my only hustle after only a few months.

I support us both. And I work from home, so we get to spend a lot of time together too. I can be around to help him when he needs it. I work hard for my money, but I have always had a good work ethic. And if you can blog and put in the hours to build yourself a good following of regulars, you can thrive too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Great

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is great. I cannot believe I never thought of this industry sooner. I get to set my own hours, and work from home. I am not treating my body poorly with physical labor or standing on my feet. I save gas money and wear and tear on my car. My energy is great now too because my job no longer stresses me out or makes me work overtime.

The greatest thing about working for WBMT is that I can live my life better since I am able to pay my bills and enjoy life now. I travel and go to the movies. And I even have time for a relationship. I love the freedom that doing phone sex gives me. But I still work hard because it is my job. And when you treat phone sex like the job it is, you will make more money.

Those of us who make over $1000 a week have good work habits. We blog daily a few times per shift. We show up for our scheduled hours. Sometimes we work a little more per week too. And we are always nice and polite to our callers. Phone sex is a job. Therefore, you do need to put in some time and effort to make your phone ring. But if you can do the work, you can thrive too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Fun and Empowering

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator is fun. I have a job I love. Sure, initially, I struggled. You do need to be open-minded and able to talk comfortably about taboo subjects. I knew that going in, but it took practice to get as comfortable as I am now with the more taboo subjects that guys calls women like me for.

But I get to role play with guys. Sometimes I just get to listen about their day too like a phone fun wife. And the girls that work here are nice and supportive. Never any backstabbing drama here. If there ever is, the bosses nip it quickly. This is a no drama, no infighting kind of company. It is sex positive. Female positive. And body positive too. I love the girl power energy here.

No men work here. And no men are in management either. We have straight women and queer women here. Big girls and skinny girls. Black girls and white girls. Hispanic girls too. Young girls and grandmas too. You just need an open mind and a positive attitude to work here. Well, you need a cell phone, high-speed Internet and a computer too. But most folks have that already.

You need decent computer and writing skills too. But your race, size, age do not matter. All are welcome at WBMT. And I love working with a diverse group of lovely ladies. Plus, I make awesome money too.

PSO Jobs Rock and You Get To Stay at Home

pso jobsPSO jobs rock. Before I discovered phone sex, I worked retail. And not fancy retail either. I worked at Walmart. Although I tried to quit so many times, I needed a job. I grew up in rural WV. Never even finished high school. Honestly, I thought Walmart was the best I could do. I had a chance encounter with a woman who was in town visiting family and she told me I had a great voice. She called it a phone sex voice. We both laughed.

But her words resonated with me, and I Googled phone sex when I got home. I guess I knew it existed, but I had no clue how it worked. And I thought it was a bunch of women crammed into a cubicle in some factory. I had no clue that phone sex was now done at home. I looked up phone sex jobs and found a site that listed the pros and cons, and some reputable companies to try. The pros seemed good like work from home, set your own hours, and good pay.

And I have been at WBMT ever since. I made over 90,0000 last year. I could not make that in 4 years at Walmart. And the cost of living is low where I live, so I live better than any of my friends. And to think I would still be at Walmart if some chance encounter with a customer had not got me thinking.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Easy To Get, Harder to Keep

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are easy to get, but harder to keep. If you have a sexy voice and can handle talking dirty, most companies will hire you. But you must work to keep the job. You can only succeed at our company if you can work 40 plus hours a week and you can blog a few times a day. Women get into phone sex thinking it will be easy money. But the higher paying phone sex companies requires work.

When I started here, I was lazy. I will admit it. I did the bare minimum and wondered why I did not make much money. Something in me snapped though. I started watching what the top earners did here and I stepped up my game. Wow. That was a game changer for me. Once I started making more money, I wanted more money. That is the nice thing about this kind of work. Need more money, you can work some more hours and write a few more blogs to get the phone ringing.

Phone sex is not a lazy girl’s job. The phone does not just ring. You need to make it ring. WBMT is a direct dial company. That means no dispatch operator and no hold times. However, you need to blog and work at least 40 hours a week. At this company the more you work and blog the more you make. Five years ago, when I first started here, my checks averaged around $400 a week. Now, they average about $1600 a week. See the difference hard work makes?

Phone Chat Jobs are Not All the Same

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are not all the same. So, do your research online before you apply to a company. That was solid advice a friend of mine told me. She did phone sex while she was in college, but that was 20 years ago, and a lot has changed in the industry since then. But she knew that platforms like Glass Door and the Better Business Bureau would have negative stuff about a company if they were truly awful places. Even if a contractor did not speak out a caller would. Why? Because companies who do not treat their contractors well often do not treat their callers well either.

I was in between a few companies when I applied here. My friend who did phone sex work 20 years ago, had a friend at a company. And I thought I would apply there. That was the plan. But then suddenly my friend told me her friend was looking for a new company because of some drama. I dodged a bullet. I suggested my friend tell her friend about WBMT as I did my research, and everything looked good. Plus, I had a good feeling about management.

That was all over 3 years ago. I applied right before Covid, but I still made good money. And I saw my paycheck steadily increase week to week. You need patience. Phone sex is not a get rich quick job. You need to blog and work a lot of hours initially to watch your paycheck grow. But once you get the hang of stuff, you will start to make great money too.