Ask Me How to be a Phone Sex Operator Today

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not a cakewalk. However, it is not rocket science either. Women have all sorts of experience levels here. Some of our girls have worked in the industry for years, or even decades. And some like me never had any experience with PSO work before. I needed a job. I was desperate. But I could not find anything that would pay me a livable wage.

A friend told me to investigate phone sex. She did it years ago and made great money. But her company no longer appeared in operation. So, I looked for other companies. And I applied at a few. WBMT hired me first. I know how to write which was useful for blogging. And I could check email too. But everything else seemed foreign to me. But luckily the team of women here helped me learn the ropes. And the owner and manager took time to train me too.

I never thought I would do this forever. Just until I got back on my feet. But I am still here 2 years later. And the reason I stay is because I am spoiled by the money I make. And I am spoiled by working from home. I think you will enjoy working for us too.