Phone Chat Jobs Should Pay You Well

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs available. And the very best kind too. The kind you can make real money at. We get lots of girls from companies like US Love and other places that do not even pay their contractors $1.00 a minute. If a phone sex company is taking more than half your talk time, then it is not a place you can make real money. I came from a company that paid me 60 cents a minute when they charged $2.50 a minute for the caller. Now, I did not know what I now know back then.

You can make much more money at a direct dial company. That means there is no dispatcher fielding the calls for you. You will do the billing part. And you will self-promote yourself too. The best way to advertise for yourself is through blogging. We require daily blogging here. With a direct dial company, you have more work. But you get paid far better too.

At WBMT, you can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. We base pay on effort. The more hours you commit to working in a week and the more you blog, the more money you make. Tired of the phone to your ear all day and barely scraping by? Join WBMT where the money is real.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. However, you do need a few things in place before you can start working here. First, you need a computer. Preferably a newer laptop with a Windows working system. You can use an Apple computer, but some of our programs do not run as smoothly on Apple devices. You need a cell phone with a good signal. We use cell phones for our 800 numbers. They are run on an app, so you need a good signal, so you do not drop calls.

You also need a quite place to work. Other people can be in the house, but when on a call nothing else can be heard by your caller. Not kids, not a TV and not other voices either. And let me tell you if you work at a desk, you will want a comfortable chair to sit in. Plus, I recommend a good pair of wired headphones. You can get long calls and a good pair of headphones helps. Also, so does a back up battery source for your cell phone.

And high-speed internet is the last thing you need before you can start here. This is a fun place to work. And you can make decent money here too. Apply today and find out for yourself!

We Have At Home Phone Operator Jobs for Women

at home phone operator jobsWe have at home phone operator jobs for women with a drive to make money. Let me tell you a little bit about what it is like to work for WBMT. I love it. And I have been here over 5 years. Other companies I worked at did not require blogging. However, I barely made $400 a week. And I was one of the top earners at those companies. I do not mind hard work, but there was nothing to do but answer the phone at those companies. But I worked a ton of hours. Like 80-90 hours a week for $400.

And I thought that was standard, until a girl I worked with came to WBMT and poached me. She made over $400 in her first week at WBMT. I waited a few months before I applied here to see how she did. And she kept making more and more. However, she told me there was a lot of work, but it was all to help girls make money.

And I am here and love it. Longest I have worked at a PSO company. But there is work. You need to blog several times a shift. You need to work 40 plus hours a week. We work on committed schedules here. You design your own schedule, but you cannot change the hours except when the three months is up. We can change our schedules every three months. We also do some weekly social media promotion here. But it is all worth it in the end. Because every rule or requirement we have here helps us make money.

The money here is light years above any other company I have worked at. But only if you work for it. If I did not scare you away, apply with us. We take women with experience and no experience.

Phone Chat Jobs Let Women Thrive

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs let women thrive financially. Sure, I was hesitant to get into this line of work. I am a mother. I did not know what to tell my children. But I also needed to provide for them. But without any formal education, all I could get were dead end jobs. And daycare costs more than I made. So, I looked for home jobs. And here I am now.

I work around my kids. They go to school now so makes it easier. I work when they are at school or like now that it is summer, I work when they sleep. They think mommy has a customer service job. Which is not really a lie when you think about it. I have a separate room for an office. And they know not to come in when I have the do not disturb sign on the doorknob. Mostly, I work when they sleep.

The nice thing about this job is we set our own hours. We design a schedule that works with our lives. And we can change the schedule every three months. During the summer I work overnight. During the school year, I work in the days. But regardless of the shift I work, the money is great. You do need to blog daily, but you will want to when you see how it affects your call volume too. Apply with us today and change your life. All women deserve to thrive.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. You do not need a diploma for this job. You do not need any special skills either. However, you do need a cell phone, a computer and fast Internet. You also need to have decent writing skills, good record keeping skills, and know your way around a computer too. But most women have those skills in a tech savvy world.

We train girls on how to blog and how to use our programs. So, you never need to worry about being tossed into the deep end of the ocean. This kind of business can be sink or swim. But at WBMT we offer training and support to help you be a successful phone sex operator. I am glad too because I needed some help. Although I could write, I never blogged or used Google docs or ran a credit card before either.

I love this job. Working from home is so much easier for me because I do not drive. So, I never have to take 3 buses to get to work. And I have more time to do stuff around the house too. This job is not a lazy person’s job, but it does give you some flexibility in scheduling. And it’s low stress and no drama. And all that combined makes this my perfect job.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs Rock

at home phone operatorAt home phone operator jobs rock. When I got hurt in a car accident, I had no clue what I was going to do. I was a cam girl. However, no one wanted to see a girl in a back brace, a leg cast with lots of bruises and cuts on her body. Since I was no stranger to the adult industry, I thought I would try phone sex while I recuperated. And I recuperated. But I never went back to camming.

There are several reasons I never went back. First, the money is better here. Hard to believe it but with phone sex, they must pay. With camming, guys can park all day in your room and never even tip once. Plus, the competition to get seen on a cam site with thousands of models a day is tough. But on a phone sex site, it is much easier.

Second, I do not need to shove things in holes, or look perfect to work. Cam sites, you do a lot of things you likely would never do because you need the money. And your hair and makeup need to be perfect too. But with phone sex, I can roll out of bed looking like a hot mess and start work.

The cam market is over saturated because women think phone sex is dying. In one year here at WBMT, I made more than 4 years of camming combined. Yeah, I will never return to camming. Not when I can make bank talking dirty.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs may not be as plentiful as they once were, but there are still many great companies to work for and WBMT would be at the top of the list. I worked at three other phone sex companies before I found myself at home at WBMT. And I left because either the companies seemed rife with drama, or the pay sucked. Some companies, many companies actually, do not even pay their women half of their talk time.

WBMT pays at least half or more. Depends on you. The pay structure here, I love. Most companies base pay on call volume, giving you a boost if you do over 1000 minutes in a week. But at WBMT you are paid not on talk time, but on effort. The more hours you commit to in a week. And the more you blog, the higher the pay rate, up to a $1.10 a minute.

And WBMT has no drama. Girls get let go for starting drama. So, it feels good to work at a place that values a productive work environment. I love WBMT. I love the family atmosphere. And I love the pay. Plus, the call volume is steady here. Lots of company regulars and we seem to find new ones daily.

So, if you want to work from home. And you want to make great money, join our team.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs are For Any Woman Over 18

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are a fancy way of saying phone sex. One that has less stigma associated with it. But there should never be stigma associated with phone sex because it is a legitimate job for women of any age over 18. I am almost 60 and doing this. I had a 30-year career as a schoolteacher. But my pay was never that high even after 30 years. And although I retired early, I do not get to draw on social security for a few more years. I decided to take a phone sex job until I was 62 and could get social security and draw on my 401 K.

But I make more money than anticipated doing this, so I think I will pad my social security and wait until I am 70 to fully retire. Phone sex is not a hard job. But it is a job. And I do work for my pay. I blog and work more hours than scheduled. But I have nothing else to do really, LOL. My kids are grown. I am a widow. So, I work and do some things with friends.

Because I was a teacher, I know how to write, and I know my way around a computer. But I had never dirty talked or wrote a dirty blog before. They train us here. A lot of stuff you need to learn as you go. You have some autonomy here, but the fellow girls are very helpful and will give you tips and advice. It was not at all catty like I expected.

It does not matter why you want to work from home. We have girls from 18 to almost 60 working here. For some this is a full-time job and for others it’s part-time. Join our team and see how much money you can make.

Our Phone Sex Jobs Might Just Be the Best

Our phone sex jobs might just be the best in the industry. I have been at several PSO companies in the past 20 years, and I have never made as much money as I have here. Now, I do work more here. And harder too. But when I can make over $1000 a week talking dirty, I do not mind the hard work. At any of my prior companies, If I made $500 a week it was a good week. My lowest week here, was still more than my best week at any of the other companies I worked for in the past.

But you need more than just a want to make money here. You need to hustle. WBMT is a blog driven company. Blogging companies pay more per minute on your talk time and they have more phone traffic. A blog driven company does not pay to advertise because blogging is free advertising. And when a man does a search for a keyword like phone sex, he can find you without knowing about our sites.

We train you here too. Teach you how to blog and how to operate our programs. We do everything we can to help our new contractors be successful. Join our team and find out for yourself.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. But I love the money the most. Honestly, I had no clue how much I could make here. It was my first work from home job and my first PSO gig too. I’ve been here 5 years and I hope to be here another 20 years too. Sure, it was not a job I elected to do. My situation forced me to take an at home job.

After I broke both legs and my back in a car accident in 2019, I needed a job. And I needed decent money. Every google search I did suggested phone sex as the best at home work job for a woman. So, I applied to a bunch. But WBMT called me first and I’ve been here ever since. Even though after a couple years I could have gone back to my old job, I got too used to working from home. Plus, I was making more money than ever.

Many girls think they will do this part time because face it no one wants to scream they talk dirty for a living. But women stay and they stay long because phone sex means you are working smarter not harder. You work from home. Set your own hours. And make great money. More money than retail or waitressing for sure.