Being A Phone Sex Operator Requires Work

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is not rocket science, but it does require work. Many girls come into this business thinking they can just watch TV all day and answer the phone when it rings. Some companies do operate that way. But those type jobs are low paying. WBMT pays its contractors a livable wage, but we do work for it. The number one way we work for it is with blogging.

WBMT is a blog driven company. And because of our blogging requirement we have steady traffic. If you have been in this business before you know that SEO traffic is the best kind to have because it means callers can find you with a keyword search. And if you don’t understand SEO, do not fret. You will be trained how to use WordPress which is a blogging template with built in SEO.

I cannot imagine working at any other PSO company. Honestly, when I started this job, I was almost homeless. If I had not started this job when I did, I would have been homeless. I make great money. And it makes my friends at dead end jobs with a lot of stress jealous. There is no shame in wanting more for yourself. So, do not let the nature of this job scare you away. You can work from home and make great money.