Phone Sex Jobs are Abundant, So How Do You Know Where to Apply?

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs appear to be abundant lately. Since COVID, I have seen many companies pop up and fade out. Here is something important to understand when deciding on the best fit for you. Do not just apply to any and all phone sex companies. Look the company up. See what ex contractors and callers have to say. And look at the length of time the company has been in business.

Not all companies will have negative things said about them. And you know we all have some disgruntled ex-contractors. However, if you see lots of negative things repeatedly and things like they don’t pay their contractors a livable wage or at all. And if the clients are complaining too, I suggest you run for the hills.

Although brand new companies might seem alluring, usually they over hire and lack the solid traffic of companies in business longer. WBMT has been in business for over a decade. We have a ton of loyal callers, and most of them call a variety of girls here. We also have high SEO ranking on Google which helps guys find our sites.

I do well here. My pay checks steadily rose the longer I was here too. I do blog a lot. And I am reliable with my schedule. That’s helps too. But I doubt I would still be here after 10 years if I was not making kick ass money. And I make the kind of money I do not only because I work hard. But also, because this company has a strong Internet presence and a loyal fan base.

Why don’t you come see what I am talking about.