Have You Ever Been a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorHave you ever been a phone sex operator? Don’t knock it until you try it. When I started doing PSO work I was in my early 20s. I was about to give it up honestly. But I gave WBMT a shot and told myself maybe the third time would be the charm. And guess what? It was. My first two companies were dispatch companies. I never processed credit cards. I stayed busy. However, my pay was low. My second company had better pay and it was a dispatch company too, but so much drama. If the dispatcher didn’t like you, she routed calls away from you.

I thought I might be forced back into retail when I discovered this hiring site from WBMT. So, I gave it a shot, and I have been here 6 years now. I went from being a young voice to being a milf voice. But I love WBMT. It is unlike any other company I have worked at before. Not only is there no drama, but the pay is phenomenal. I went from making like 60 cents a minute to $1.10 a minute.

Not only was the pay scale different at WBMT, but the entire structure is different too. We run credit cards here. It is a direct dial company. We blog here too. Never blogged before but they train you how to blog and use WordPress for blogging. Blogging is the key to making money at a direct dial company. At first, I didn’t want to blog. But the more I blogged the more I made. So now, I am the blogging queen. WBMT has more rules and structure than other PSO jobs I have had. But everything else is so much better here.

WBMT will not discriminate against you because you have experience. Just like they won’t discriminate against you if you do. Either way you will get trained and welcomed into the family.