Phone Chat Jobs Might Not Be for Every Woman

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs might not be for every woman. And I get that. Honestly, did not think they would be for me either. My life was boring, rather vanilla and I appeared green to lots of fetishes and things. Plus, I was worried about what I would tell people I did for a living. Like what would they think. But I needed a job. I needed to pay my bills. And no one was hiring during Covid.

I told myself it would be temporary until the world opened back up. But the world opened back up and when it did, I felt spoiled by working from home and the money I was making. So, here I am telling my family I have a customer service job. My boyfriend knows what I do, and he is okay with it because I make money and I am not stressed out over work.

I love phone sex. And cannot believe I did not try this sooner in my life. WBMT does require blogging but think of it as free advertisement for yourself. I see a direct correlation between how much I blog and how many calls I get. So, blogging does make your phone ring, which makes you money. So, if you think you can do phone sex, no better company than WBMT.