I love being a phone sex operator. Honestly, I never thought I would love this job like I do, but I have a schedule that fits my needs. I have money in my bank account. I pay my bills on time now. Before phone sex, I was robbing Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes. I did not own a car. I never did anything fun because I could not afford it. I was always in risk of something getting shut off. Now, I have money in the bank. My bills are never in the rear. I even bought a car. Like a new car too. Retail jobs were dead end jobs for me. I never made enough to survive. Also, I was exhausted. I was on my feet all the time. I had to work every holiday. I was miserable. Hell, I could not even date. I was a hot mess. I have my shit together now. All thanks to talking dirty. This company does require work. You must blog and when you begin you must put more time into building your clientele like you would any job. This is a great industry, but do not trust just any PSO company. You want one with good reviews and who has been in business two years or more. I hope you will join our great company.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
At Home Phone Operator Jobs for Women
At home phone operator jobs are great jobs to have. We are independent contractors, but we make great money in this industry. The key is working for the right company. Most companies take more than half of your talk time. In the phone sex world, you are paid based on your talk time. You do not get a salary or an hourly rate. If the phone does not ring, you do not make money. The best companies pay you at least half of your talk time. Each company has different rates of pay, but you do not want to work for a company that gives you like a third or a fourth of your talk time. Our PSO jobs pay up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Our calls are $2 a minute, so you can make more than half here. You can make less too but that is on you if you do. Our pay structure is based on effort. The more hours you commit to and the more you blog, the higher your pay rate goes. I have been at companies that paid less than 50 cents a minute, meaning the company gets more than half of what you earn. If you can blog and commit to at least 40 hours a week, you can make at least half of your talk time here. But if you can commit to 50 hours a week, you can make even more.
PSO Jobs Let You Thrive
PSO jobs are everywhere. But let me tell you something. Not all phone sex companies pay their contractors well. Many do not treat their contractors well either. There are other good companies out there. Ones they will not defraud you or treat you like a slave, but most of the good companies do not have our SEO ranking or our pay structure. I am a veteran in this business. I have worked for many companies in the past, many of them decent but the decent ones lacked the call volume that I have at WBMT. My last company I loved. In fact, I did not want to leave it because I was paid on time and treated very well. That company had far less requirements than WBMT, but I needed money. After Covid, my husband lost his job, and he was not able to find a high paying job like he once had. So, I needed to step up and make more. I saw this hiring site, read through the testimonials and gave it a shot. I made more money in my first week here than I did in my best week ever at a company I had been with for three years. I do have to work more hours here and blog more, but it is worth it to me to help support my family and not live paycheck to paycheck. Ask yourself if you just want to barely survive or if you want to thrive. If you said thrive, apply today.
Phone Chat Jobs are Smart to Have
Phone chat jobs are easy money for women. Well, not too easy. You do have to hustle to make money. But if you can master the blog game here, you can make bank week to week. We are a blog driven company. If you can not write a few blogs per shift you work, you will not make it here. We are a direct dial company. That means you process credit card payment for your callers and you blog daily. I love wbmt for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons I love this company is that we are paid on effort. Most companies pay women based on how many minutes they make in a week. Not here. In fact, I have never worked at a company that let me earn up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. Most companies the most you can make is $1 a minute, with many paying on average 80 cents a minute. WBMT is a much different company to work for than most, but in return you do have to work harder. All the hard work we do though makes us more money. This is not the company for you if you want to set on your ass and watch TV all day. This is the job for greedy girls who know how to hustle to make money.
How To Be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is not hard, but the job itself requires hard work. A lot of women think that phone sex is a cake walk. I used to think that too. When I first started here, I did not know how to hustle. I had never been in this industry. I thought I just had to wait for the phone to ring. I had to make my phone ring. The way I do that is with blogging. Daily blogging and social media promotion are how guys find you. We have great SEO ranking on Google, which means if you blog your ass off, the men will find you. Many companies have less blogging requirements than us. Hell, my guess is almost all companies require less of their contractors than we do, but the exchange is that our women make really great money. Most girls make over $1,000 a week here. Many make $1500 plus. Now, no one starts off making that much, but after a few months of consistently blogging and working as much as you can, you should be able to achieve that goal too. Like any job, you have to put some sweat into it first to build up your clientele. If you can work hard, you can earn hard at WBMT.
PSO Jobs Vary Greatly, But We are the Best
PSO jobs vary greatly. There are good companies, bad companies and downright ugly companies that you want to avoid like the plague. We are one of the best companies to work for. Now, I know I may be biased, but I am honest because I have been in the industry for a long time. The good things about WBMT are plentiful. You can earn up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time here. We are drama free. You can set your own schedule as long as you commit to 40 hours a week or more. We have a family like environment. Now, the bad news. We do require work at this company. The amount of money you earn on your talk time is based on the amount of work you do in a week. We have a higher hours requirement per week and a higher blogging requirement than most phone sex jobs, but the pay out is higher. Our top girls here blog their asses off and make $1500 or more a week. They work more than their committed schedules. Girls who are new though need to be patient. But after a few months of consistently working 40 plus hours a week and blogging daily, you can be a top money maker too. Consistency is a key in this business. Ready for a change in jobs?
PSO Jobs are Not for All Women
PSO jobs are not for all women. I will be the first to admit that our jobs are not for procrastinators or lazy women. We have a lot of requirements. We have to blog daily, at least 5 days a week. Now, many companies you only have to blog once or twice a week. But let me let you onto a secret. Companies that do not have many requirements other than you show up to the hours you select, do not make much money. At WBMT, all our requirements are designed to help girls make the most money. We have a high SEO ranking on Google, and blogging is the reason that we do. In the phone sex world guys find you two ways. One, they know about the site already. They are already an established caller or they saw the site on an advertising site. The only way to get newer callers is to ensure that they read a blog of yours. And the way we do that is with keyword searches. For example, a guy Googles taboo phone sex because he is looking for a taboo phone girl. A high Google ranking means that your blog or our phone sex sites will come up and lead him to you and us. You want to make the most money you can? You need a company that makes you blog often. Join our team and start making money.
I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator
I love being a phone sex operator. This is the first job I have had that did not work me to death. When my shift is over, it is over. I can keep working if I want to make more money, or I can sign off. It is the first job I have had where I did not have to do physical labor. I am getting older, and stocking shelves and standing on my feet all day is hard on my body. Now, I sit at a desk or sit on my bed or couch, and make money from home. I do not have benefits, and I must pay taxes, but I am still so much happier. The hard work involved in phone sex is blogging and learning Google docs. It is not stressful work. It is good money too. Likely, the most money you can make from home without a college education. You need good writing skills, good organizational skills, and basic computer skills. Plus, you need high speed Internet, a modern laptop or desk top and a cell phone. That’s it. Oh, and a quiet place to work. You design your own schedule. You decide how many hours you want to work. You can decide how much you want to make too. Join our team and start making money from home.
PSO Jobs are High Paying Jobs for Women
PSO jobs are the highest paying at home jobs for women. You do not need a college degree for phone sex. You do not even need a high school diploma, as long as you can read and write. We do a lot of writing in this business. By writing, I mean blogging. Blogging is how you get your phone to ring. WBMT has a high blogging requirement a week. If you cannot see yourself blogging several times a day when you work, you will not make money here, nor will you last. WBMT has more requirements than most PSO companies, but the payout is likely better. Most companies pay anywhere from 70 cents to $1 a minute on your talk time. At WBMT you can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. We pay based on an effort. The more you blog, the more hours you work at this company, the higher your pay on your talk time. We hire vets in the business and newbies. You need computer skills because you need to check and respond to emails, respond to instant messages, use Google Docs and blog in Word Press. You are trained here though, so do not worry. Women who do the best here blog 15 times and more a week, and work 50 plus hours a week. If you a hard worker, this is the company for you.
You Should Think About Being a Phone Sex Operator
I never thought I would be a phone sex operator. Then, I never thought it was a legitimate job. I thought maybe it was a job a woman did in some factory, chained to a desk. I thought it was something women who could not do anything else did or were forced to do. That is because I never knew anyone who did phone sex. Turns out I did. She just was afraid to tell me for fear I would judge her. The conversation came up during COVID shutdowns when my husband lost his job, and I desperately needed to get back in the work force to help support us. I had been a stay at home mom for a decade despite having a degree in social work. I had made an off the cuff comment about I wish I was younger so I could be a cam girl. I was joking and then she told me she was a phone sex girl and told me how much she made. I was dumbfounded. Never thought I could make 6 figures a year from home. She helped me apply at her company and I have been here since. My husband is back to work. The kids are back to school, but it is nice to have my own money and to contribute to the household. Phone sex jobs require work and dedication, but if you blog and work 40 plus hours a week you can make over 1,000 a week after a few months of consistency too.