I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. This is the first job I have had that did not work me to death. When my shift is over, it is over. I can keep working if I want to make more money, or I can sign off. It is the first job I have had where I did not have to do physical labor. I am getting older, and stocking shelves and standing on my feet all day is hard on my body. Now, I sit at a desk or sit on my bed or couch, and make money from home. I do not have benefits, and I must pay taxes, but I am still so much happier. The hard work involved in phone sex is blogging and learning Google docs. It is not stressful work. It is good money too. Likely, the most money you can make from home without a college education. You need good writing skills, good organizational skills, and basic computer skills. Plus, you need high speed Internet, a modern laptop or desk top and a cell phone. That’s it. Oh, and a quiet place to work. You design your own schedule. You decide how many hours you want to work. You can decide how much you want to make too. Join our team and start making money from home.

PSO Jobs are High Paying Jobs for Women

pso jobs

PSO jobs are the highest paying at home jobs for women. You do not need a college degree for phone sex. You do not even need a high school diploma, as long as you can read and write. We do a lot of writing in this business. By writing, I mean blogging. Blogging is how you get your phone to ring. WBMT has a high blogging requirement a week. If you cannot see yourself blogging several times a day when you work, you will not make money here, nor will you last. WBMT has more requirements than most PSO companies, but the payout is likely better. Most companies pay anywhere from 70 cents to $1 a minute on your talk time. At WBMT you can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. We pay based on an effort. The more you blog, the more hours you work at this company, the higher your pay on your talk time. We hire vets in the business and newbies. You need computer skills because you need to check and respond to emails, respond to instant messages, use Google Docs and blog in Word Press. You are trained here though, so do not worry. Women who do the best here blog 15 times and more a week, and work 50 plus hours a week. If you a hard worker, this is the company for you.

You Should Think About Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI never thought I would be a phone sex operator. Then, I never thought it was a legitimate job. I thought maybe it was a job a woman did in some factory, chained to a desk. I thought it was something women who could not do anything else did or were forced to do. That is because I never knew anyone who did phone sex. Turns out I did. She just was afraid to tell me for fear I would judge her. The conversation came up during COVID shutdowns when my husband lost his job, and I desperately needed to get back in the work force to help support us. I had been a stay at home mom for a decade despite having a degree in social work. I had made an off the cuff comment about I wish I was younger so I could be a cam girl. I was joking and then she told me she was a phone sex girl and told me how much she made. I was dumbfounded. Never thought I could make 6 figures a year from home. She helped me apply at her company and I have been here since. My husband is back to work. The kids are back to school, but it is nice to have my own money and to contribute to the household. Phone sex jobs require work and dedication, but if you blog and work 40 plus hours a week you can make over 1,000 a week after a few months of consistency too.

Do You Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operator Do you want to be a phone sex operator? You should want to be one because you get to work from home and make more money than a retail job or a restaurant job. I was a social worker before joining WBMT. I had paid benefits and leave and a 401 K, BUT I was worked to death. I was salaried but never had a day off. Never had a holiday off. And I was always tired. A car accident benched me for a few months, and my state did not have short term disability. I needed money. I thought this would just be a side job for a few months while I healed. I planned to go back to my salaried job with benefits, but after my third month here I was making more than I did at my white collar job and working far less hours. I had a life again and that felt amazing. My job was being held for me, but I put in my notice and said bye to that job because I was enjoying life again and making more money. Phone sex is not a hard job. It is a job you can balance life with, but it does require some work like blogging. If you are in a job that over works you, underpays you or both, jump ships like I did. It will be the best decision you ever make.

Phone Sex Jobs Are the Best Jobs for Women Who Want or Need to Work From Home

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are the best jobs for women who need or want to stay at home. I was injured in a car accident during Covid. I had to have multiple surgeries and because I was recovering, finding work was tough. I lost my job when COVID hit but I was on medical leave at the time. I was panicked but couldn’t look for a job. A friend told me about phone sex. She worked here at WBMT, and they were hiring. As soon as I got home from hospital after my last back surgery, I applied. I was working the next week. I was working before I could even get unemployment. It was the perfect job to convalesce at home. I could lay in bed with a lap desk and my computer without hurting my recovery process. I made more money that first year doing phone sex than I made in 3 years combined at my retail job. Let that sink in. I am fully recovered now, but I have not gone back to retail. I never will either. I make more money from home. I am treated well. I am at a company that has a family feel. I can set my own hours and the work is less taxing than working on my feet all day and dealing with angry customers. Women thrive at WBMT. They do not merely survive. So ask yourself is you want to thrive too?

Phone Sex Operator jobs at wbmt

phone sex operator

Phone sex jobs at WBMT are lifesaving. It is a company where you can be yourself and feel safe among women who have been doing this for decades! There’s nothing like having a place to train and build you up as you make money! We are a competitive company and that often thrills me. I make my weekly goals and push myself more because The most competitive person I come up against is me! Beating my goals and using the platforms that WBMT gives us makes me feel great! Even at 50-60 hours I still have a wonderful work/life balance. Are you dedicated to making phone chat your main income? Well, I’m here to say that wbmt changed, and saved my life. I don’t know what I would be doing if it weren’t for this amazing company. I have worked in just about every PSO type of job and nothing compares to the skills and client base that WBMT offers! There’s no doubt about it! Now we can do calls on our cells and shitty landlines are a thing of the past. We keep up with the best technology and WBMT owners and management are women who create a wonderful place for women to make money!

PSO jobs fro horny money hungry women

pso jobs

It takes a lot of hard work, but I’m not slumming for some creepy Corporate world. I’m horny, having fun and raking in the dough! Take a look around and you will see why at home operator jobs rock! I am proud to work under the Owner, Management that makes us strive for our best goals. Our websites and PSO’s who have many years of experience under them help you succeed in a world that may be hard to navigate. I’m not saying it’s easy. I spend about 50 hours or more logged in and most of that time I’m making money. And if I’m a little slow I’m doing a lot of things that will bring me in my callers! I fully support my little family and do all the things I love without fretting about money. I have a high speed internet My PC (my money maker) that helps me to promote myself so I can spend more time with my callers instead of trying to find clients. This is my career and keeping my schedule helps to build a fan base of clients who can’t wait to get a hold of me. I might be tooting my own horn a little, but I could never be on my best game if it wasn’t for the women of WBMT and how everything is set up to increase my callers! No one can really tell you how to be a phone sex operator. It is an individual skill that you learn over time. But with this amazing team of Women you will pick up how we do things that bring the callers in and how to evolve your skill set!

Phone Sex Jobs are For All Kinds of Women

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are the best for any woman who wants or needs to work from home. We have all kinds of women working here. We have some with chronic health issues like me. We have single, stay at home moms. We have retired women on social security. We have coeds in college. We even have women with full-time jobs, but this is just a extra income for them. Full-time or part-time, women here make a decent income and they can support themselves. I am supporting my family better then ever with PSO work. I design my own schedule that works around my life. We have set schedules here at WBMT, but we can change up those schedules every three months. And if something comes up, we can ask for coverage from another phone sex operator. This job is flexible, but you do have to treat it like a job. You must show up to your scheduled hours. You need to bust your ass blogging too. It is the man way to make your phone ring so you can make money. We hire women with experience and without experience. Either way, you do get trained. The earning potential is great here because we have been in business over a decade now. We have a good client base and strong SEO for Google. Apply today and start thriving, not just surviving.

Phone Sex Jobs are The Best At Home Jobs

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are the best at home jobs for any woman. If you are at least 18, you can do this job too. I wish this job was available when I was a coed. I could have made so much more money and stayed in my dorm. I found phone sex later in life after I got sick. I developed an autoimmune disorder and I thought I was going to need to apply for disability. I had bills and rent though that disability pay would not cover. I was in my 40s so I did not have a huge social security payment history yet. I found phone sex though and never needed to go on disability. I can work from home. I can work hours that fit my life. I have no drama or stress in my life anymore which helps me a ton in regards to my health. I love phone sex. Now, you do not have to be sick to work in this industry. Women work here for all sorts of reasons. Some women cannot afford day care and they need to work at home with their kids. Some women have anxiety about being in a big office or store. Some women have no transportation to get to a job. Some women just want to work at home. Whatever your reason is, phone chat jobs can help you earn a living from the comfort of your home.

looking at Adult phone operator jobs online?

adult phone operator jobs
Are you looking at Adult phone operator jobs online? Maybe you’re confused as to who is a legitimate phone sex company. I’m here to tell you that WBMT is the best phone sex company around. A place where you can see your hard work and dedication in numbers! Numbers that add up to a nice direct deposit! I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is somewhere where you can succeed with a little internal motivation. Do you have strong wifi, and a laptop or pc? Basic typing skills and the ability to multitask between calls is a great skill to have here. We answer chats, write our sexy stories, and answer client emails on shift. But you also get to do calls in blocks of time and have no hold times. Pay is weekly, and you know how many minutes you did each week. Everything from training to week-to-week pay is very organized and structured. $40 hours with side work gets you a one dollar per min rate. We have a great schedule system that is very flexible. A nice client base and fresh callers calling every day due to our powerful websites. You have always heard it was true to do well in phone sex and your platform to shine Is at WBMT! All in the comfort and ease of working from home!