Do you want to be a phone sex operator? I did not want to be one. Honestly, I was just desperate for a job when Covid hit, and I looked at PSO work as temporary. Well, the world opened back up and I am still doing PSO work. Why? Not only have I become spoiled by working from home, I have also come to enjoy the money I am making. It took me several months of consistently working and blogging daily, but I now make more money than I did at my pre Covid job. And, I am not on my feet all day. I do not have a commute. I do not have to buy clothes for work either. I save money on gas and I can do things in between calls like laundry and dishes. I love working from home. It does take work to be a PSO, however. It is not rocket science or hard labor, but you do have to work 40-60 hours a week, but it is from home. That’s easier to do. You do have to blog daily because this is a direct dial company. That means you advertise yourself and the best way to do that is with blogging. If you hate your job, or are just tired of going to work, join our team and work from home.
Tag Archives: phone sex operator job applications
Thankful for PSO Jobs
This past Thanksgiving, I was grateful for pso jobs. I was injured at work over a decade ago, resulting in chronic back pain and many back surgeries. I could no longer be a waitress. I was too young for disability. I qualified for it, but the monthly pay was too low to survive. A friend told me her mother was a PSO when she was younger. I knew there had been 15 years since then and a lot had changed, but I gave it a try. I am glad I did too. I make great money from home. I can no longer drive, so even if I could work out of the home, it would be a challenge to get to work. I just had to invest in a laptop computer and a landline phone. I already had high speed Internet. You can get a cheap Acer laptop to start and save money for a nicer Dell or HP. That is what I did. After a few months here, I was making consistently good money that steadily increased week to week. Now, after a couple years, I make over a grand a week. It is not easy money though. I blog my ass off. I work a lot of hours, but to make good money and enjoy life, it is all worth it.
PSO Jobs are Available
Independent women love working pso jobs, and WBMT has them available. If you don’t mind working 40+ hrs. from the comfort of your home, this is awesome. You will need a stable internet connection. You will also require a land phone line in order to make money. As a pso (Phone sex operator) you take calls from a phone service that forwards calls to you. The service is an 800 number service. Your number is completely unknown to callers. You stay anonymous. The only thing clients will get from you is your voice. You are not putting yourself in danger. Follow the rules and you will do awesome. We are a company of very supportive women, and cattiness and drama are greatly unacceptable. You will need to be self-motivated and have a computer of your own. This is vital to your employment as a PSO. You will have stuff on your computer that you should not be sharing with others. We train you and are willing to assist with any questions you may have. We get paid weekly and are always paid by the end of week following the prior work week. This company is one of the fairest and reliable phone sex companies around.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs May Be For You
You may be the perfect candidate for Adult phone operator jobs. We are a diverse company and these kinds of jobs are very diverse anyway. The idea of these types of jobs are to serve a variety of peoples desires. The type of positions at WBMT are for women of an adult nature. You must be 18 or older to apply in these positions. The training is offered if you are a candidate that management feels will fit in well with our company. Some creative writing samples that are done by You is one determining factor. After all, it’s part of the job. You will also be contacted by phone for an interview and this is another important factor. You make money off of your voice. The writing you will do will bring the calls in. We write our own blogs. You are trained on this. The beginning you will benefit from the writings of your co-workers. It is the fairest way to start with a new phone sex job. When I started, I did not have that luxury. In the 10 years I have been here the training has become very professional and streamlined. We set you up to succeed from the start. I was not making money my first week. Now girls make bank when they start. It’s super exciting.
Phone Chat Jobs are Fun and Profitable
If you are looking for a profitable job from home, then consider one of many phone chat jobs that are out there. These days where everything is connected and online oriented are the best. I wish these types of jobs were available in my early 20’s. The internet was barely existing on the mass level it is now. This was the early 90’s. I went from working three jobs to only one in a quick period due to automobile issues and the midwestern winter. It was terrible. I lost power and was evicted from my home because it was difficult finding a job in the dead of winter without a car. At least where I was living. My one job left was waiting tables at a Denny’s. It did not make me the money I needed for my lifestyle. My apartment was far too much to make in a small-town diner. The hours interfered with so much of my life and it was a struggle. If I were only able to work phone sex from home my life would have been a lot different. Sure, the lines were around but it wasn’t so readily available if you weren’t in the place where they operated out of. They used to be in offices, not it’s solely from home. Things have really come around with so many opportunities for employment. No matter your disability there is something out there if you have the resources and drive to find and make it work.
We Have Phone Chat Jobs
We have phone chat jobs for women like you. We do not require much to start, but you do need a landline phone, a modern laptop or desk top computer (no Chrome books or iPads) and high speed Internet. Having experience is not a bad thing either. Now, we hire women with prior PSO experience and none at all. Either way, you will be provided with training. Experience with Google docs and Word Press are helpful, but not necessary. What is necessary is that you can blog, understand basic computer operations like checking email, and commit to a weekly schedule. You design your own hours here, but once you select them, you must work them. The number of hours you work a week and the number of blogs you publish, the more you make on your talk time. One of the things I love most about this company is that my paycheck is in my hands. I can make 20 cents a minute by doing absolutely nothing, not even a couple social media posts or committing to any hours. Or, I can do more like working 60 hours a week and blogging 5 times a week and make $1.10 a minute on my talk time. Most companies take more than half of your talk time, but at WBMT you have the chance to earn up to 60% of your talk time and that is not common in this industry. Join our team and find out how much you can make too.
New PSO Jobs Available Now
You need no experience to get one of the PSO jobs available now. It’s going to depend on the need and what you have to offer. The best thing about working here is the motivational pay rate. You can make as little or as much as you feel motivated to do. Of course, we are all wanting to make the best rate. I make great money and it would be a shame to make less because I don’t fulfill every aspect of the pay rate. An example is to work 60 hrs as opposed to 40 hours. I blog the minimum of 3 to 4 blogs a day for five of these days of work. I will often blog six days if I am working 6 days a week, usually I am. The blogging is something you will be trained to do. It’s great if you like to write and have a creative mind. We really put in a lot of effort to get the good pay checks. This can average weekly anywhere from 700 – 1500. Give or take. Yes this is real and yes you will get paid! I have been here for nearing 10 yrs and am so happy to work at WBMT.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs
Ever considered what it would be like to be working as an PSO? Well, WBMT has adult phone operator jobs open. We are a very family like company, and by this, I mean we all work well together and help one another out. We are no drama, so if that is appealing to you, then awesome! If you thrive on drama and talking about others behind their backs or back stabbing folks for your personal gain, then this is not for you. Many companies in this industry like to put women against each other. This is not the place. We are seeking mature women that thrive in a progressive and productive self-starting environment. You must have the drive to excel in order to make it. It’s a proven method that you get out of a situation what you put into it, and this job is no less. I am thriving better than ever since coming on board with WBMT. They set us up for success if that’s what you want. If you are looking for easy and are unmotivated, you may feel like you are being set up to fail, essentially, it’s all you, not us. We want to welcome you if you are interested in a successful career in a creative field!
At Home Phone Operator Jobs Pay the Bills
If you were ever curious about at home phone operator jobs, then read up. I am earning great money working from home. I answer my landline phone and assist my callers in a different kind of way. It’s purely customer service, but in a more intimate setting. I work from my living room and it’s wonderful. Yes, I talk about sex for money. It’s legal, legitimate and lucrative. My first job in this field was not nearly as wonderful as this one is. But everyone is different and for me, this is the best place to work. I work as a pso for WBMT. I am employed as an independent consultant. I pay my taxes at the end of year. This is a tricky part of the job, taxes. My up-front suggestion for girls starting out is to have a savings where you make sure to slowly add funds to and it will save any tax burden later. This is legal work and we have fun doing it. I work 60 hours a week or more. We do actually have to work. This isn’t about sitting and waiting for the money calls to come in. We write blogs, chat in our personal chat system and bring callers in these ways. Yes, it is work and yes, we do train!
Apply To Phone Chat Jobs Today
It’s true what they say, phone chat jobs are one of a kind. It’s hard work that pays off. You can really bank on it. I have been with WBMT for over 8 years. This is a place that really empowers women and helps us really make a great life. The best thing I could do was apply here eight years ago. Management is bar none. The training excels every other companies. They really care and help out. Pay is never questioned as the owner is extremely reliable and passionate about doing everything right. The no drama policy is great and the support we get from one another is awesome. It’s not everyday that you get the option to make a great income without even having to get dressed. I love this job. I am always getting creative inspiration and continue to excel in my calls. We are required to blog daily and that means we write at least 3 blogs a day to make a payrate. The pay here is called motivational and there are requirements to be met to get different pay rates. It’s absolutely wonderful. I work 60 plus hours and blog five days a week at least. This will get me the full rate which is the industries top going rate per minute. Inquire within and find out all about it!