Phone Sex Operator Jobs Will Make You Money Even in a Recession

phone sex operator

I love phone sex operator jobs. Honestly, it is great to work from home. I have been doing PSO work since before Covid. I almost felt bad about it because I had so many friends loosing their jobs or making way less, but I was employed from the safety of my home. Plus, I was making great money. I helped my friends out when I could, even got a couple of them jobs at this company. People are getting scared about an economic recession soon on the horizon. I am worried too, but I feel confident that men will still call for phone sex. I think if you want to work from home and make more than minimum wage, phone sex jobs are a good route to go. You can work from home. You can set your own hours. And you will make money, especially if you blog. I blog my ass off, and it pays off. I make over $1000 a week here at WBMT. I did not instantly make that. You need to be here a few months and build up regulars, but the more you work and the more you blog, the more money you can make. You just must put in the work and effort to make your phones ring, then your earning potential is endless.