Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are the best jobs for women who want to work at home. This is a legitimate work from home job. It is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. You can make good money. I make on average $1500 a week. I do not have a college education, so I thought the best I could aspire to was a manager of an all night gas station. I hated my job. I was on my feet all the time and dealing with situations that could have resulted in harm to my body. Now, I work from home. I am safe. I am not testing my body. And I make in a week what I made in a month at my last job. Phone sex is not a cake walk, but it is not physical labor either. It takes a woman with good time management and good communication skills to succeed in this industry. It takes consistency too. I did not always make over $1500 a week, but I learned early on that the more I blog, the bigger my paycheck is. Money was a great motivator for me to blog. WBMT is a great company to work for, but you do have to work.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is easy because we train you. I know it seems awkward and maybe weird to talk dirty for a living, but this is a great job to have. To get started you do need a cell phone and a fast computer, not a notebook or iPad. Most people have those things in a modern world. You will need to have decent writing skills because you will blog your ass off at this company. We are not a one blog a week company. We are several blogs a day company. So, you do have to hustle with us, but the reward for blogging is more money in your bank account. WBMT will pay you up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time. But to earn the max amount of money, you must work 60 hours and week and do 15 blogs over 5 days. You can work less and make a $1 a minute for 40 hours of work or $1.05 for $50 hours of work. We are paid best on effort, not minutes. This is not a work whenever you want company. We do require set schedules that you design, but you can work over that if you want. I love the freedom of having money. Like money to travel, buy a car, go to concerts. You get that with WBMT. Even my first week here, I made more than my best week at another PSO company. Phone sex requires dedication and work, but you have plenty of time left to enjoy life still.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Pay Well if You Blog Often

phone sex operator

I never thought I would be a phone sex operator, but life tossed me a curve ball. I got very sick at a young age and could no longer work my teaching job. I had a year of trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I had to quit teaching while doctors got me figured out. I used as much sick leave and paid leave as I could, but I was in and out of hospitals until I had a diagnosis of Lupus. The doctors thought I would do best working from home. The problem was finding one. I started phone sex while I looked because I needed money. I went through my savings quickly. After a few months of phone sex, I stopped looking for an online teaching position, because I had less stress in my life and I was making more money than I did at teaching. Maybe phone sex is not as noble, but it fits my life well. Less work, no stress and more money. With that said, you still have to work at phone sex. But the work is designed to help you make money. And the work is nothing like a job where you have to stand on your feet all day at a retail store. This is blog driven company. You must blog daily to make money. But if you can blog, you can make great money too.

Phone chat jobs are recession proof

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are recession proof. I thought perhaps in a world of Only Fans and cam sites, that phone sex would be dead. It will never be dead because men want the more personal experience. Covid taught us that we do no want to be alone, and that goes for horny men too. Not only is phone sex not dead, at the right company, it can be extremely profitable. I am not a woman who was always in the adult industry. It was something I started because I needed to work from home. I thought it would be temporary. But I decided that after COVID, I liked working at home. I liked having a no stress job. I like the money I make at WBMT. I can’t remember the last time I brought home less than $1500 a week. It is not easy to make this kind of money but is very doable if you are a hard worker like me. I have always had a good work ethic and I have always been motivated to support myself. To make good money here, you need to blog as much as possible. It is your advertisement. We are independent contractors here, so you have to hustle for your money. But if blogging daily and working 40 plus hours a week does not scare you, apply today and watch your bank account grow.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not hard. Unlike home marketing jobs where you sell someone else’s products, you do not need to buy a bunch of crap to get started. Nor do you have to pay to work for a phone sex company. No legit PSO company will make you pay them. You need a speedy computer, not an iPad or a Chrome Book. It must be a full laptop or desk top. You need high speed Internet. You need a cell phone. We no longer require landlines since almost no one has them anymore anyway. You will want to know basic computer things like downloading programs and checking email. Even picture editing and blogging are a plus, but you will be trained on how to do many things here. This industry requires self-initiative. As independent contractors, you need to pick up on things quickly and be good with unstructured time. We are a blog driven company. That is how you advertise yourself so your phone rings. Blogging a few times per shift is how you pad that check. Not only does blogging make your phone ring, it also helps you earn more money on your talk time. Not all companies require blogging, or even as much blogging as we do, but those companies do not have our call volume or pay structure. If you join our team, you will quickly see how much money you can make from home too.

At home phone operator jobs are a growing industry

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are a growing industry. More and more people want to work from home for a variety of reasons. Some stay at home mothers needed to go back to work when Covid hit and the economy took a a hit too. There are no wrong reasons to want to work from home. If you did not go to college, or have not been in the workforce for awhile, it can be difficult to find a steady job that lets you both work from home and make money. Although, you might not ever have considered phone sex a “real job,” I am here to tell you that it is. And it is one that pays very well at the right company. I make over $1400 a week on a consistent basis. I have been with WBMT many years now, and I know how to make my phone ring. Is it the easiest phone sex job out there? No. But I promise it is one of the best and one of the few where you can earn this kind of money. You do have to hustle here and work hard. This is a blog driven company. You need to blog 2-3 times a day to make decent money. You also have to commit to a 40 plus hour week. We are not a company where you can make much if on a part time basis. Our contractors work 40-60 hours a week. The more you work, the more you earn. The more you blog, the more you earn too. This is a great company if you can treat it like a real job. It is a real job. A real job with unlimited earning potential.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Rewarding

phone sex operator

I have been a phone sex operator with WBMTT for a couple of months now. I am a very experienced PSO, and this is by far the best company I have ever worked with. WBMTT pays weekly and I can honestly say that I have never brought home less than 1,000 a week. Other companies will promise you the world and not deliver but WBMTT delivers. I am not going to sugar coat it , I work for my money, I blog a minimum of 3 150 word blogs a day and I put in 40 or more hours a week. I can tell you that I have put in the same effort elsewhere and made way less. Another thing that I love about WBMTT is that they are a family first company. These ladies care if your kid is sick or if there is an emergency and being that I have a special needs son at home that gives me peace of mind. Also, I have to say that I love my co-workers and we have each other’s backs 100%. When someone needs coverage, we are there for each other. We build each other up and straighten each other’s crowns. So If you are Dirty minded, Creative, Reliable, A Boss Bitch and want to be a part of the kinkiest and coolest PSO family around you should apply!

Adult phone operator jobs are legit work from home jobs

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are legit work from home jobs. But not all phone sex companies are legit. Personally, knowing that you can make $1.10 a minute on your talk time at WBMT, why would you want to work for a company that pays you pennies on your talk time. Many phone sex companies have less than stellar reputations. I have worked at a few before I landed here where I have been ever since. I will be honest. This company requires more work than any other company I have ever worked at. But on the flip side, it is the best place I have ever worked at too. There is no drama. We are paid on time and weekly. We have no hold times. And my pay is based on my effort, not on my minutes like most companies. I have been at places that let me make $1.05 a minute, but only if I hit over 1000 minutes in a week, but $1.10 is unheard of in the industry . At WBMT my pay scale is based on how many hours I work in a week and how many days I blog. My effort is rewarded. This is also a small company. The bosses all know who we all and appreciate our hard work. We are not cogs in a machine coming and going. Most women here have been here a few years or more. Girls do not stay at a company long if they are not treated well. Join our team, and make us your last at home job.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Never Dull

phone sex operator
Being a phone sex operator is never a dull moment for me. I have a crazy life. I needed a job with a flexible schedule and one where I could make a lot of money. The money you can make here is unlimited. You control your paycheck. I work hard so I can play hard. I have an addiction to live concerts. Tickets are not cheap, so I needed a job that gave me fun money. Most jobs I have worked at did not let me make fun money. And there was a cap of how much I could make. Why struggle to make $500 a week when I can make $1,000 plus from home? The more I work and the more I blog, the more I make. Some weeks I can work more depending on my schedule. It is nice to work at a company that gives me flexibility and allows me to grow my bank account. Now, you are responsible for you taxes here. Make sure you set some back every check and you do need to learn about tracking your expenses. But you will still make more money here than any other retail or fast-food place. Trust me. You will love the freedom and the money.

Phone Sex Jobs Do Not Require a Diploma

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are a great opportunity for women to support themselves. I do not have a college degree. I only have a GED. I thought the best I could aspire to was working at a fast-food restaurant for the rest of my life. I am a quick study, but employers see my education level and I cannot even advance at the most basic of jobs. A friend of mine was in the same predicament. She dropped out of high school when she got pregnant. She was now doing phone sex and wanted to get me on at her company. I am working at her company two years later. She saved my life otherwise I never would have known this was an option for me. I make more money that I ever thought I could. I made a little over $80,000 last year. I did have to pay taxes on it, but still more money than a high school drop out could aspire to. Phone sex is a job, and it does take work. But trust me it is nothing like working at a fast-food joint. I blog many times a week and that helps me make even more money. I love phone sex. No more dead jobs on my feet all day wearing a polyester uniform and a hairnet. Say goodbye to your dead-end job too and apply with us.