Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI did not wake up one day and think I want to be a phone sex operator. I woke up one day and realized I hated my sales job. It was thankless and not enough money to let me live. I just existed. I started searching for jobs, but there was not much I was qualified for because I never went to college. I looked for at home jobs and I saw a site for phone sex employment. I applied to a couple places thinking I would do it temporarily until something better came along. I never looked for another job, because within a couple weeks here I was already making more than my weekly pay from Kohl’s. Now that I have been here a few years, I am making over $1,000 a week which is great money for a rural Kentucky girl with no college education. I do not want to suggest that this is easy work. I mean it is easy in comparison to standing on your feet all day and dealing with the public. But you still have to do some work like daily blogging and you need to work 40 plus hours a week. We required committed schedules, but you decide the hours. This really is a great place to work.

Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you wanna be a phone sex operator? I never did, but guess what? I am glad I did. I took this job because I was desperate for work after my ex-husband destroyed my credit. I needed to work from home because I could not afford daycare for my little daughter. I can work around her sleep schedule and my mom can help me too. I was not qualified for much and I did not want to work fast food and all my money be gone after daycare, rent, utilities and food. Now, I am set to buy my first home and I am not even 30. I have been saving money because I make great money at WBMT. I make more money than I thought I would because I learned the art of blogging. The more you blog here, the more your phone rings. And the more your phone rings, the more money you can make. I thrive now. I have money for trips and to buy a home. I have money to provide more than the basic necessities for my daughter. I do not live pay check to pay check any more thanks to being a PSO. Join our team and become financially independent too.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins right here. Read through our PSO testimonials and you will learn a lot about our company. I have been with WBMT many years now. I do not plan to go anywhere else. Why would I? I am treated well at this company. I am paid well too. Many companies are hideous to work for. They do not pay well nor on time. They are riddled with drama and have a high turn over. Not at WBMT. We are paid weekly and on time. Our pay is based on our effort so the more we do and work the higher our per minute pay rate is up to $1.10 a minute. Most companies pay half of that if not less. This is a drama free company too. We are a team and a family. We all know each other, help each other, and support each other. This job does require blogging and a committed weekly schedule. We may have more rules than some companies, but all rules are designed to help PSOs thrive and make the most money. Join our team today and find out why this is the best PSO company around. You will be glad you did.

pso jobs are great

pso jobs

pso jobs are great if you look to work from home and make it a priority to treat them like an actual job. You have to be diligent in bringing your A-game. Working for Wbmt will give you all the tools you need to succeed as a contractor. If you need a liveable wage in this field, you might be running into a few scams or places that don’t pay you enough. At wbmt, you can rest assure if you are willing to put the work in, you will be getting out so much more. The money is excellent, but only if you are consistent. Consistency is perfect and will help you get better at the craft. Make sure you come ready to entertain. As a pso, you provide an erotic service through phone acting and written one as well. As a writer, you have to bring in some customers by making your blogging captivating for those horny clients. You can rest assure that the terms and lingo will become second nature as you put in work to become a great so. It’s fun and creative and makes a pretty good amount of money if you are ready to put the work into it. Join us and become a Phone Sex operator at wbmt.

Do You Wanna Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? You should. You can make great money at home doing PSO work. I never thought I would be in this profession, but I lost my retail job after COVID hit. Unemployment was not enough to support my kids. I thought about getting into restaurant work as it was an essential job, but I worried about getting sick or getting my kids sick. I looked for anything I could do from home. I was doing some Amazon work, but it was a lot of work for little pay. Then I saw an ad for phone sex. I did some research and applied to a few companies. WBMT had the best high end per minute pay out. You can make up to $1.10 a minute at this company. I doubt I will go anywhere else because I make more money doing phone sex than I ever did at retail. Plus, I am working from home. No commute time and no risk of COVID to my small kids. I never saw myself doing phone sex, but now I cannot see myself doing anything else but phone sex. I love the flexibility of designing my own schedule and making money at home. Apply today and join our team.

Phone Sex Jobs Available for Women Who Can Blog

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs available for women who can blog. This is a blog driven company. Google ranking is how we make our money. We have higher Google ranking than most phone sex companies. That is because girls are required to blog daily at this company. You do not need to know Word Press to work here because we will train you. However, you must have some rudimentary writing skills to succeed here. The girls who blog 3 to 5 times a day, most often make over $1,000 a week. That is great money for any job, let alone a work from home job. I was teaching college before I started phone sex, so writing 3 to 5 blogs a day that were between 200-300 words was not a problem. I hated academia. It was ruining my health and the stress made it, so I had no joy in my life. Taking this job allowed me to make decent money, work from home, and get joy back in my life. This is a job I can have fun with while working and turn off when I am done. If you hate your job, join our team and not only make money, but be happy too.

Phone Sex Jobs are Plentiful

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are plentiful nowadays but trust me when I tell you that not all companies are the same. This past year many knew companies came up, most not very ethical. I know I could sound biased, even territorial, but I am speaking from experience. When I first started in this business, I worked for a couple companies that I wish I had researched before applying. I worked at two companies before I landed at WBMT. Both companies had not been in business long, but I did not know that because I thought they were pretty much all the same when I applied to them. The first company never paid me. I was there three months, which was three months too long. I worked my ass off and made good money, but I never saw a dime. The other company there was so much drama among girls and the managers too that my nerves were shot. I worked there 2 months and again, 2 months too long. When I applied to WBMT, I was a bit wiser. I knew to Google research the company and check reviews on BBB. WBMT pays on time and well. There is also no drama. The company feels like a family. I will not go anywhere else. Now, if you are applying to phone sex companies, please do research on the company. If you are at a company not paying you well or on time, or there is too much drama, join our team. We hire women with or without experience because we offer training to teach you our ways.

Could PSO Jobs be for You?

pso jobsCould pso jobs be for you? I will admit that I did not think they were for me until I found myself in a financial predicament. I needed a job. I needed one I could do from home because I lost my job when COVID hit. Unemployment was not enough to keep a roof over my head and feed my kids. I applied for PSO work and boy am I glad that I did. WBMT hired me as soon as I got a landline put in. It was the only thing I did not already have. To be a PSO, you need a landline. You cannot use a cell phone at this company. You need high speed Internet. You also need a modern desktop or laptop computer. I will forewarn you that you cannot use an iPad or a Chromebook. They do not support the programs we use for work. You do not want an Apple computer either because most of our programs work best on non-Apple computers like Dell, Acer or HP. You will need a quiet workspace also. If you can get these things in place, you can start your training and start making money. I am making more money as a PSO than I ever did at my marketing job.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator with WBMT

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard, however, it does require work. You need to treat phone sex like you would any job. That is the key to success. Unfortunately, many women are looking for easy money. There is no such thing as easy money. This type of job may not be as hard as working in a restaurant or retail, but it requires work. To work for WBMT you must be able to blog daily. No one will last here or make money, who does not blog three times a day over 5 days a week. You must commit to 40-50 hours a week. You get to select your hours, but once you do, you must show up for those hours. It is easier to work more hours when you are working from home because you have no commute time. You have zero prep time because you can roll out of bed and sign on to work here. WBMT provides training. You will learn how to blog using Word Press. You will learn how to bill a caller’s credit card. You will learn how to use Google Docs for your record keeping. If you can commit to 40-50 hours a week, and blog daily, you can make great money at this company.

Do You Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operator

Do you want to be a phone sex operator? I do not think most women grow up thinking this is the kind of business they want to be in. But it is a job that makes a woman financially independent. It is a job that requires no experience or a college education. I found myself needing a job after a nasty divorce. I never went to college because I got married at 18 and started a family. Once my kids were grown up and out of the house, I realized my husband was cheating. He thought I was dependent on him because I had no skills or workforce experience. He was right, but I was not staying with a cheater. My daughter told me about phone sex careers. She said she had a friend who did PSO work while in college and her company was always looking for mature women. I did a Google search and applied to a few companies. Luckily, WBMT hired me first and I have been here since. I have remarried and I will never be financially dependent on a man again. I have my own money. I contribute equally to the house, and no one will ever make me feel like I cannot support myself again.