PSO jobs are perfect jobs for woman for so many reasons. Want to work from home? Check. Want to never have to meet your co-workers? Check. Want to make great money? Check. Want to deal with no work place drama? Check. Want to avoid the public? Check again. I was skeptical about all that phone sex offered. But I gave it a try because I was in a bad place. I was fresh off a nasty divorce. I needed a job to support me and my two teenagers. My ex was hiding his money to get out of paying support. I knew I could not rely on him to support us. A friend of mine suggested phone sex, and I gave it a try. I was a stay-at-home mom. I never worked a real job after college. Phone sex is a real job though. It is hard work too. It is honest work. Maybe we are not saving the world, but we are saving ourselves and our families. I would have ended up on welfare and back home living with my parents if not for phone sex. I work my ass off. I blog my ass off. And I am paid well for my efforts. WBMT pays you well to work from home, but you got to work hard to make that green.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
Phone Chat Jobs are Legit
Phone chat jobs are not what you think, I bet. They were not what I expected. Honestly, I thought I would just make a couple extra hundred dollars a week. I was not prepared to make over a grand a week. Now, I will be honest, I did not make that at first. Took me a few months of consistently working and blogging, but once I saw my money increasing week to week, I quit my full time job, and started doing this full time. My life is better. I have no commute. I am not standing on my old feet for hours at a time. I was a sales manager for a retail store. Let me tell you that was a thankless job. I was over worked and under paid. It was nice though to find a job that had unlimited earning potential. The more I blog and the more I work in a week, the more I make. I mean it is nice to know that I can put in some more effort and make more in a week. Phone sex is a job like any other job, but if you dedicate yourself to putting in the time in the beginning, you will thank yourself later when you find yourself thriving.
PSO Jobs Are Not All the Same
PSO jobs are not all the same. I know because I have worked at a few. Most of the ones I was at before I stumbled on WBMT paid me pennies on my talk time. I literally had a phone glued to my ear my entire shifts and I still could not pay all my bills. Some of these companies used threats to get me to work very long hours if they were short. It was pure greed. Those companies took more than half of my money. Hell, they took 70-80% of my talk time, then made threats like, “I guess you don’t really want to work here,” if I said I could not work longer than I was scheduled. I honestly thought those companies were what all pso companies were like. I decided to apply one more time to a company, and it was WBMT. That was almost ten years ago too. I found the perfect phone sex company to work at. I set my own hours. I make at least half of my talk time, sometimes more. No one bullies me or threatens me. I am earning a livable wage. I have some down time on my shift so that I can grab a snack, toss in a load of laundry and use the bathroom. If you want to make a livable wage and thrive doing phone sex, apply with us today.
Pso Jobs are Perfect for Women Who Want to Work at Home
PSO jobs are great to have for many reasons. Maybe you just like working from home. When you work from home, you do not need to interact with the public or even spend time commuting to work. Maybe you get anxiety around people. Work from home jobs let you avoid the public and fellow drivers. Phone jobs are perfect for stay at home moms who want to take care of their young ones while still working. Perhaps, you have a health condition that makes it hard to work in the traditional work force. Or, maybe you do not have a car or do not drive. I mean there are a lot of reasons why many of us would prefer to work from home. It does not matter, because you can make an honest and profitable living doing phone sex. You just must remember to treat phone sex as a real job, because it is. That means you need to follow the rules and the requirements for the job. You need to show up when you are scheduled to work. You must blog, which is a requirement of our phone sex jobs. If you can treat phone sex like a job, and can adhere to the company policies, you can make a great living from home too.
At Home Phone Operator Jobs are Plentiful
At home phone operator jobs are plentiful these days. Since Covid, everyone wants to work from home. I was working from home long before Covid changed the workforce. I love working from home. I have a lifestyle that requires flexibility. Being able to set my own schedule and have no commute times is a sweet thing for me. Plus, I never have to worry about someone at work giving me a plague, LOL. When I started in this business, there were not a ton of companies like there are now. Many newer companies have popped up in the past several years. This is what I tell everyone. Do your research before you apply to just any phone sex company. Look to see if they have been in operation for at least a year. See if they have negative reviews from both ex-contractors or clients. Understand their requirements and their pay. Some companies pay you pennies on your talk time. Those companies you do not have many requirements like blogging, but you make tops $20 an hour, but that is not good in this industry. In the phone sex world, you are not paid hourly. You are only paid on your talk time. You are an independent contractor, which means no benefits and you pay your own taxes. WBMT is a direct dial company. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time, but that does come with 60 plus hours working in a week and 15 plus blogs a week too. The hard work is worth it though once you see your paycheck.
Phone Chat Jobs Can Be Lucrative
Phone chat jobs can be lucrative, especially if can blog several times a day. Now, I never saw myself doing this kind of work, but it is legal and honest work. There should never be any shame in providing for yourself and your family. I tell people I am a blogger. That is not a lie. I do a lot of blogging at this company. It is how I make my money. But I know that others can judge, so if you don’t want to shout it to the world that you are a PSO, you can fudge it and say you are a blogger or a customer service rep for some company. Do not let the stigma of sex work prevent you from having a job that pays well. You can work from home and that is a great perk for stay at home moms, women in college or grad school, women with anxiety or health issues. I have health issues. I have RA and diabetes. I just do better in an environment that lets me stay safe from germs and adds no stress to my life. Plus, I get plenty of rest working from home. Phone sex forces me to be creative, but I like it. I have great hours. I make great money. And for once, I can enjoy life.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is easy because we train you. I know it seems awkward and maybe weird to talk dirty for a living, but this is a great job to have. To get started you do need a cell phone and a fast computer, not a notebook or iPad. Most people have those things in a modern world. You will need to have decent writing skills because you will blog your ass off at this company. We are not a one blog a week company. We are several blogs a day company. So, you do have to hustle with us, but the reward for blogging is more money in your bank account. WBMT will pay you up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time. But to earn the max amount of money, you must work 60 hours and week and do 15 blogs over 5 days. You can work less and make a $1 a minute for 40 hours of work or $1.05 for $50 hours of work. We are paid best on effort, not minutes. This is not a work whenever you want company. We do require set schedules that you design, but you can work over that if you want. I love the freedom of having money. Like money to travel, buy a car, go to concerts. You get that with WBMT. Even my first week here, I made more than my best week at another PSO company. Phone sex requires dedication and work, but you have plenty of time left to enjoy life still.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs Are Great to Have
Adult phone operator jobs are easy to find, but you will not want just any phone job. Trust me. No two phone sex companies are the same. I have been in the business since I was 18. So, I have 15 years of experience. I have worked at more companies than I care to mention, but none of them as long as I have been at WBMT. This is a great company to work for. There are companies that have far less requirements, but that just means that they pay less. I have been at companies that required nothing. No blogging, no committed schedule, but guess what? I made nothing there. I did not stay at those companies long. If something seems too good to be true, it likely is. WBMT has rules and requirements, but they all help our phones ring. We are required to work 40 plus hours a week on a schedule we design. We must blog several times a day, at least 5 days a week. We need to do some social media promotion too. The more you blog, the more you work, the more money you can make. One, you will get more minutes based on hours and blogs, but you will also earn a higher amount of money on your talk time based on the more you do at our company. This is a no drama company that builds its women up. Run don’t walk to apply today.
Phone Sex Operator Jobs Pay Well if You Blog Often
I never thought I would be a phone sex operator, but life tossed me a curve ball. I got very sick at a young age and could no longer work my teaching job. I had a year of trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I had to quit teaching while doctors got me figured out. I used as much sick leave and paid leave as I could, but I was in and out of hospitals until I had a diagnosis of Lupus. The doctors thought I would do best working from home. The problem was finding one. I started phone sex while I looked because I needed money. I went through my savings quickly. After a few months of phone sex, I stopped looking for an online teaching position, because I had less stress in my life and I was making more money than I did at teaching. Maybe phone sex is not as noble, but it fits my life well. Less work, no stress and more money. With that said, you still have to work at phone sex. But the work is designed to help you make money. And the work is nothing like a job where you have to stand on your feet all day at a retail store. This is blog driven company. You must blog daily to make money. But if you can blog, you can make great money too.
Phone chat jobs are recession proof
Phone chat jobs are recession proof. I thought perhaps in a world of Only Fans and cam sites, that phone sex would be dead. It will never be dead because men want the more personal experience. Covid taught us that we do no want to be alone, and that goes for horny men too. Not only is phone sex not dead, at the right company, it can be extremely profitable. I am not a woman who was always in the adult industry. It was something I started because I needed to work from home. I thought it would be temporary. But I decided that after COVID, I liked working at home. I liked having a no stress job. I like the money I make at WBMT. I can’t remember the last time I brought home less than $1500 a week. It is not easy to make this kind of money but is very doable if you are a hard worker like me. I have always had a good work ethic and I have always been motivated to support myself. To make good money here, you need to blog as much as possible. It is your advertisement. We are independent contractors here, so you have to hustle for your money. But if blogging daily and working 40 plus hours a week does not scare you, apply today and watch your bank account grow.