At Home Phone Operator Jobs Can Help Women Get off Public Assistance

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs can help women support themselves and get off public assistance. When I started this job, I lived in HUD housing and got support for me and my daughters. Food stamps and living assistance too. After my first year here, I got kicked out of HUD housing and all assistance ended. That is because I started earning too much for public assistance.

It felt empowering to get off assistance. The first time in my life I could support myself and my daughters. Phone sex allows women to work from home. This is a great perk, especially if you have small children too young for school. Daycare costs are ridiculous.

I was green when I started as a phone sex operator. But the training I received along with the support of the other PSOs here, helped me learn quickly the ropes. The key to making great money is blogging. I love to write, but I never wrote dirty before. Once I got the hang of daily blogging, my minutes increased, and my paychecks got bigger.

I have been here for 4 years now. My daughters are in school now and I set my hours around when they are either at school or sleeping. They think mommy has a customer service job, which I do of course. If you want to support your family or yourself and work from home, you should consider PSO work. I am so happy that I did.