Looking for Phone Sex Jobs?

phone sex jobs

Looking for phone sex jobs? You will feel like you won the lottery here. I was diagnosed with a chronic health condition when I was in college. As I have aged, Lupus has affected me more physically, making it hard for me to work a 9-5 job. I needed a work from home job that paid me well because I was not going to make much on SSDI at 35. When I did a Google search for work from home job opportunities, phone sex came up many times. I had a roommate who was a PSO in grad school. She told me to research phone sex companies because there were so many more around these days. You should check what the the Better Business Bureau and Ripoff.Com have to say about any potential phone sex employer. WBMT had nothing negative on the Internet, so that is where I applied first. That was a few years ago. I cannot imagine working for any other company. I love the flexibility and financial reward and the girls. I can work as many hours as I want a week if I do not sleep while working and I show up for my committed hours. I work in a drama free environment for a female owned and operated company and the no drama thing is rare in this industry. In between calls, my time can be spent anyway I please. I clean, watch TV and read. I make a good living at WBMT. I do not just get by. I thrive. You can too.