Smart Women Can be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator
I am an educated woman. I never thought I would be a phone sex operator. Honestly, I did not understand the profession. I believed the stereotype of a PSO as a lazy woman who could not do anything else because she was pretty but not smart. Life tossed me a curve ball and I suddenly was unemployed with bills to pay. I thought I could do it on the down low for 6 months or so until I could find a better job. What I realized was that smart women recognize that a work from home job allows her to support herself and her family. And when is that ever a bad choice? Before Covid hit, I could travel, go to concerts, pay my bills on time, eat out enjoy life. So, I cannot go to many places right now, I was still able to buy a new car in the middle of a pandemic. I had friends who could not make their car payment and I was buying a new car. I felt guilty. Friends were laid off and I was working from home in comfy clothes. I have zero drama to contend with at work. I have a female boss who treats her employees with respect. If you want a job where you can make great money, look apply with us.