Are phone sex jobs something you have ever considered? I’ve had a lot of different jobs, that’s for sure. I have worked in retail, as a waitress and bartender and even in a demanding corporate position. While these jobs all had their good and bad points, there is one thing that not a single one of those jobs offered me… The freedom I have here at WBMT.
Now, please don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to paint a flowery picture where everything here is a walk in the park. That would be inaccurate to say the least. There is a great deal of work and organization as well as creativity and dedication involved in this job, especially at the start. It’s not that hard if you focus, though.
Some may find it a bit overwhelming, but I strongly suggest sticking it out and seeing your training through to the end. Being a phone sex operator can be a great financial decision and if you have a good work ethic and organizational skills, you are very likely to succeed. It is a job that can come with a lot of freedom, financially and otherwise. If you are creative and self motivated, this can be an incredible place to make a real living.
Category Archives: Phone sex operator
pso jobs are interesting
pso jobs can be found all thru the internet. Im sure this is one of many sites that have caught your attention. Well, unlike those other sites, wbmt has actual pso testimonials written by actual contractors. I’m so happy to be here and love my contract here at wbmt. I take it very seriously because I know how hard it is to find a regiment. A career in pso may be something you are considering for many reasons. You could be a stay-at-home parent, or maybe you are in school. Perhaps you are retired and want to make extra money. Being a pso here is that the money you make is beyond better than most places. I was a math teacher, and I was so sick of being underpaid and not enjoying my children or having the time I deserve for myself. When I started at wbmt, I was looking to work only 30 hours, and luckily the pay rate was terrific. Still, once I got in and saw how helpful everyone was and how I had every tool to exceed my goals, I became more ambitious, and now I work even more but on my terms and my schedule. What other job or career can you pick your hours and work and get paid a tremendous amount of money. Im so happy, and if you are asking yourself how to be a phone sex operator, you have all the material here.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs Are Great!
With the current climate and the way things have been going, it’s a great time to consider adult phone operator jobs. As an operator at WBMT, I have found a really safe way to make a great living and protect myself from COVID-19.
You may think that it is an easy job, but there is actually a lot involved. You need reliable Internet and a landline phone as well as good organizational skills. Also, an important part of the job is writing blogs to help advertise. It’s basically creative writing and simple graphic design but it does take discipline to stay on top of it. That’s how you advertise yourself to potential new callers and keep regulars engaged so you want to make them look nice and be easy to read.
At home phone operator jobs can be great if you don’t want to go out into the mix and mingle with the public or if you are just unable to get out of the house. You are able to build a clientele and, if you work hard, you can make a great living. It’s no cakewalk. You have to be responsible for a lot of things, like processing calls, talking in chat and making sure clients are satisfied but it’s a great company and definitely worth your consideration.
Never Thought I Would Be a Phone Sex Operator
I never thought I could be a phone sex operator, in fact I was super intimidated just thinking about it. I was always a very shy and somewhat introverted person and usually had a hard time standing up for myself. Being assertive was definitely not my strong suit.
When I lost my previous job and this opportunity came up, I was scared and nervous but also very excited. They were straight up with what was expected of me, illustrating the fact that the job entails a good deal of work from the get go. There is a bit of blogging and paying great attention to detail involved while learning the system, but I was mostly scared about the actual talking. Well, let me tell you, this job has really helped me grow! After I got through my first few calls, my confidence skyrocketed! Many of the calls helped me learn how to be more assertive.
Phone sex jobs are interesting and can be very fulfilling on a personal level as well as financially. When you get in your groove, you can really grow. I found that the domination calls taught me how to speak openly and frankly with other callers, and I love that I’ve carried that over into my daily life. Not only am I more financially sound now, but I’m also more confident and I have learned a lot about people in general.
PSO Jobs are for Any Woman
PSO jobs are for any woman who wants to work from home. We hire women all ages from 18 to 60 plus. We accept folks with and without experience. Many phone sex companies will not hire you if you have worked at another company before, but we are different. WBMT Is void of a lot of the bullshit that plagues many companies. We have zero drama. Girls are let go for being catty or competitive or mean. So when you work for us, you can rest assure that you will not have to deal with a mean girls atmosphere. Let me tell you how rare it is in this industry to work with a bunch of women and never have to worry about back stabbing or lying. I enjoy working every day. We are paid weekly too. Many PSO companies pay every two weeks. And some companies have bad reputations for bouncing checks or paying late. I have never had to worry about not being paid at WBMT. Also, something that sets us apart from other companies is our pay scale. You can earn 20 cents a minute doing nothing all week but answering your phone. Or you can earn $1.10 a minute on your talk time by blogging daily, committing to 50 plus hours a week and some social media promotion. WBMT is really the best PSO company to work for.
At Home Phone Operator Jobs
If you are thinking about at home phone operator jobs you should apply for a PSO job with us. I know I sound bias because I am here, but I know this is a great company. At WBMT, you can set your own hours. We need women, however, who can commit to 40 hours plus a week. The more hours you work the more you can make. This is an at home job, so it is easier to work more than 40 hours. This is not a company you can make much money at if you work part-time. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time by committing to 50 hours a week and blogging daily. It is rare to earn up to that much on your talk time at other companies. Most companies pay you half of your talk time. Maybe $1 a minute at some direct dial companies, like ours. At WBMT what you make per minute depends on how hard and how much you work. The more hours you work up to 60 hours a week and the more you blog up to 15 blogs a week, the more you make. You can earn twenty cents a minute on your talk by not committing to any hours per week and not blogging. Or you can earn $1.10 a minute when you commit to 50 plus hours a week and work another 10 on the weekend, blog 3 times a day and do some social media promoting. I love being at a company where my hard work is financially rewarded. Apply today and start making money tomorrow.
This Job Changed My Life!
This job changed my life! I’ve had other phone sex jobs in the past, but they weren’t nearly as professional and organized as this one has been. With this company you are treated with respect and taught the necessary tools to truly grow and expand. The people are all friendly and helpful, which really makes for a lovely and stress-free work environment. This is the perfect opportunity for anybody who needs the flexibility to work from home, but also make a stable and generous income. You will learn everything you need to know in training and there are always colleagues there to help you with any questions or struggles you might have. I’ve worked here for almost three years now and don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I love witnessing this company thrive, as it’s built on nothing but integrity and professionalism. Not only that, but the job can be an extremely fun and creative outlet for you to have some fun with. It’s not all work because there is plenty of play, too. I think it’s all around a great balance of many things that will not leave you disappointed when it comes to joining this fabulous team of phone sex operators.
PSO Jobs Saved My Life!
PSO Jobs are not something I ever thought I’d applied for, but then I thought why not! I’m creative, fun, and I love to work from home! This is the best job I’ve ever had and the reason for that is because it’s such an easy operation. Don’t get me wrong, the harder you work the more it will pay off for you, but the set up of everything is so simple and stress free. The only equipment I need for working this sort of career is a computer, a landline telephone, a notebook (which will turn into several!) and a pen! Two of those things you can snag at the Dollar store, but you probably already have those in your house! I love working at home phone operator jobs because I have the ability to actually create my own schedule. I can work my own hours, set my own pace, and essentially be the most successful me I can be! When I can set my own pace and figure out what works best for me, I do the best! Not to mention the work environment here is practically stress free and these are the best coworkers and Leadership team I’ve ever had in my entire life. COVID put me in the situation to apply for this, but it’s how much I actually love what I do and what it does for me now. Anyone can choose freedom, even you; and being a phone sex operator can give you just that.
I enjoy being a phone sex operator
I enjoy being a phone sex operator here at wbmt because it’s a place where I see constant growth and so much potential. Life is hectic enough, and having a home job has truly tackled down some of the constant headaches you have to deal with when working in the real world. Not by any means is working here is a walk in the park it is still a sales job and customer service job. You have to give in what you can all of it your one hundred percent focus and dedication. If you are comfortable with sexual-based conversations and aren’t shy or embarrassed, you can make great money and really push yourself into being a great conversationalist and writer. It’s a blogging job, so you will be expected to put in the work. Your creative side will tingle because not only will you be working in customer service, you will also be the talent and the writer. You have to create and truly give it your all to perfect an experience. The customers pay a good amount of money and wbmt makes sure to hire girls with potential and girls that are the best. You don’t have to be a pro but come on along ready to work like one. wbmt puts other pso jobs to shame because we are the best.
Adult phone operator jobs
Adult phone operator jobs are not what you think. They were not what I thought. I figured this would be a good part-time gig to make a couple hundred extra a week. It is nice extra-income while I am in college. I make over a grand a week while my sorority sisters make minimum wage in some store or restaurant. I have no commute and I have no prep time for work like putting make-up on or nice clothes. I can work in my Victoria Secret sweatpants with my hair in a ponytail. When I am in my off-campus apartment, I study and I take calls. The phones do not ring non-stop, so I have some down time to work on assignments or study for an exam. I still have a social life. I work 40 hours a week here while in school, but with it being summer I work 60 hours now because I can make 10 cents more a minute on my talk time working 60 plus hours a week. I love the pay scale at this company. I can make up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time doing more things like work more hours and blogging. Whatever reason you have, working from home is great and profitable.