Could PSO Jobs be for You?

pso jobsCould pso jobs be for you? I will admit that I did not think they were for me until I found myself in a financial predicament. I needed a job. I needed one I could do from home because I lost my job when COVID hit. Unemployment was not enough to keep a roof over my head and feed my kids. I applied for PSO work and boy am I glad that I did. WBMT hired me as soon as I got a landline put in. It was the only thing I did not already have. To be a PSO, you need a landline. You cannot use a cell phone at this company. You need high speed Internet. You also need a modern desktop or laptop computer. I will forewarn you that you cannot use an iPad or a Chromebook. They do not support the programs we use for work. You do not want an Apple computer either because most of our programs work best on non-Apple computers like Dell, Acer or HP. You will need a quiet workspace also. If you can get these things in place, you can start your training and start making money. I am making more money as a PSO than I ever did at my marketing job.