Do You Wanna Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? You should. You can make great money at home doing PSO work. I never thought I would be in this profession, but I lost my retail job after COVID hit. Unemployment was not enough to support my kids. I thought about getting into restaurant work as it was an essential job, but I worried about getting sick or getting my kids sick. I looked for anything I could do from home. I was doing some Amazon work, but it was a lot of work for little pay. Then I saw an ad for phone sex. I did some research and applied to a few companies. WBMT had the best high end per minute pay out. You can make up to $1.10 a minute at this company. I doubt I will go anywhere else because I make more money doing phone sex than I ever did at retail. Plus, I am working from home. No commute time and no risk of COVID to my small kids. I never saw myself doing phone sex, but now I cannot see myself doing anything else but phone sex. I love the flexibility of designing my own schedule and making money at home. Apply today and join our team.