at home operator jobs

at home phone operator jobs

At home operator jobs can be lucrative if you work hard. Some women do not want to blog daily or even weekly. If you cannot see yourself doing at least 15 blogs a week that are 200 or more words, this is not the place for you. WBMT requires blogging. Some companies do not. But let me tell you something honestly. Dispatch companies do not pay as well as direct dial companies that require blogging. That is because they pay a middle person and that takes away from your profits. The more work a company requires, the higher pay you earn.

Phone sex is not a typical job. You are not paid by the hour. You do not have tax with holdings. And you do not have benefits. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Phone sex pays by the minute on your talk time. For example, say you do a ten min call, and you work 40 hours that week, you earn $1.00 a min, so that would be $10 you earned in ten minutes. The more you blog, the more callers find you and the more you earn. Blogging is free advertisement. If you can blog, you can make money here too.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs

phone sex operator

Phone sex operator jobs are perfect for any woman for myriad reasons. We have college girls working here. We have women on disability working her. We have single mothers working here. We have women with anxiety and chronic health conditions too. You do not need a reason either to just want to work from home and make more money. Some girls at this company have done phone sex since they were 18. Others worked in the 9-5 job world before coming to this line of work. Phone sex means you work smarter not harder. This industry is not for everyone. There is no salary or benefits. You only make money when you work. You pay your own taxes. But you can work less and smarter with phone sex. I have a college degree, and I still make more money doing phone sex than I ever did teaching high school. Plus, I have more free time and no stress. When I am done working, I can enjoy life in a way I never did as a schoolteacher. This is a real job like any other job. The more you put into it, the more you dedicate your training to your craft, the more money you can earn.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not difficult, but it is not easy either. The women who earn the most in this industry and at WBMT treat this as a real job with unlimited money earning potential. You can make a few hundred a week at phone sex or a few thousand. What decides how much or how little you earn is you. First, you need to be at the right company. You want a direct dial company (not dispatch) that requires blogging. Companies like this, like us, pay you at least half of what you earn on your talk time. The rest pay you pennies on your talk time.

Secondly, understand that it takes time, patience, and dedication to build your brand. That is just my way of saying hard work pays off and makes the phone ring. There are several ways to earn money at WBMT, but you need to incorporate them all. You need to blog more than the minimum required. You need to blog daily too. And you need to commit to 40 plus hours a week and you need to show up on time when you are scheduled. You need to be organized, so you can remember callers and what they like. Being efficient at this pays off too. If hard work does not scare you, then you can make top dollar in this industry too.

Phone Chat Jobs are Not for Everyone

phone chat jobs

Phone chats jobs are not for everyone. Many women think phone sex is a get rich quick scheme. Or they think it is easy work. It is neither. I know because I have been doing this for a decade almost. I did not know what was involved when I started at WBMT. However, I knew I needed a job. I had no prior experience, but it is okay if you do. They trained me and have continued to train me as the job evolves and the company grows. This kind of job requires work if you want to be successful.

I define successful as making more than $500 a week. I am an older woman. So, I have bills and a family to tend to. I wanted to make over $1000 a week, and I do. But I work hard for that money. I blog several times a day. I work to build my regulars daily. And I work more than 40 hours a week. It is easier to work more hours from home because you can get out of bed and be signed on 15 minutes later. No commute time either. The key to success in the phone sex world is hard work, blogging and consistency. Master those things and you can make great money from home too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is a Real Job

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I have never had a job out in the so-called real world, but why would I want that when I can make more money from home? I am not anti-social or anything. I just barely graduated high school. I am 24 now and have been doing phone sex since I was 18. This is my third company, but pretty sure my last one. I made decent money at other companies but turns out I set the bar too low. I make awesome money at WBMT. I had no clue it was possible to make over $1,000 a week doing phone sex. I also did not know there were companies that paid you over $1 a minute on your talk time. I worked for companies that paid like 80 cents to a $1 a minute on your talk time. Here, I can make up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. I have to hustle for it though. The pay scale here is nothing like I have ever seen before. The more hours you work in a week and the more blogs you write, the higher your pay rate goes. You will not make any money here if you do not blog daily though. Companies that require blogging always have more traffic and a better pay rate. So, if you want to make that green, you got to work hard for it. But why work in the so-called real world when you can have a very real job from home?

Phone Sex Jobs Offer Women a Livable Wage

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs offer women an above livable wage. I wanted to work smarter not harder. I am in my 50s. Never been married. I must support myself. I was working myself to the bone at my retail job. I was a manager and salaried. But it was not a livable wage really. I could never pay all my bills on time. I was struggling physically too. I started having knee and back problems from a life on my feet. A friend told me I should try phone sex. She had a friend who did it when she was in college. I laughed at first. Phone sex? Me? But I needed out of my job, and it had to be something I could make decent money at. Turns out I tripled what I was making at my old job. And I am treating my body much better. It took me a couple months to get the hang of this and learn my blogging game, but I am a seasoned pro now. I blog every shift. I show up on time. I work my set schedule and usually more. No more living paycheck to paycheck. This is a legitimate job that pays you to work from home. This is not a scam. This is a business that allows women to make a livable wage and more.

Phone Chat Jobs are Perfect for Stay at home Moms

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are perfect jobs for stay-at-home moms. When I got divorced, I needed to work. Child support was tough to get from my ex, but all three were small at the time and daycare costs were too high to afford for any job I could get. I started looking for data entry or customer service jobs I could do from home. I found this site while conducting one of my exhaustive Google searches. I was not searching for phonesex jobs, so this did not come up right away. Most of the at home jobs I had looked at were scams. They wanted you to pay them. I never really thought phone sex was still a viable business in a world of Only Fans and cam girls, but it is thriving. I was hired the day I turned in my application on this site. I started working a few days later. That was over 6 years ago. My children are in high school now. You can be a mother and do phone sex. I tell my kids I have a customer service job and I need to stay in my office when I have a call and cannot be interrupted. When they were young, I worked nights while they slept. Now, I work day shifts now that they are in school. I make more money than I ever thought I could make from home without a college degree. If you can blog daily, and commit to a schedule weekly, you can make bank too. Being an independent woman feels amazing.

Phone Chat Jobs are Legit

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are not what you think, I bet. They were not what I expected. Honestly, I thought I would just make a couple extra hundred dollars a week. I was not prepared to make over a grand a week. Now, I will be honest, I did not make that at first. Took me a few months of consistently working and blogging, but once I saw my money increasing week to week, I quit my full time job, and started doing this full time. My life is better. I have no commute. I am not standing on my old feet for hours at a time. I was a sales manager for a retail store. Let me tell you that was a thankless job. I was over worked and under paid. It was nice though to find a job that had unlimited earning potential. The more I blog and the more I work in a week, the more I make. I mean it is nice to know that I can put in some more effort and make more in a week. Phone sex is a job like any other job, but if you dedicate yourself to putting in the time in the beginning, you will thank yourself later when you find yourself thriving.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not hard. It does not require much to start either. Lots of woman think phone sex is a scam. I thought it was too. Some companies are scams. They give legitimate phone sex businesses like WBMT a bad name. A bad company pays you pennies on your talk time and threatens you to work like a drug mule, so they get rich off your work. Legitimate companies like ours pay you more than half your talk time or at the very least, half. We have a pay scale up to $1.10 a minute. Pay is based on your effort. How many hours you commit to and how much you blog determines your pay rate. In phone sex you are not paid by the hour. You are paid on your talk time. So, for example, with us if you commit to 40 hours a week to work and you have an hour call, you just made $60 for that hour of talk time. WBMT pays fairly, an above minimum wage for women who work hard. This is a blogging company. This is a company where you must show up to the hours you commit to also. Just need fast speed Internet, a cell phone and modern computer. Apply now.

PSO Jobs Are Not All the Same

pso jobs

PSO jobs are not all the same. I know because I have worked at a few. Most of the ones I was at before I stumbled on WBMT paid me pennies on my talk time. I literally had a phone glued to my ear my entire shifts and I still could not pay all my bills. Some of these companies used threats to get me to work very long hours if they were short. It was pure greed. Those companies took more than half of my money. Hell, they took 70-80% of my talk time, then made threats like, “I guess you don’t really want to work here,” if I said I could not work longer than I was scheduled. I honestly thought those companies were what all pso companies were like. I decided to apply one more time to a company, and it was WBMT. That was almost ten years ago too. I found the perfect phone sex company to work at. I set my own hours. I make at least half of my talk time, sometimes more. No one bullies me or threatens me. I am earning a livable wage. I have some down time on my shift so that I can grab a snack, toss in a load of laundry and use the bathroom. If you want to make a livable wage and thrive doing phone sex, apply with us today.