At Home Phone Operator Jobs Allow Women To Support Themselves

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs allow women to support themselves and their families. I have been supporting myself and my three daughters for 8 years now at WBMT. And I did not think it was possible. My ex-husband certainly did not think it was possible either. When I divorced him, I was unemployed and had not worked in over a decade. But I had to leave him. He was verbally abusive, and I could not let my girls be raised in that environment.

I stayed longer than I should have stayed because I was worried how I would support me and my daughters. Although I had options like move in with my parents, I wanted to stand on my own. I applied for a phone sex job with WBMT and I have been here ever since. Now, I struggled in the beginning. I was rusty in any kind of job. Also, it takes a few months to get the hang of all this. But WBMT offered me training and invested time in helping me become the kind of PSO who could support herself.

And now, I pay all my bills and keep a roof over our heads. And I even have enough to spoil my girls with birthday and Christmas presents. Honestly, never thought this was possible. Since my ex refuses to pay support, I am glad that I can tell him I do not need his help. It does not matter why you want to be a phone sex operator. Apply today and find out how you can support yourself too.

Now, I will be honest here. Women do not always find this job easy. You do have to blog a lot, and, in the beginning, it takes some time to build your clientele. But be patient and do not give up. After a few months, you might be supporting yourself like me.

Phone Chat Jobs Pay Women a Livable Wage

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs pay women well and allow women to work from home. This is not a gimmick or a pyramid scheme. It is legitimate, legal work and not a get rich quick scheme. Phone sex requires work. But it is nothing compared to the work I did doing retail. I stood on my feet all day long. And I had to lift things way too heavy for me. Plus, I got exposed to all the nasty germs out there. The work I do for WBMT is nothing compared to what I did at my last job though.

Blogging is required at WBMT. Several blogs a day too. So, if you cannot see yourself writing two-three blogs a day at least 5 days a week, you will not succeed here. We use Word Press for our blogging. But if you do not have experience, do not worry. You get trained on how we do things at WBMT. Although we do have many rules and requirements, they all help us make money.

What I like about WBMT is this company was created by a former PSO who wanted to make a company that provided women with livable wages. So, she used her knowledge of the industry to do that. If you cannot make good money here, you are not trying. You are not blogging or answering your phones and chats. And you are not showing up to work.

But if you blog daily. If you work 40 plus hours a week and show up when scheduled. If you answer your phones and your client chats, you will make great money at WBMT with time and consistency. Apply now and see what you can make too.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins with An Application

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins with an application and an interview. Honestly, I was not sure phone sex was for me. But I needed a job I could do from home. I suffer from social anxiety. And working in the traditional workforce proved detrimental to my health. But I did not want to go on disability. It seemed like phone sex might be the only shot I had for making real money from home. When I applied, I was told that if after a few weeks it turned out it was not something I could do, there would be no hard feelings.

So, I decided to try it. At that point, I had lost my last job over one too many panic attacks, and I would soon face eviction if I did not start making money. Talking to strangers turned out to be easier for me than talking to people face to face. Each day, I gained more confidence and got better talking dirty. Perhaps I was a little green on some of the more taboo fantasies, but I Googled what I did not know.

I have now been here over a year, and I love it. This is the longest I have had a job too. I make good money. More money than retail or fast food ever paid me. And my bosses seem way nicer about my mental health issues than anyone ever has. It took me several months to get the hand of everything. But now I am a phone sex pro. And I blog much better and more frequently too which helps make my phone ring.

If you suffer from anxiety or any mental or health issues that make it challenging to work with others, phone sex jobs may help you too. You design your own hours and work from home. Training is provided at WBMT. Plus, you have a team of vets like me to help you learn the ropes too.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Give You Financial Security

phone sex operatorPhone sex operator jobs can change your life by providing you with financial security. I never had financial security until I joined the WBMT team. Now, I did have a phone sex job prior to here but I only made about $200 a week. I thought that was the standard until a girl I used to work with came here and told me how much she was making. She made more than she ever did in a week at our old company. And that was while she was still training.

So, I trusted this girl. We had worked together for 6 years, and we both were single mothers with only a high school diploma. And we needed to support our families. Now, I was afraid to quit on the spot, so I asked the hiring manager if I could wait until I got a paycheck here before quitting my other phone sex job. I could not afford to miss a week without a paycheck. As long as I was honest about needing to work both jobs for a bit and I did not work them at the same time, it was not a problem.

Once I got my first check, I knew my friend was right. The pay per minute was higher here and the call volume stronger. More minutes and a higher pay rate per minute, and I soon tripled what I made in a week at my old place. Now, I did need to adjust to blogging. My old company was a dispatch company with no blogging required.

But WBMT trained me on how to blog using Word Press. And my friend helped me too. Now, I average about $1500 a week. Some girls make more than me too. But I did not instantly make that much per week. It took a few months of blogging and working 40 plus hours a week to build up my client base. So, you do not need to be financially unstable either. Join our team and grow your bank account too.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Not All the Same

phone sex jobsWe have phone sex jobs for women 18 and over. And we hire for all shifts too. You do not need experience to work with WBMT.  However, we do not discriminate if you do. Some companies will not hire you with experience. Why I do not know. Experience means you will pick up on things faster and in the end make the company money more quickly. Regardless of your experience, we train you in how to do things our way. We use Word Press for blogging and google Docs for our work documents.

Even you worked phone sex before but do not know these programs, not a problem. I had 10 years’ experience at a dispatch site, so I had never rung up a caller myself. And I had not ever blogged either. I was a PSO back in the early 2000s and things were different back then. But I had a lot to learn and a lot more money to make. Even my worst week at WBMT is better than my best week at my old company. And many girls say that when they come from different phone chat jobs.

But we do work to make our phone ring here. We work 40-60 hours a week on a set schedule we design and can change every three months. Plus, we blog. We blog a lot but once you realize how much money you can make, you will want to blog too. So, if you have experience or none at all, we would be glad to have you on our team.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator is Easy But Requires Work

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is something to ask yourself. Phone sex is an exciting and lucrative way to make money from home. It requires a bit of patience and some creative thinking, but with the right attitude and a good work ethic, you can make a great living as a PSO. I do.

To work with us, you need a cell phone, a high-speed internet connection, and a computer. I recommend a good headset too. This will help with sound quality and ensure that your neck does not get sore holding a phone to your ear all day. Additionally, it’s important to find a quiet place to take calls. You won’t be able to take calls if there is too much background noise. You can work with family at home, if they understand you need quiet when on calls.

At WBMT we provide you with training. This will include learning the rules and procedures, as well as how to maximize your earnings with blogging. WBMT does have a lot of rules and procedures, but the owner designed them all to help us all make more money. This company has allowed me to thrive financially.

It is also important to have good time management skills. You will work a lot independently. You will need to be able to manage your time and stay organized. It takes time to build up a regular caller base, but if you are patient and put in the effort, you can make a great living as a phone sex operator. The biggest mistake new hires make is not giving it enough time. Most of our women make upwards of $800 a week. Be patient, blog daily, show up for your shifts, and you will make great money too.

Phone Chat Jobs Provide Women With Financial Freedom

phone chat jobs

Are you a woman who would like to have the flexibility to set your own hours and work from home? Then phone chat jobs might be for you! We are looking for women 18 and older who have access to a computer, high speed internet, and a quiet place to work. You do not need prior experience; however, we do not discriminate if you have worked in the phone sex industry before.

This job is a great way for women to support themselves financially. It requires blogging several times a day and taking calls on your cell phone. Although it is not a get-rich-quick sort of job, if you work consistently, your paycheck will grow week by week. You just need to be patient and work hard to build repeat callers.

This job provides several benefits that a traditional job does not. First, you can set your own hours and work according to your own schedule. Second, you don’t need to worry about commuting to and from work as you can work from the comfort of your own home. Third, you can create a work-life balance that works for you. I love having time with my family and being able to work around family time.

Although this job requires hard work and dedication, it is a great opportunity for women who would like to become financially independent. If you’re interested in this job opportunity, don’t hesitate to apply

Adult Phone Operator Jobs May Not Be for Everyone

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are not for everyone. I get it. I did not think it was for me either. But I needed a job. And I was temporarily disabled following a car accident. My state did not have short term disability and my recovery was less than a year, so I qualified for no assistance. I could not drive. And I had tons of rehab and medical appointments. I had to work to eat and keep a roof over my head.

So, I decided to give phone sex a try. I told myself it was temporary, but I never went back to my management job once I got cleared medically. Turns out talking dirty I got better with. And I got spoiled working from home and setting my own hours. Plus, I make more money than I did with my management job.

Phone sex jobs require work to make the kind of money I do. And patience. I put a lot of time into working when I first started. I had nowhere to go, and I was behind on all my bills because of the accident. But I spent the time learning the business, getting used to blogging and building my skills. Now, I average $1800 a week working 60 hours a week approximately. We have girls here who work 30-40 hrs, but you can make the highest pay tier if you can work 60 hours a week.

I am out of debt from the car accident. And I have flexibility to enjoy life.  Phone sex is not an industry to ignore. You can make great money and the PSO industry is recession proof too.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Available All Shifts

phone sex operatorAre you interested in making money from home and setting your own hours? Have you ever considered becoming a phone sex operator? Working with WBMT can be a great way to make money while also having the freedom to work from the comfort of your own home. Personally, I love working at home.

One of the best things about working with WBMT is that you can set your own hours. You can work as little or as much as you’d like, and you’ll be able to earn a competitive rate of pay in this industry. Our pay structure is not based on minutes like most companies. It is based on individual effort. More you work, more you blog, the higher your pay rate goes to the max of $1.10 a minute.

To become a PSO with WBMT, you’ll need to have a computer, cell phone, and a reliable internet connection. Plus, a quite area to work. You’ll also need to be comfortable talking on the phone with strangers and be able to handle conversations about a range of taboo topics.

You will also need to be able to blog a few times per shift. This will allow you to build a client base and repeat callers. Potential callers find you often through a blog. Consider it a form of advertising.

Working as a PSO with WBMT may be the best decision you have ever made. I’ve been here for almost 5 minutes. I no longer commute so I save on gas and care expenses. Since I set my own hours, I can work around doctor’s appointments and time with my kids. But the best part is I make way more money than I did at my retail job.

PSO Jobs Rock for Women

pso jobs

PSO Jobs rock. They can help women survive. We all have different reasons for wanting to work at home. I have Lupus. So being in the traditional workforce was never a good idea. But I did it anyway. And when I was in my 40s in the hospital with mono, I knew I needed a change. Although I would have qualified for SSDI, I wanted to work.

I Googled work at home jobs, and phone sex came up often. Why not, I thought. Sure, I might be overqualified with a few advanced degrees, but I told myself it was temporary. That was almost a decade ago. I love being a phone sex operator. I design my hours around my doctor’s appointments. Guess what? I have stayed far healthier working from home too.

I make more money than I ever did. Of course, I am an independent contractor, so I do have to pay my own taxes. But I set back a little each check for the IRS. I think my education helps me too. I am a good writer. Now, I never wrote dirty blogs before. But my grasp of writing has helped me. Blogging is key at WBMT because that is what brings all the boys to our sites.

If you can blog and if you can commit to 40-50 hours a week, I bet after a few months you can make bank here too.