Being a Phone Sex Operator Helps You Support Yourself

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator may not be a noble career. But there is no shame in supporting yourself and your family. After my husband had a stroke, he went on disability. And I needed to go to work to help pay our bills. He took care of me for decades. Now, it was my turn to take care of him. The problem I had was finding a decent job I could do at home.

Phone Sex seemed like the best option for real money. And turns out with a little hard work, phone sex can be highly profitable. All I needed to start doing this job were a modern computer, high-speed Internet, a cell phone and a quiet place to work. We turned the guest room into an office for me. I set my own hours, so I can work around my husband’s medical appointments.

My husband supported me doing this. He knew we had no choice. I love it here at WBMT. Female owned and operated too. We get paid per call, which is standard in this business. But at this company the per minute rate can go up to $1.10 a minute based on how many hours you work a week and how much you blog. So, we get paid based on effort. And I work hard.

Phone sex saved us. I support my husband and I now. And it feels great to be able to do that. No shame in phone sex. Women can make an honest living here.