Adult Phone Operator Jobs Are Great

adult phone operator jobs
Put aside any misconceptions you may have about Adult phone operator jobs. You will be surprised how much of a real job this actually is. We have to work to make our way to a great income. The possibility of making more than a grand a week is very real. The effort you put into your job is well worth the outcome of a great income. I’ve really been able to excel with the assistance of great management and training. Joining WBMT has been a game changer for my life. I went from working split shifts waitressing and having very little time at the apartment I paid too much for. It was an endless cycle of relying on others to allow me to make good tips. You have to pay so many other people just to make the job easy and at the end of the day all the earnings ended up at the bar. I was sick of this relentless toll on my body and had to move on to a different job. I moved to the country, enrolled in online school and applied to be a PSO. I finished my Bachelors but that just got me debt. I stayed with the PSO position and moved to a different company. That move was truly the best choice ever and I am still at that company.

How To Be A Phone Sex Operator Can Be Learned

how to be a phone sex operator

The Phone sex industry is full of all types of companies. You can Learn How To Be A Phone Sex Operator with a good company. Here at WBMT we offer all the tools to assist you in succeeding in your new job. If you are willing to put in the effort and dedication you will be rewarded with a great income. As a PSO at WBMT I am making more than I have in other companies. I have been employed by a few prior to coming on board here. These past companies were terrible in comparison. I often kick myself for putting up with some of the horrible bosses I put up with. You may have been in such a situation and looking for a better one. Well, here is a far better company and with a very nice motivational pay scale. I make great money. I work 60 to 70 hrs a week to achieve it but it’s not that bad. Working from home and avoiding all the commuting and weather foes is great. I love my job and the creativeness of it keeps it interesting. It’s not ever dull and I sure enjoy just rolling out of bed and being able to work! Clothing is optional!

We Have PSO Jobs

pso jobsIf you are looking for PSO jobs, we have some of the best around. We do not over hire a bunch of girls like a lot of companies. We hire enough so everyone has a chance of making real money. We pay well per minute if you work hard. This is not the company to work for if you cannot blog daily. You must blog, or your phone will not ring as much as the girls who do blog. This company is a legitimate company owned by women for women. The owner takes pride in helping women make above a living wage. We all keep food on our tables for our families, and roofs over our heads too. We even have money to enjoy life. Many companies lack any kind of structure or hiring limits. Girls cannot make money because they over hire. Not at WBMT. We are a small company compared to many. But we are like a family. We support each other, help each other out and genuinely like each other. WBMT is a great PSO family. I bet if you work at another company, you will find that we pay better and work better as a team. Apply today and find out why I think WBMT is the best PSO company around.

Phone Chat Jobs are Plentiful

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are plentiful these days especially since COVID. But let me assure you that you do not want to work for a brand new company. WBMT has been in business for ten years now, and we have great traffic. We have an excellent reputation too. The problem with new companies is that some are not legit. They pop up, get you to work for free for a month with one excuse after another why they cannot pay you yet, and they fraud their callers too. You want to work for a company that has been in operation for a year or more. You cannot get an adult processor if you are defrauding callers. WBMT was created from an awful company. The owner wanted to create a company that was a far cry from the hot mess of a company she worked for. Her old company collapsed, but she created a better and way more successful company. We are drama free. We are paid on time weekly. We are trained. We are treated with respect and dignity. We have unlimited earning potential. The more we work, the more we blog, the better our paychecks are. I have been at some bad companies before. I love this company and you will too.

Want to be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operator

I did not think I would enjoy being a phone sex operator. I needed a job, however. I told myself it was temporary until something else came around better. Many job opportunities did come around, but none were as good as what I was doing because I was making excellent money after a couple months here. I make over a $1,000 a week. I work hard for the money, however. I work 60 hours a week, but that seems like nothing when you cut out the commute and prep time for jobs out of the home. I also blog several times a day. Blogging makes the phone ring. The more you blog the more you make. If you cannot blog, you will not make money here. We are a no drama company. We support each other. Now with that said, this is a competitive business. You will need to blog daily to get your share of the pie. This is a great industry for women who want to work at home. We hire women 18 and over. You need a modern computer, high speed Internet and a land line phone. If you have those you can start the next day after you are hired. Join our team today.

PSO Jobs Available at WBMT

pso jobs

We have PSO jobs available. Now, we do not just hire any woman like some companies. This company is some what elite. I am not saying we are a bunch of stuck up bitches because that is not the case. We do not over hire like some companies. And we only hire women who can commit to 40 plus hours a week. Plus, you need to blog at this company. If you cannot write a few blogs a day, you will never make money at this company. The more you blog and the more you work, the more you make. That is how it is at a direct dial company. We are independent contractors, so there are not many rules, but we do have to commit to a weekly schedule. You select your hours, but once you select those hours, you need to commit to them. This a no drama company so you can work with other women with a good work ethic and not feel stressed. WBMT builds women up. It never tears women down. I make over a grand a week. Now, it took me a couple months to get my regulars and find my groove, but once I did my minutes only went up. If you can commit to a schedule and blog a few times a day, you can make bank too.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is something maybe you have asked yourself before. It is not difficult to do this business. WBMT trains you. You can have years of experience or none. There are Some things you do need to have in place before you can start with us, however. First, you need a modern computer. Can be a desktop or a lap top computer but it needs a Windows operating system to be compatible with our work programs. No iPads or chrome books. The do not work for our needs. You need high speed Internet. You need a landline phone too. We cannot use cell phones or Magic jacks in this industry. Once you have those things, we teach you the rest. We use Google docs for our record keeping and work forms. We use WordPress for blogging. You do need basic computer skills like checking emails and answering texts. If you can get a computer, Internet and a landline phone you can start working with us. Pay is on time each weekly. Your pay rate is based on how many hours you work and how much you blog a week. The per minute pay rate on your talk time ranges from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute. The more you do the more you make. We hire women 18 and older of all races and sizes too. Come work with us!

love being a phone sex operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. I am making great money and I never have to leave the house to get to work. In love being a phone sex operator. In fact, I can wake up 15 minutes before I start my shift. It is nice. I save commuting. I do not spend much on gas. I have been doing this awhile now. Luckily, I had this job when Covid came to town and shut down most businesses. My friends all lost their jobs and had to go on unemployment. I felt bad that I was booming. Honestly, we were busier than ever when everyone was stuck at home horny. The most important thing is that we were safe. Never had to leave the house. This job is a blessing, but it does require work. This is a blogging focused company. In order to work here you have to blog daily. Your pay scale per minute is based on how many days a week you blog and how many hours you work. We do require schedules, but you select your hours each week. I love having the flexibility to work around my life. I can workdays or nights or even a little bit of both. We have a no drama policy, and the owner and manager are women. Nice women too not bat crazy. Apply with us today.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

Have you ever wondered how to be a phone sex operator? I did, but it took me awhile to become one. Honestly, I thought it would be just for younger girls. I am in my 50s. I did not think that guys would call older women. Boy was I wrong. Mommies, milfs and even grandmas make good money in this industry. So do not let age stop you. You can be a PSO just like me. If you work for us, you can set your own hours. You can work 40, 50 or 60 hours a week. The more you work, the more you make. You can set your schedule around your life. You can work day shift, night shift or a split shift if you want. Working from home makes it easier to work more hours. Sometimes I roll out of bed 20 minutes before I sign on. It is nice not having a commute. You must blog at this company. Which means you will need a computer and some basic computer skills. We train you on how to use our programs like Google Docs and Word Press. You can have years of experience or none. WBMT does not discriminate against women for age, experience, or race. Not even size. Big girls welcome too. I think you will love our company.

Do You Wanna Be a PSO?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? I did not think I did, but I needed money. I was doing nails before Covid. The salon closed down for 8 months. I could not live on unemployment that long. I needed a job. My plan was for this to be a temporary gig, but I was making three times what I did at the saloon with tips. Plus, I was working from home where I would be safer from Covid. It took me awhile here to make over a $1000 a week, but I did it. How? Hard work and consistency. This is the kind of job you need to put in some blood and sweat, but no tears. It is not a stressful job. But it does require some work. You must work about 40-60 hours a week to make decent money, but since you are working from home, it is easier because in between calls you can clean, cook, watch TV or whatever you want. You need to blog too. Blogging is how guys find you and call. It is free advertising for you. If you can commit to 40 plus hours a week and blog a few times a day consistently, you can make over a thousand dollars a week after a few months of putting in the time too. Say goodbye to your job.