Phone sex Jobs to help with College Expenses

phone sex jobs

Its my first year of college and my friend told me I should look into phone sex jobs to help make ends meet. I have always been a natural flirt and I figured what could hurt just to look into it. She gave me the application link and I looked over the site’s requirements and figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least put an application in. I am so glad I did this. The last few months have been really great. I set my own schedule around my school and I’m making enough money to really focus on my studies. I wouldn’t be able to do that in any other place. Plus I get to work from home and the private place and nobody has to know what I do. Wbmt trains me on blogging and I pick anywhere between 40 to 50 hours a week and I make a dollar or more based on that. I’m not even that tired after school. I can check my chats, go through my emails, take my calls and make my blogs. If you are considering putting in phone sex operator job applications I definitely would do it with wbmt. A real company where you need a landline if your computer and be able to blog and pay attention to my clients. Weekly pay and a woman ran and owned company is helping this college girl’s life a little easier!