Become a full time phone sex operator

phone sex operator

I started being a phone sex operator because my life had gotten turned upside down a few years ago. A cheap laptop and a phone was all I needed to learn how to start making money. My first few months flew by and I realized I could actually make something out of this. Here at WBMT we provide a platform of sites with a pretty hefty client base and new callers and chatters find us every day. If I had advice for a newbie or a seasoned PSO your platform is the reason you are seen and let your clients try you out. Its an up and down business but with enough hard work even your slowest week is still pretty good, considering what other sites pay you we are top of the line direct dial. Now we are a direct dial company, you process information for you own call, essentially you are your won dispatcher and you get paid more for that. This is like any other craft, you must put in the work to be able to maintain a good client base and blog and participate in social media. Being able to work 40 plus, have blogging skills, (we train you on WP) and keep the schedule you set is the best way to to start your way with us. Everything is about keeping our clients happy so they return and spend more. We also believe in empowering women and dont take well to over competitive and catty women here. Doing what we do is best to have a work ethic, and great people skills and that falls over to your PSO ladies who work side by side. Look up our requirements, and see how WBMT is still a big shining star in the phone sex world for a reason.

Women from all walks have life are putting in phone sex operator job applications

phone sex operator

All types of women from all walks have life are putting in phone sex operator job applications for a reason. Being an at-home phone sex operator is a great way to make money from home while having the freedom and flexibility to work on your own schedule. Here we make our own schedule and work it, I love being able to have a set schedule that I plan. This type of job also offers and requires a certain level of anonymity and privacy, Take your calls and make your money all safely from home. I started here being so green to the industry and over the years I really value being set up under a large company Like WBMT. I value being able to support my family and no one knows what I do. It’s a career and it’s fun. But lost of hard work. Pulling 40 hours a week and doing all your advertising and blogging isn’t hard. That gives you a dollar a minute and we go up every ten hours after that. 1.05 with requirements and 1.10 a minute of paid block time so 10 dollars for a 10-minute call up to 11 dollars for the same call and all calls don’t that week count for that bonus. So if you the lady who has a sexy voice and a flirty sexy personality put in a phone sex application with us and join our growing team of women who bust ass and make money.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Not All the Same

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are easy to find. But as a vet in this business, I can tell you that not all phone sex companies you want to work for. I will admit that WBMT is the company that makes me work the hardest. I need to blog here more. I need to commit to more hours here too. But with that said, I earn more than all the other companies I have worked at combined. Other things that are different from my previous companies. WBMT does not over hire. Small company with girls working all shifts. You are not one in 500 contractors at WBMT. Also different is that I am paid weekly and on time. Been at companies that paid every two weeks, one paid once a month and another two routinely paid weeks late and bounced checks. Also, WBMT has a family feel. We know each other from a company chat room. We help each other instead of tearing each other down. Been at companies that were so rife with cattiness and drama, that I could focus on giving a good call. The requirements here are meant to help you make money and they do. Phone sex is not something you can easily do well at not blogging or only working on a part time basis. The hard work required at WBMT is designed to help you make lots of money. Apply and find out!

PSO Jobs are a Great Way to Make a Decent Living for Women

pso jobs

There are tons of pso jobs nowadays. When I first started in this business, there were not nearly as many as there are now. I have been with WBMT for almost a decade. That is like 100 years in the phone sex world. Many women bounce from one phone sex job to another, but women do not often stay at one company for long. That is for a couple reasons. One, it is because some companies can be a nightmare to work for. They are riddled with drama. Or they do not pay on time or at all. There is no drama at WBMT. It is not tolerated. We are paid weekly too. Another reason girls do not often stay at some companies is because they do not like the required work. Phone sex jobs require blogging and committed schedules, at least the ones where you can make decent money do. Our jobs are not for the lazy. You must work at least 40 hours a week at WBMT. Not all companies require set schedules, but we do because it helps us make more money. We never have a time in the day when there are not at least several girls working. You would be surprised how important this is to getting regular callers. Guys do not call a company if they never have girls available when they are horny. Girls stay at our company. Many have been here for many years like me. You do not stay in this industry if you are not making money and being treated well.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not what you think. It is not hard to get started like most work from home jobs. I tried to sell stuff, but I could never really make much money at any of those multi marketing companies. Plus, I always needed a lot of money upfront to buy products to sell. When I got hired at WBMT, all I needed were things I already had. I needed a laptop or desktop computer. I needed a cell phone. I needed a quite place to work. I lived alone when I started. I have a live-in boyfriend now, but I work far away from him and the TV, so it is quiet. I also needed some skills. I needed good time management. I needed organizational skills. I needed basic computer skills, and I needed good writing skills. I had all those things, but those skills improved tenfold once I was hired. WBMT trained me on things like Google Sheets and Word Press for blogging. They provide you with the knowledge to be successful. I love this job. I make way more money than I ever expected to. I work hard though. I have always put my all into anything I have tried. I blog my ass off. I work a lot of hours. And I am dedicated to being successful. It is nice to finally have a job where hard work pays off.

Not All Phone Sex Jobs are Created Equal

phone sex jobs

Not all phone sex jobs are created equal. This can be a business filled with cattiness and back stabbing. Some companies have no checks on the girls they hire. They can bully, torment and even trash talk the other girls, making it a difficult work environment. Not at WBMT. I have worked at companies that did nothing to protect their contractors. Hell, I was at one where the owner was the most difficult one of then all. WBMT has a strict no drama policy. They do not play favorites either. The rules we have at the company are applied across the board regardless of who has been here longer or who makes the company more money. The owner and the manager do all they can to give this phone sex company a family feel. It is a woman owned and operated business. No casting couches here. No drama. We are women uplifting other women to be financially secure. We operate as a team. Vets like me help the newer girls. We want everyone to succeed. If you are tired of water cooler gossip, backstabbers and intimidation in the workforce, join wbmt now. We will up lift you, so you can thrive as a phone sex operator.

Phone Chat Jobs for Any Women 18 and Older

phone chat jobs

We have phone chat jobs available for any woman 18 and older. I am 20 and I have been doing this for two years now. I am a full-time college girl. I have an off-campus apartment that I pay for because of phone sex. My family is not wealthy and none of them went to college. I wanted to go to school but knew financially I would be on my own. I thought of escorting, but since that is not legal, I opted for phone sex, which is perfectly legal. If anyone finds out I talk dirty to pay for school, I will not be expelled, LOL. I told my mom what I do and I thought she might judge me, but she said if phone sex had been around when she was my age, she would have gone to college. I can set my hours around my school schedule. And when I am working, in between calls, I can study. This kind of job requires great time management skills though and blogging. You will write a lot as a phone sex operator at WBMT. If you do not want student load debt, or a minimum wage job, phone sex is a great job for coeds. It is a great job for any woman.

Hard Work Pays Off at WBMT

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is easy. You need high speed Internet. You need a cell phone. You need a modern laptop or desktop. And you need a quiet workspace. This kind of work is not hard, but it does require work. We are not a dispatch company. This is a direct dial company, which means you are paid more on your talk time, and you must blog. Blogging is how to make your phone ring. Our top earners blog 3-5 times per shift. If you cannot see yourself blogging, you will not be a good fit here. Plus, you will not make any money. We are paid based on effort. That is very different from most companies. If you blog 5 days a week and commit to at least 40 hours a week, you can make $1 a minute on your talk time. If you blog 5 days a week, commit to 50 hours a week, you can make a $1.05 a week. And, if you do all that plus work an additional 10 hours of your choosing for a 60-hour work week, you can make $1.10 a minute on your talk time. That kind of payout is usually reserved for girls who make a quota or have a high hold time at other companies. Not here. You could make 500 minutes a week and earn $1.10 on your talk time if you work 60 hours a week and blog at least 5 days a week. Hard work pays off at WBMT.

PSO Jobs are Not Hard, But Not Easy Either

pso jobs

PSO jobs are not easy jobs. They are easier than manual labor and safer than escorting though. Plus, phone jobs are legal work. But like any job, they require work. They require consistency too. You need to put a lot into your first three months here to build your client base. If you can work 40-60 hours a week and blog a few times a day, you can build your client base quickly. This is not rocket science, but there are things you should be good at like time management, basic writing and basic computer skills such as checking email. Skills in Google Docs and Word Press are a bonus, but not required because we will train you. I make over $1500 a week and I have for years. It was not like that initially, but after a few months of always showing up on time and blogging a few times a day, my pay went up more and more each week. Consistency is key in this business. Working a set schedule so that your callers know how to find you. Blogging daily to get new callers. We do require blogging here and set schedules. Some companies require neither, but those companies rarely pay well either. Apply today and make money. We have weekly payout and no hold times.

Phone Sex Jobs, the Best Ones, Require Work

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are not hard work, but they are not a cake walk either. I was guilty of thinking this line of work was just sounding cute and answering the phone. I did not realize I had to really put some time in. I had a rocky start when I first started here. I was not very computer savvy. And I was not very motivated either. I was not lazy, but I was beat down. I had worked for 20 years doing retail. I had long shifts with no breaks and not very much pay for my troubles. When I start phone sex, I thought I could just answer the phone and make money. You must blog at this company. Not all phone sex companies require blogging, but the ones where you can make a living wage, require blogging. It is a form of advertisement that helps your phone ring. It took me a few months to get motivated, and understand how to blog, but once I mastered the blogging game, I started making way more money than I ever did doing retail. And it was a job much easier on my body. You need computer and writing skills to thrive at our company, but if you blog a few times a day, you can say goodbye to your dead end job too.