You Should Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

You should want to be a phone sex operator. I did not want to be one. I held some prejudicial thoughts about PSOs. I was wrong. Women in this business are hard-working women just trying to support their families. Most women at WBMT are mothers who work around sleeping patterns and school schedules of their little ones. In this business, you set your own hours. At our company we pick a set schedule between 40-50 hrs a week and we can change it up every 3 months. The more hours you work the higher your pay rate on your talk time. You can earn between a $1 to $1.10 on your talk time. You can make less too, but that is only if you don’t work at least 40 hours and do not blog 5 times a week. This is a blog driven company. But if you can blog, you can make decent money. An actual living wage that helps you enjoy life outside of work. Can you imagine that? Supporting your family and enjoying life with them all while working from home too. You are an independent contractor at WBMT. You need to be good with time management since not much oversite in the phone sex world. I promise you it is not too hard to make over $1,000 a week here after a few months. You need motivation to blog and work 40 plus hours. Join our team.