Adult Phone Operator Jobs Vary Greatly

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are everywhere. So, how do you decide which company might be the best fit for you? Let me suggest our company, WBMT. And let me tell you why. Before landing here I worked for several other PSO companies. And they were all a hot mess. None of them allowed me to make real money. Either the pay was just pennies on my talk time, or the company was just a nightmare to work for rife with drama. My prior companies were both.

Now, none of my other companies demanded much from me. I pretty much showed up when I wanted to work. Although I consider WBMT to require a lot more work than my prior companies, the upside is much better pay. Not only a higher payout on my talk time, but better call volume than any other company I have worked for too.

So, I blog my ass off. I was on a learning curve when I started, but I know now that the more I blog, the better my call volume is. Let me be honest. WBMT requires more work and commitment than any of my previous companies. But I make more money here by far. We have set schedules that you design. And you are expected to show up when you schedule yourself. And we have a daily blog requirement that if you do not meet, will affect your pay. I love working here. Hard work, I never mind if it helps my paycheck. WBMT may not be the phone sex company for everyone, but it should be. The pay is great here.

Work Smarter, Not Harder and Ask How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is a question all women should ask themselves. Being a PSO means you get to set your own hours and work from home. And the best part is you make great money. I was tired of dead-end retail jobs where I was on my feet all day and dealing with the public. After Covid, something snapped in people. My store struggled with enough workers for the customers. And customers got angrier than ever.

I decided that I needed to work smarter not harder. And that motto has stuck with me. So, I went online and looked for home jobs that paid well. Being an influencer was out. That takes time, skill and luck, LOL. But I saw phone sex as an option and went for it. Applied at a bunch. The first job sucked. I was paid pennies on my talk time while the owner took like 80% of my call time. A girl who had worked there too was now at WBMT and making serious money. So, I jumped ships too. And this is a company who appreciates its contractors and rewards them well for their hard work.

I have been at WBMT for almost 2 years now. And this is working smarter not harder. I work about 50 hours a week and average $1600 a week. Now, it took months to make that. I had to work my ass off blogging daily and keeping good notes on callers. At my retail job I made about $500 a week. I stood on my feet all day. Often needed to lift heavy boxes. And people yelled at me all the time. I may have only worked 10 less hours there a week, but if I can make a grand more sitting at a desk safely at home, I will gladly work 60 hours a week. Are you ready for a change?

At home phone operator jobs require work

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs require work. And WBMT requires more work than some. But the reality is you can make more money here. At my old PSO company, I never made in my best week what I make in my worst week here. I am paid more on my talk time here, but this company has more traffic than my old company because this is a blog driven company. Although, I thought I would hate blogging, I do not. It is the reason I make so much more money.

So, let me be real here. WBMT requires 10-15 200-300 word blogs a week, 2-3 blogs a day over at least 5 days a week for maximum pay. Our pay schedule is based on how many days a week we blog and how man hours we commit to in a week also. We can work 30, 40, 50 or 60 hours a week here. We design our schedules. And you do need to show up for your set schedule. This is not the kind of place you just work when you want. We require schedules and you can switch it up every 3 months too.

This job requires work, but the pay is good. Women here do not need public assistance. You can make a livable wage. But you got to work for it.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Make You an Independent Woman

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is not easy. But it is not hard either. I felt overwhelmed when I started only because I lacked computer skills. As an older woman, I never used the Internet much. I could check email and shop, but that was it. I picked it up with patience and training from the bosses. When I started here, I was 55. And I will be 60 this summer. Never in a million years did I think if I ever had a job this would be it.

I married when I was 22 and became a stay-at-home mom. When my kids went to college, my marriage fell apart, and I was a 55-year-old woman in need of a job. But I had not worked in over 25 years. Even though I went to college, I never used my degree. I got turned down for so many jobs. I could have pushed my husband for alimony, but I did not want his money. My youngest daughter is the one who suggested phone sex.

She helped me look at all the companies, and we picked three to apply to. WBMT hired me first and I have been here since. And I love it. Making more money than I thought was imaginable. I can pay my bills. I can travel. And I do not need a man to support me. That is the best part. It took a few months to learn the ropes. And even longer to get used to the computer programs we use here, but I did it. I love being independent with my own money. I bet you will too.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Not All the Same

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are not all the same. Although I have been with WBMT for 4 years now, I worked at a few other companies before landing here. And I am glad I took the leap and came here. I make way more money and it’s far less chaos. Most of the companies I worked at before hired 100s of contractors and some of them came and went so quickly that you never got to know anyone. For the most part, this kind of work has a lot of autonomy. You can feel isolated.

But WBMT is a structured company. You get training when you start. And we have a group chat room we are in when actively working, so you can communicate with your team. You have a way to get ahold of someone when you have a question or a problem. Most of the girls here have been here a long time. A few women have been with the company since it started 10 years ago. That is like an eternity in this business.

But it tells you that the girls like working here. Most women who leave it is because they do not want to do the work or adhere to a set scheduled. For me, a set schedule helps me stay in a routine and not be lazy. And blogging helps me make more money, so I do not mind doing it. If blogging and a set schedule do not bother you, maybe you should join our team.

PSO Jobs Are Not All Alike

pso jobsPSO jobs are not alike. I bounced around some from one phone sex company to another until I found one I could make serious money at. You would be surprised how little some big companies like US Love pay their operators. A direct dial company where there is no dispatcher and you run a client’s card for the charges, pays more money.

I earn $1.10 a minute on my talk time. At WBMT the pay scale is based on effort not how many minutes you make in a pay period. To make the highest amount here you need to work 60 hours a week and blog 3 times a day for at least 5 days. And 10 hours of your 60 hours must be on the weekends. We have girls here who make 90 cents a minute for 30 hours a week; girls who earn $1 a minute with 40 hours and week; and women who make $1.05 a minute on their talk time working 50 hours a week.

How many hours you want to work in a week is up to you. But the more you work, the more money you make. The nice thing about phone sex is you can work as much or as little as you want. And you can change it up week to week. I tend to work more like 40 hours in the summer when I want to go hiking and travel. And more in the winter when it’s too cold to leave the house.

If you want to work from home and want a job where the earning potential is great, apply today and join our team.

Phone Sex Jobs are Great For Even Older Women

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are great jobs for women 18 and older. At WBMT we have women from all walks of life and a variety of ages. I might be one of the oldest women here. I am in my 60s. I lost a job I had for 30 years when my company folded shortly after Covid shut down a lot of places. We were a small printing company that was teetering on the edge already.

I wanted to make more money before retirement because you just make more money when you wait until you are 70 to draw on your social security. Plus, I am still spry. But I did not have the energy to look for a job in my field. The industry changed a lot in 30 years, and no one wants to hire a 60 something year old woman with outdated skills in a field when they can hire some one younger and better trained for the job.

So, I Googled at home jobs and here I am. Even though I had no clue what phone sex involved, I applied. Working from home seemed like a dream come true. It took some time to get the hang of it. But I am computer savvy and a hard worker, so I picked it up. Never thought a company would hire me at my age, but here I am making more money in a week than I did in a month at the job I had for 30 years. If I can do it, so can you.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator is a Question to Ask Yourself

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question I had wished I asked myself earlier. If I could have done phone sex while in college, I never would have accumulated so much debt. But here I am now, and I am making serious leeway with my debt because I make great money as a PSO.

I could sit here and tell you how easy of a job it is too, but that would be a lie. Like any job, if you want to succeed and make big money, you need to put in the effort and time. When I first started here, I had never worked from home before. It took me a hot minute to learn better time management skills. If you have them already, well you are ahead of the curve.

You also need to blog. Not once or twice a week. More like 2-3 times a day. Not every day, but at least 5 days a week. Our girls here at WBMT need 10-15 blogs a week for pay. Our pay structure goes up to $1.10 a minute, but the higher the pay rate, the more work required.

But it is all worth it. And this kind of work is fun and not at all rough on the body like working on your feet all day long. Phone Sex helped me get on my feet after a divorce. Now, I am thriving like I never have before.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs are in High Demand

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs appear to be in higher demand since Covid. More women want to work from home. Some women even just want to have a job, any job because of this post Covid economy. Phone sex is the perfect at home job any woman can do. You just need a quiet place to work. I work when my kids are either at school or sleeping.

I am married, so I do have help with them, but they are at an age when they do not always follow directions. So, it is best that I do not work when they are home and awake, LOL. But when my husband lost his job during Covid, one of us needed to work to support the family. And even when my husband went back to his job, I stayed working because I love WBMT.

The money I make is great. I bring home about $1000 a week working 40 hours. And there are many girls here who make more than me. I set my own hours, and I can change them about every 3 months as needed. Even though this was meant to be a temporary job, the money was too good for me to not keep working here.

Phone Chat Jobs are Still Thriving

phone sex jobsPhone chat jobs are not dying out. I hear women saying that they did not think phone sex was still a thing in the modern world. Although cam sites and Only Fans are popular platforms for men, they are not as personal as phone sex. Nor do those platforms lend themselves to role plays. So, phone sex is still a lucrative and thriving field.

Honestly, I had considered being a cam girl. I am comfortable in my body and I have no problem with the adult industry. But I worried about making a livable wage with literally thousands of girls for men to choose from and no guarantee that they will tip you or anything like that.

Phone sex seemed like a better bet. And it was. I make around $1700 a week. I work an average of 60 hours, sometimes less. Sometimes more. I write 3-5 blogs a day when I work, and my phones stay busy. There are always slow times, but I am not on camera 24/7 waiting for maybe a tip and needing to always look my best.

Phone sex is no prep time, except for blogs. I do blog before my shift starts so I can post my blogs on a few of our sites when I log in. I enjoy phone sex. When the phone is not ringing, I can blog some more or toss in some laundry. And when I am done with my shift, mentally I can tune this all out. I made the right decision choosing phone sex. Will you make the right choice too?