At home phone operator jobs

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are all over the Internet, so how do you know which ones to apply for? As a veteran PSO, I suggest you google all potential companies. You will find some have a lot of complaints against them from former contractors and even clients. Some companies never pay their contractors. They get girls to work for a month or so free, then when they quit, they hire more girls and it’s the same bullshit game. Those companies give legitimate ones a bad name. Some companies have a bad reputation with their callers because they over charge or use their card unlawfully. WBMT is a legitimate company. We pay contractors weekly, new hires do need to wait two weeks, however for their first paycheck. We have systems in place to prevent fraud and stealing. We hire girls with or without experience in the business, so there is no need to lie about previous PSO work. WBMT has the highest payout in the industry but it requires work. Hard work, and that is not for everyone. At this company you can make up to a $1.10 a minute of your talk time or as low as 20 cents a minute based on your effort. We are drama free. You don’t have to pay your toll bill here, which is a big savings. You just need a landline, high speed Internet, a computer and basic computer skills and a willingness to make great money from home.

Adult phone operator jobs are not what you think, I bet

Adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are not what you think, I bet. There is a misconception about the phone sex industry. People think women do this because they can’t do anything else. They think this is a low level skill job. Although it is true that you do not need a college education to do this job, you do need skills to succeed. No woman makes good money in this industry without good writing skills for blogging; computer skills and customer service skills. WBMT is an elite PSO company. We may have more requirements and rules than other companies, but the pay is higher here and the atmosphere is better. I have worked at companies that paid me pennies on my minutes. I have worked at companies where the drama was so intense it made me ill. I have also worked with crazy bosses that made me feel insecure about my job and even belittled me. WBMT is by far the best company I have worked for, but this company is not for everyone. You need to have a reliable computer with high speed Internet. You need a dedicated landline without voice mail. You need a quiet place to work and you need an open mind. Word press experience is a plus, but WBMT does train the right candidates. If hard work doesn’t scare you, apply with WBMT, the best PSO company around.

I love being a phone sex operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator here because it is a fun and interesting place to work. We get to pick our own schedules so you can work around any appointments or plans you may have and you work every day from the comfort of your own home. The manager here gives us intensive training so even if you have never had a job like this before you can learn how to do it all very easily. Plus there are several women here that have worked here for several years and they are more than willing to help you with any questions you may have. The pay here is a lot higher than anywhere else and the call volume is great, you will have no trouble paying your bills with your paychecks here I can tell you that for sure. Now,don’t think that you will just be sitting around waiting for your phone to ring, this job takes effort but that effort pays off. Write blogs, vote and answer chats and calls and you will be very happy to see that paycheck grow every week. Come and join our family here, it will be a decision you will not regret!

Are Phone Chat Jobs are for You?

phone chat jobsAre phone chat jobs for you? Ask yourself if you are open-minded about talking about taboo subjects? If you answered yes, then ask yourself if you want to make a good living from home. I needed to work from home to take care of my little ones. Daycare was out of my budget. I didn’t go to college and both ex-husbands were behind in support payments. I was working at K-mart but all my money was going to daycare. So, I looked for jobs I could do from home. I was worried about doing phone sex with little ones in the house, but I worked around their schedules and now they are in school and I work during the days and some evenings when they are asleep. This type of work is easy to schedule around motherhood duties. It saves you daycare costs and allows you to make more money than you would in retail. You just must be a hard worker to make top dollar here. WBMT makes it easier though than many companies to make good money. In one week, I make more money than I did in a month of 40 hours a week at K-mart. Join us and work from home too.

Phone Sex Jobs Pay Well

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are great income for the right women. Are you the right woman? To work at WBMT you need a quiet workplace, a dedicated landline, high speed Internet and a working computer. You also need an open mind, writing and computer skills and the ability to work 40 or more hours a week. Those aren’t bad requirements compared to jobs outside of the home. Plus, you can make way more money at this than you can other jobs. We hire all ages and races. You can have lots pf PSO experience or none at all. Either way, you are given 2 weeks training to learn the ropes. We are a blogging company, so prior Word Press and SEO experience is a plus but not a requirement. I have been at WBMT the longest now of the existing phone sex operators. I make easily over $1,000 a week from my home while my boyfriend breaks his back doing manual labor for a fraction of what I make a week. Seems unfair I know. But I do work hard for my money because I am greedy. I want to do more than just pay my bills. I want to thrive, so I work 60 plus hours a week. I blog several times a day and I commit to a weekly schedule. WBMT rewards me for my hard work. Do you want to be rewarded for your hard work too?

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

How to be a phone sex operator

Ask yourself how to be a phone sex operator with WBMT. Trust me. You will be glad you asked. I have been here several years. I have seen girls come and go. Hard working women you like to make good money and are not afraid of hard work, stay here. Girls who are lazy and can’t work with structure, leave. I am here to tell you though, you will not find a better company to work for. I have been at a few companies before and WBMT is by far the best. I was at one company that owed me over $4,000. They owed some girls more than that. Sadly, there are a lot of psycho owners but that is not the case at WBMT. The owner worked at a bad company and she designed a company that avoided all the drama and pitfalls of the crazy companies. I love working here. I design my own schedule weekly. I can work around my appointments and stuff. This company does have a structure with rules and requirements, however they have all been implemented to keep the company fair and help you make money. WBMT is the best PSO company to work for. Trust me, I know.

A Hard Working Phone Sex Operator Makes Bank

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I have the freedom to set my own schedule. I get to work from home. Plus, I make awesome money. More money than many of my friends. I don’t want to make this sound like easy money though. This is a job like any other job. To make top dollar in the phone sex industry, you need to work many hours, be consistent in your hours and blog every day you work. Blogging is free advertising for yourself and is what brings callers to you. The more you blog, the more callers you get. I blog several times a day. A hot kinky story between 200-300 words several times a day will help you build your caller base and line your pockets with money. This is not the company nor the industry for lazy or unmotivated people. I make over $1000 a week. I didn’t always, however. It took three to four months of working 60 plus hours a week and blogging many times a day to build up my regulars. I still blog and work a lot of hours because there are always new guys to snag! This is a fun company to work for and one of the most profitable. We are drama free though. Join us hard working phone sluts and apply today.

Be a phone sex operator!

phone sex operatorIf you want to make great money and work from home you should be a phone sex operator! You get to work from your bedroom who doesn’t like that? No dress code, no bra needed, hell you don’t even have to put on pants for this job! You get to work with the best ladies in the business too this is a drama free workplace cattiness and back stabbing bullshit will get you fired here. We all support each other we help each other we are a real family here and there is no other company out there as good as this one. I have worked at several phone sex companies and the competition at other places is toxic, owners pit girls against each other you are stressed all the time about if you will still have a job the next day it bullshit. This company is nothing like that there is no competition between girls here, we have job security here and if you work hard and follow the rules you will make a lot of money and have job security forever. I have been here for 5 years and I plan on staying here forever because this is the best job in the world!

At home phone operator jobs are not what you think

At home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs are not what you think. Women in this industry are not bimbos who can’t do anything else. They are honest, hardworking women who for whatever reason need or prefer to work from home. I know there are companies that are riddled with drama girls and lazy girls but that is not the way it is at WBMT. I don’t want to sound like a snob, but this company prides itself on hard working girls. Hardworking means blogging daily, committing to a weekly schedule and being a team player. WBMT lets girls go for being drama queens. We are a family at WBMT. Although this is a competitive industry, we enjoy helping new members of our team be successful too. We don’t back stab or steal callers at this company. All the negative things you have heard about this industry are not rampant at this company. We are a family of smart and hard working dirty talkers. We help each other as a team make money for ourselves and the company. When I started working here about 5 years ago, I made about $200 a week. Now, I average about $1300 a week. That came with being consistent in my work ethic and working for a company that trained me and allows me to make the most on my talk time. Apply with us today and find out what a wonderful place WBMT is to work.

Freedom Is Being A Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator The freedom to build great skills while working from the comfort of your own home is what becoming a phone sex operator could offer you. At WBMT you are given the best training and support you need to prosper. This is not a job to sit and do nothing and expect to make a living. This is a job that requires dedication and drive to make a better life for yourself while having more freedoms that some corporate affair. We get out what we put in, and it is always going to be obvious by the size of your paychecks. The phone sex industry is something that is still very lucrative if you put effort and time into it. I have been here for more than a few years and have worked at another company for many years. I can say without a doubt that this is one of the best companies you can join in this industry, hands down. The main requirements are to be open minded, creative, computer literate *ability to send and receive email, and search the web are a couple of good starter points. You must be able to have a landline phone as cell phones do not give quality service to callers and be self motivated and positive.