Nighttime At home phone operator jobs Available

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are for any age and race of woman. I didn’t think I would be a good fit for this job, but I am making great money as a mature woman in this industry. When I first started, I worked days while my offspring were in school. Now they are in college and I work nights. We have 24/7 shifts because guys always make phone sex calls. I have discovered that my natural night owl instincts make me better money at night. It is hard to find girls who will work the graveyard shift, but the money is good at nights because men often call after their wives go to sleep and before they get up for work in the morning. Plus, night shift gets the party guys who often do longer calls. You can set your own hours week to week at WBMT but you are required to commit to hours weekly. Sometimes I select day hours, but I love the nights. I stay busier on the phone. If you can blog daily and have a quiet place to work, the phone sex industry can be very profitable. We hire girls 18 and up because men like a range of women to talk to. This is not a cake walk job. You must put in daily effort to make your phone ring, but it is the best money you can make without a college education and from the comfort of your home. You just need a good work ethic, a quiet work space, a landline phone, high speed Internet and basic computer skills.