How to be a Phone Sex operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question you should ask yourself today? There are lots of stereotypes about this kind of work. I believed them too. I didn’t think this was a job college educated women did or that moms did, but I was wrong. I got myself into a jam when I quit a job without notice. I was being sexually harassed by a male employee and no one would do anything to stop it, so I quit thinking I could get unemployment until I found a better job. My former employer fought my unemployment, so I needed work while I looked for a job in my field. I applied to be a phone sex operator at WBMT and three years later I am still here. No male bosses or co-workers to harass me. Now, if someone wants to talk dirty, I get paid for it. I make more money at WBMT from home than I did at a white collar job I hated. I do well in this business because I have a good work ethic. I want to work. The more I work, the more I make. My daily effort is rewarded with a higher paycheck. No more working me to death because I am salaried. If you want to make great money from home and can blog and have basic computer skills, apply with us today. Change your life and your bank account.