Adult Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobsWorking from home sounded amazing to me when I started having allergic reactions to chemical odors and suffering migraines. I was working in an office building in a big city. The stress of fighting through the subway and bus to get to work every morning with the masses and then suffering constant headaches from the odors of co-workers perfumes was just getting unbearable. I quick my job and had to find something else. I refused to do retail and didn’t want another office job. I was at a lost when so many of the work from home things were not really great sounding. I stumbled on the phone actresses advertisement and it wasn’t for me, the company was a dispatch phone sex job and it just left a bad feeling with me. I decided to look into the industry some more. I found this job with WBMT and decided why not. Things were outlined in a better way that made more realistic sense to me. Competitive pay, computer knowledge and a landline phone. I could give that a try. I am so glad I did! I’ve been here a few years and it has been amazing in the earning potential. Don’t get me wrong, you DO have to work for the pay, but with a creative mind the blogging isn’t so bad! COme give WBMT a try.

Adult Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Fulfilling

Adult Phone Operator JobsWorking from home and making a real living wage is a dream come true for me. I stumbled upon WBMT for phone sex operator jobs on an adult job boards years back. It was the best thing ever for me. I had worked in the industry for years prior to joining this wonderful company. Those prior years were a joke. Many companies in this industry can be a little shady, and it’s hard to know when you first start out. Some girls accept it and believe that it being the sex industry they should expect that. No! Never accept that the only places in the PSO line of work will treat you as insignificant and pay you very little. Here we have competitive pay that is considered motivational pay. In the end it is based on what You want and how You work it. You blog and work a reliable schedule you make the money. Reliability and consistency is where you will win the callers here, well that and your blogging. Blogging is the advertising and selling of your  persona. You blog and work consistent hours the money will rain down on you. If you are willing to do these things and are with reliable internet, a good computer and a landline then you are on your way to a financially fulfilling life.

Phone Chat Jobs Are Amazing!

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are an amazing way to make a decent living. I’m making over $800. a week on average. There are many girls that make way more than that and many making less than this. When I started I was in School and was lucky to average 200. a week. That was all on me. I didn’t put the effort in and never realized how much simply blogging regularly would make such a difference. If you are a creative and great writer this could be the perfect job for you. You take calls and are expected to talk about all kinds of things. If you are ok with sexuality and discussing taboo topics then you can do awesome here. You must have a open mind and healthy attitude about sex and sexuality. This isn’t for everyone but those that can do it well will never want to leave. We have some of the best payscales in the industry and I know as I have worked in the industry for over a decade. I spent my first 8 yrs with a cruddy company that wasn’t supportive of her employees and was extremely paranoid. That attitude isn’t healthy. The owner and management here are awesome, supportive, easy to talk to and very caring. They pay well for those that put the full effort in and really you earn your living here. We push a no cattyness environment and you will find the other girls very willing to help you out. We are a family and you are invited to join us!

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Great

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is financially rewarding. I was shocked by that when I first started working here. My intention was for this to be a part time job. I wanted some extra play money. After 4 months this became my only job. I was making over $800 a week. A few years later, I make over $1,000 a week. I hustle for my money. I blog several times a day and I work 60 plus hours a week. It is easy to work more than 40 hours a week in this industry because you work from home. I can roll out of bed 15 minutes before my shift starts. I love that fact. I can multitask by doing laundry or dishes in between calls too. I love working from home, especially now. I am safe at home while this virus is invading our country. We are an elite company. We only hire hard working women who are drama free and can blog daily. The pay off is great though. I can support myself and my kids. I have a life again. I get shit done at home and I make money. Plus, I save miles on my car. Phone sex is the best industry for women, especially in these times.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Better Than You Think

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are not all it seems. They are not just for lazy fat girls that just eat, watch tv, and talk on the phone. These are real jobs that take real skills. They require actual work and you will gain new skills doing this line of work. If you adapt well to this kind of work it can be very empowering. I was doing online school courses and really needed to have a job that allowed some flexibility. I was in the middle of nowhere at this time and nothing reasonable for me without a car. I was struggling. I came across the Phone sex operator idea over a decade ago. The first company I was with turned out to be a not so great one. I found WBMT and have been here for a good few years and build up my skills greatly. I make a good living now and am paying off my useless education. The degree I went for wasn’t worthy of what it’s costing me but i did find a awesome opportunity and proved to myself I can finish something. Working with the women at WBMT is the best thing ever. I’m not blowing hot air as they will really support and help you when you’re feeling defeated in life. Make the change for the better and come apply with us.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are easy to find, but we at WBMT do not just hire anyone. This is the phone sex company with the highest payout in the industry. You can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. At most companies you will be lucky if you make 80 cents a minute on your talk time. Some companies let you make $1.05 but that is often only if you make over 1000 minutes in a week. I love that what is rewarded at WBMT is my hard work and effort. If I blog more and work 60 plus hours a week, I can make $1.10 per minute on my talk time. Let me tell you, that extra 10 or 5 cents adds up. Now, we hire women who cannot work that much. You can still make $1 a minute which is better than many companies working 40 hours a week. I love everything about this company from the pay structure to the women who work here. We are a no drama company, so you will be supported. You will be encouraged. You will be trained. WBMT is a cut above the other phone sex companies. Join our time and fins out why.

Becoming a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorIs becoming a Phone Sex Operator right for you? Are you needing a job where you can make good money with a little work and effort? Do you feel trapped because you don’t have reliable transportation and the good jobs are too far away? Maybe you have animals that you need to care for and be home. You might run an animal rescue and need some supplemental income to keep things going. There are many reasons that this could be the job for you. Illness, recent happenings in the world. Things can be overwhelming and times are weird. Well, working from home as a PSO is a real job, a stable income if you can put the effort and time in to build it. You can easily average 400.00 + a week. We get paid weekly and it can really be the solution you need. You are required to work Full time as you realistically cannot make good money in this industry as a part timer. It takes effort and dependability. You need computer skills and a stable internet with a dependable computer. A landline phone is essential and a quiet place to take calls. If it sounds intriguing submit an application today

Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

Become a phone sex operator today. We are always looking for positive and fun women to join us in a drama free environment. We are where you can go to stay away from those corona cooties and live it up with other fun, intelligent and supportive women. You can say we are a little more unique at WBMT as we believe in helping each other succeed. If you are new to this sort of thing it’s OK! We train and support you every step of the way. You should be self-motivated, computer literate, and creative. We are extremely reliant on our computers so it is essential to have a dependable internet connection and computer to do this job. The other main essential ingredient is a dedicated landline. A cell phone is not acceptable to use for this job. If you are dedicated to success and working hard you will make a excellent living. I have been with the company around five or so years and love it here. I have worked for another company in the past and this one has truly been the best. You can easily average over 500.00 a week if you work hard and do the simple things required. If it sounds even slightly intriguing to you please submit the application today!

PSO Jobs Available Now

pso jobs

We have lots pf pso jobs available. Unlike many businesses, the phone sex world is still booming. This is a great job for extra money or even as a sole income. I have another job as a writer too, but I make way more money talking dirty. Both jobs are from home, which saves me time and commuter costs. I was in a good place when I started working for WBMT. Since this is a blog driven company, you need to be able to write several 200 to 300 word erotic stories each shift you work. You will not make money at this company if you cannot blog. This is the best PSO company to work for too. For one, it is female owned and operated. The owner is a former PSO herself. She took the bad things from the companies she worked at and made a better company. She pays better than any other phone sex company too. You can make up to a $1.10 a minute here with the maximum effort which is working 60 hours with ten hours on the weekend and writing three blogs a day five times a week. You can make 20 cents a minute doing nothing and up to $1.10 a minute doing what I mentioned. I will never work for another company.

At home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs make women a decent living. I love working at WBMT so much. It is a family environment. There is no catty behavior or drama tolerated at this company, so it makes for a good work environment. I have worked at companies before where it was like Mean Girls. I hate bitches. I hate women who get jealous and take it to a nasty level. None of that will be tolerated here. So, you can feel comfortable working at a pro woman company. I make good money at WBMT. I am not going to say that we have the biggest call volume, but we have a steady client base and we get new callers daily. This is a direct dial company which means you need to be able to blog to get your phone ringing. Some dispatch companies have a higher call volume, but they pay you less and they have hold times. We have no hold times at WBMT. You are paid per minute of your talk time. Now, how much you make a minute can vary depending on how much and how hard you work here. I like working at a company that rewards my hard work with a higher pay rate. I cannot say enough about this company. Apply today and find out why I am so happy.