Phone sex jobs are better than you think. I know before I was hired, I thought this kind of job was full of drama and cattiness. It may be at some companies, but not here. WBMT is a company better than most phone sex companies. The owner is a former PSO. She built a company that was designed to build women up and make all her contractors a decent income. This is the best pso company I have had by far. One, I can earn more money here because of the pay structure. Other companies I could only make $1.05 on my talk time max. And then I had to make over 1000 minutes a week to earn that. Here at WBMT, I can earn up to a $1.10 a minute on my talk time and it doesn’t matter how many minutes I earn. It is based on how many hours I work a week and how much I blog. There are no hold times either. This is not a dispatch site, so blogging is necessary for a higher pay scale and to make your phone ring. If you have worked at lackluster or plain awful pso companies, give us a try. You will not be disappointed.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
I love being a Phone Sex Operator
I love being a phone sex operator. I set my own hours. I work from home and I make good money. When this pandemic unemployed my husband and my friends, I was still collecting a good paycheck. I love working from home. This is a good job for any woman who wants to stay at home. Maybe you hate people. Maybe you have little ones at home. Maybe you have social phobias. Maybe you have health issues. It does not matter. If you want to make money and collect a weekly paycheck, phone sex is the job for you. WBMT is a great company to work for too. It is not like other companies. You do have to commit to a weekly schedule. You select your hours, but once you do, you must show up or it effects your pay scale. WBMT pays on a scale. You can make 20 cents a minute and do nothing. Or you can make up to a $1.10 a minute kicking ass by working 60 hours a week with 10 hours on the weekend and blogging 15 times over 5 days. We are not a dispatch company, so you must hustle to make your phone ring. But working here is the best. No drama and high payout if hard work does not scare you.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs Are So Simple!
I have found incredible success working adult phone operator jobs. The application, interview, and hiring process are so simple! The work that we do is not only easy, but it’s fun! The absolute hardest part is not the actual talking, but keeping myself on a schedule since I essentially am an independent contractor! That means I truly am in control of the incredible cash flow I’ve been earning.
The job requires very minimal things: internet, a dedicated landline and a reliable computer, and the most important ingredients; motivation, determination, and consistency. This job is pretty straight forward; it involves a lot of self marketing which is a great way to control my clientele, but that entails a lot of writing.Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an A list author to work at home phone operator jobs!
The format used is so easy to follow, and almost fool proof! Our leadership team gives absolutely fantastic advice and guidance on how to succeed in this business. They teach and guide you every step of the way. This is a job you’ll stay at for years. Consistency is key, and the rewards we reap are worth the work. If you’d like to work from home, and can handle an easy, straightforward job, submit an application with us today and get started on living your best life.
Phone Sex Jobs are Better than You Think
Phone sex jobs are not what you think. Sure, we talk dirty for money, but it is great money. We are not a bunch of dumb bimbo sluts working the phones because we cannot do anything else. We are mothers, wives, retirees, college girls, disabled women and women who just prefer to work at home. WBMT is a family, not a cat house. We support and encourage one another. Also, we work hard for the money. WBMT has more rules and requirements than most companies but that is because WBMT has the highest payout in the industry too. We can make 20 cents a minute on our talk time for doing nothing or $1.10 a minute for working 60 hours a week with 10 on the weekends and blogging 5 days a week. This is good money for women who can blog. This is not dispatch, so you are expected to blog a few times a day to make minutes. You need some basic computer skills too. And the ability to work 40-60 hours a week. You are provided training on how to blog. We use Word Press for blogging and Google Docs for schedules and recording calls. Trust me. I have worked for some awful companies that I did not last long at, but I have been here over 5 years because I am treated well and make great money.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs
Adult phone operator jobs are legitimate work for home opportunities. In these times, who does not want to work from home? You need an open mind to do phone sex. We talk about a lot of taboo subjects. It can be hard at times, but if you just think of this all as fantasy, you will be fine. We may not be saving lives in this line of work, but there is no shame in talking dirty. You can make great money and support yourself and your family. Throughout this pandemic, I never had to collect assistance. In fact, I was able to help some of my friends and family who were not as fortunate as me to still be working. We are hiring women who can commit to 40 plus hours a week. The more you work, the more you make. This is not the kind of job for lazy women. It might seem like easy work, but the girls like me who have been in the business for a long time, work hard for the money. We work more than 40 hours a week. We blog several times a shift. We do not create drama and we always remain upbeat and professional. This is a job like any other job, which means there are secrets to being successful and procedures that need to be followed. But if you can follow the rules and procedures and put in the work, this can be a lucrative field.
Phone Sex Operator Was The Career Switch I Needed
Adult phone operator jobs are the perfect way for independent, driven women to make money from the comfort of their own homes! I have some health issues that make working a normal nine to five so difficult for me. I became so exhausted by trying to balance work life, home life, and my marriage. Finally, I decided I was tired of working jobs and wanted a real career that would be both profitable and possible for me to maintain. I deeply did my research into what the best home office career might be.
The best fit that I found seemed to be looking into at home phone operator jobs. I was so nervous, wondering exactly what was in store for me. While doing my research, I came across WBMT, the top company that the internet has to offer. I put in an application here alone, and lo and behold I got an interview! I thought that the application process was easy, but my interview was even simpler! Management here at WBMT work for you instead of the other way around; they were, and continue to be, patient, helpful, and they tell you exactly how to succeed in this field. If you follow the Leadership Team’s advice, you’ll always make a crazy amount of bank!
The question of how to be a phone sex operator intimidated me, but it is all so simple! All you need is a notebook, a pen, a computer with internet access, a dedicated landline, motivation, creativity, and consistency! Those tools are all it takes to be successful in the phone sex industry. If you’re wondering “is this really for me?” The answer is yes. If you need a change, if you need flexibility, if you need reliable income, then WBMT is for you. Come and meet our little PSO family, and welcome home!
At Home Phone Operator Jobs Are Best For Today’s World
At home phone operator jobs are the perfect kind of work for these days. In a time like this, there could be no better way to make a living. All that is required of you is a little hard work that will, eventually pay off. This is not a get rich quick scheme nor some sort of pyramid fraud. WBMT has openings for women that want to be independently successful and don’t mind working on the computer and phones. There is a form of selling involved but it’s a creative kind. You can have the ability to work from home when it works for you and make a good living. I went from making a meager living waitressing and had to make it to work in city traffic even if I had a cold or temperature. It was hard. I had a fall and no health insurance and that was even harder. I found the phone sex industry after being teasingly told I should do phone sex and I have not looked back. I love my job, I adore and love the women I work with here at WBMT and they are the most supportive ever. I hope you find your place with us and wish you success!
Adult Phone Operator Jobs
Working from home sounded amazing to me when I started having allergic reactions to chemical odors and suffering migraines. I was working in an office building in a big city. The stress of fighting through the subway and bus to get to work every morning with the masses and then suffering constant headaches from the odors of co-workers perfumes was just getting unbearable. I quick my job and had to find something else. I refused to do retail and didn’t want another office job. I was at a lost when so many of the work from home things were not really great sounding. I stumbled on the phone actresses advertisement and it wasn’t for me, the company was a dispatch phone sex job and it just left a bad feeling with me. I decided to look into the industry some more. I found this job with WBMT and decided why not. Things were outlined in a better way that made more realistic sense to me. Competitive pay, computer knowledge and a landline phone. I could give that a try. I am so glad I did! I’ve been here a few years and it has been amazing in the earning potential. Don’t get me wrong, you DO have to work for the pay, but with a creative mind the blogging isn’t so bad! COme give WBMT a try.
Adult Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Fulfilling
Working from home and making a real living wage is a dream come true for me. I stumbled upon WBMT for phone sex operator jobs on an adult job boards years back. It was the best thing ever for me. I had worked in the industry for years prior to joining this wonderful company. Those prior years were a joke. Many companies in this industry can be a little shady, and it’s hard to know when you first start out. Some girls accept it and believe that it being the sex industry they should expect that. No! Never accept that the only places in the PSO line of work will treat you as insignificant and pay you very little. Here we have competitive pay that is considered motivational pay. In the end it is based on what You want and how You work it. You blog and work a reliable schedule you make the money. Reliability and consistency is where you will win the callers here, well that and your blogging. Blogging is the advertising and selling of your persona. You blog and work consistent hours the money will rain down on you. If you are willing to do these things and are with reliable internet, a good computer and a landline then you are on your way to a financially fulfilling life.
Phone Chat Jobs Are Amazing!
Phone chat jobs are an amazing way to make a decent living. I’m making over $800. a week on average. There are many girls that make way more than that and many making less than this. When I started I was in School and was lucky to average 200. a week. That was all on me. I didn’t put the effort in and never realized how much simply blogging regularly would make such a difference. If you are a creative and great writer this could be the perfect job for you. You take calls and are expected to talk about all kinds of things. If you are ok with sexuality and discussing taboo topics then you can do awesome here. You must have a open mind and healthy attitude about sex and sexuality. This isn’t for everyone but those that can do it well will never want to leave. We have some of the best payscales in the industry and I know as I have worked in the industry for over a decade. I spent my first 8 yrs with a cruddy company that wasn’t supportive of her employees and was extremely paranoid. That attitude isn’t healthy. The owner and management here are awesome, supportive, easy to talk to and very caring. They pay well for those that put the full effort in and really you earn your living here. We push a no cattyness environment and you will find the other girls very willing to help you out. We are a family and you are invited to join us!