Phone Chat Jobs are for Women Over 40 Too

phone chat jobs

Are you looking for phone chat jobs? We have them. We hire all kinds of women 18 and older. When I first got hired, I was under the impression that phone sex was a job for coeds. I am a mature woman. I did not realize men called women my age, but they do. Guys love talking to mommies, milfs, cougars and grandmas. So, do not let your age prevent you from applying. I almost did, but I was desperate for work when the pandemic hit because I lost my job. Working from home was perfect. I never intended this to be a permanent job, but here I am a year later after things opened back up. I want to still work form home, but even if COVID were gone forever, I would still do this because it is more money than I have ever made, and I am not on my feet all day. I can work from home and save my body, my time, and my energy. I can get things done too like laundry and dishes. I love phone sex work. I think you will too, but you need to blog and commit to a schedule weekly. You can make great money from home.

Phone Sex Jobs Require Blogging

phone sex jobsWe have phone sex jobs for all shifts. We are constantly hiring. There is a lot of turnover in this business, but girls tend to stay at this company. The ones who leave either do not want to do the work we require, or they violate one of our rules like creating drama. I love working here, but it is not a cake walk. You do have to treat PSO work at WBMT like a job. It is a job like any job. But because we work from home you need to be motivated and consistent to make decent money. Blogging is required at this job. Daily blogging too, but it is worth it to blog your ass off because blogging makes your phone ring. This is a great company to work for. Honestly, it is one of the best pso jobs I have had yet. I will not lie to you though, we do require a lot more than most pso companies, so if you are not good with unstructured time and cannot see yourself blogging, this is not the place for you. But if you can commit to a weekly schedule and blog a few times a day, you can make bank from home.

Phone sex Operator Is Real work

phone sex operatorI never thought being a phone sex operator would become my only income. I just needed something to get money so I could go and find a “real” job. My life had started over and I had to make money to rebuild my life. Within a month or two here I quickly realized that this was a legitimate income, a way to support myself. I was able to start pulling checks I would have been making at a fast food place full time. And With every week, I fine tuned my chat, blog and client skills. I had a shorty slow laptop at first, but I had a decent landline and internet so I managed until I bought a new laptop. I learned from training and my peers. I fell in love, was able to move and have an apartment. And a little while later a vehicle. I now consider PSO Jobs to be one of the “real” jobs. It does take work, but I do it from home and WBMT provides training and encouragement. Communication Skills, Trustworthy, decent Computer skills, and A drive to help your self through working for WBMT as an independent contractor? Apply with WBMT.

Wanna be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? I did not want to be one. Honestly, I was just desperate for a job when Covid hit, and I looked at PSO work as temporary. Well, the world opened back up and I am still doing PSO work. Why? Not only have I become spoiled by working from home, I have also come to enjoy the money I am making. It took me several months of consistently working and blogging daily, but I now make more money than I did at my pre Covid job. And, I am not on my feet all day. I do not have a commute. I do not have to buy clothes for work either. I save money on gas and I can do things in between calls like laundry and dishes. I love working from home. It does take work to be a PSO, however. It is not rocket science or hard labor, but you do have to work 40-60 hours a week, but it is from home. That’s easier to do. You do have to blog daily because this is a direct dial company. That means you advertise yourself and the best way to do that is with blogging. If you hate your job, or are just tired of going to work, join our team and work from home.

Never Too Old to be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I never thought I would. I took this job out of desperation for work, but that was 4 years ago. I got divorced, my son was in college, and I had no more support from my ex-husband. I was not qualified for much as I had been a stay-at-home mom. I did not think anyone would hire a woman in her 40s for this kind of work. I mean you do not see 40-year-old strippers. Turns out lots of guys call mature women. I make over $1,000 a week and never thought I could make that without a college degree. Now, this is not a cake walk job. You do have to hustle for your calls. The way you make money is when your phone rings. Guys buy minutes to talk to you and you are paid by the minute of talk time purchased. Now, that per minute rate you earn varies depending on how much you work. I mean that figuratively and literally. The more hours you commit to a week, the more your phone rings and the higher your pay rate is. Also, the more you blog the more your phone rings and the higher your pay rate is on your talk time. If you can work hard, you can earn well. Women 18 thru 62 work here, so do not let age stop you from joining our team.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Unique

phone sex operator

Phone sex operator jobs are very unique. The companies that employ pso’s are all different, for the most part. WBMT is owned and managed by professional women. The owner has worked for other companies and so has the management. So they started this company after dealing with less than professional companies. This shows in how the business is ran. Everything is done professionally and with great care. This is the best PSO company to work for if you are willing to work hard and stay honest. I have great respect for my boss and the women that work here. We are drama free and very much supportive of each other. We are like a family here. The women that work for WBMT are supportive and hard workers. If you like to make great money and work for it, then this is a great place to make a real income. I work 60 hrs a week. It’s working from home, and it’s totally legit.You need basic computer knowledge, a computer, stable internet, a hardline telephone (Home phone) and a private place to work. The training is provided. You are really going to love working here if you love your independence. No more commuter traffic or public transport to make rent.

Phone Sex Jobs are Fulltime Work

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs require a commitment that is full time plus. If you put in little effort, you will not see much benefit. This is a job. The money you can make all depends on you. It is an understatement to think it’s brainless work. If you want that, well go be a robot at some corporate service job. If you are looking for true independence, and real wages, then that takes effort. Yes, I am using effort a lot in this message. Thing is when you just sit back and expect to make money without doing much else, then yes, you will fail.

In the beginning of my working in the phone sex circuit I was taking online classes full time. I did not put in a lot of effort and made very little. Fast forward a decade I am doing great income wise. I changed companies. I went through many rollercoasters with adjustments. The final outcome has me in a far better income bracket and quality of life than I have from the beginning. I now even get respect for the work I do, when others tried saying it’s not a real job. It is.

Do you want to be a phone sex operator?

phone sex operator

Do you want to be a phone sex operator? I was curious after I was stuck at home following a car accident. I was in a wheelchair. I had months of physical therapy ahead of me and no income because I could not work. A friend of mine suggested phone sex. She did it when she was in grad school and said she made great money at home. I started looking around to see what kinds of phone sex work I could find. I applied to a few companies, but only WBMT hired me. I was at first bummed because I thought why did these other companies not want me. I assumed it was my lack of experience. It all worked out in the end because I cannot imagine working anywhere else. I make great money safely from home. I have no commute time. I can roll out of bed 20 minutes before I must work. I can do laundry while at work. I can set my own hours and work around doctor appointments and a social life. I have a boyfriend now and he is supportive of what I do. In way, being in a car wreck bettered my life because it led me to the highest paying job of my life.

We Have the Best Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobsWe have the best phone sex jobs at WBMT. I was working fast food before the pandemic hit the world. I was laid off because we had to reduce the number of employees. I had not been at Arby’s for long, so I was gone. I was trying to get unemployment, but it was not coming through fast enough to keep a roof over my head. I applied for a PSO job. I thought it would be temporary, but even during my two week training phase, I was making more money than I was at Arby’s. And I was doing it safely from home where I did not need to worry about Covid. After training, I started making even more money and a year later, I doubt I will ever do anything else because money is great in this industry. WBMT is not like other companies. You have the chance to make great money here if you work hard. The work hard part means work more than 40 hours a week and blog a few times a day. That is way easier to me than dealing with working on my feet and trying to understand folks through a drive through window, LOL. WBMT saved my life. If they had not hired me when they did, I might have been homeless.

We Have Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobs

We have phone chat jobs for women like you. We do not require much to start, but you do need a landline phone, a modern laptop or desk top computer (no Chrome books or iPads) and high speed Internet. Having experience is not a bad thing either. Now, we hire women with prior PSO experience and none at all. Either way, you will be provided with training. Experience with Google docs and Word Press are helpful, but not necessary. What is necessary is that you can blog, understand basic computer operations like checking email, and commit to a weekly schedule. You design your own hours here, but once you select them, you must work them. The number of hours you work a week and the number of blogs you publish, the more you make on your talk time. One of the things I love most about this company is that my paycheck is in my hands. I can make 20 cents a minute by doing absolutely nothing, not even a couple social media posts or committing to any hours. Or, I can do more like working 60 hours a week and blogging 5 times a week and make $1.10 a minute on my talk time. Most companies take more than half of your talk time, but at WBMT you have the chance to earn up to 60% of your talk time and that is not common in this industry. Join our team and find out how much you can make too.