Phone Sex Operator jobs at wbmt

phone sex operator

Phone sex jobs at WBMT are lifesaving. It is a company where you can be yourself and feel safe among women who have been doing this for decades! There’s nothing like having a place to train and build you up as you make money! We are a competitive company and that often thrills me. I make my weekly goals and push myself more because The most competitive person I come up against is me! Beating my goals and using the platforms that WBMT gives us makes me feel great! Even at 50-60 hours I still have a wonderful work/life balance. Are you dedicated to making phone chat your main income? Well, I’m here to say that wbmt changed, and saved my life. I don’t know what I would be doing if it weren’t for this amazing company. I have worked in just about every PSO type of job and nothing compares to the skills and client base that WBMT offers! There’s no doubt about it! Now we can do calls on our cells and shitty landlines are a thing of the past. We keep up with the best technology and WBMT owners and management are women who create a wonderful place for women to make money!