At Home Phone Operator Jobs are in High Demand

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs appear to be in higher demand since Covid. More women want to work from home. Some women even just want to have a job, any job because of this post Covid economy. Phone sex is the perfect at home job any woman can do. You just need a quiet place to work. I work when my kids are either at school or sleeping.

I am married, so I do have help with them, but they are at an age when they do not always follow directions. So, it is best that I do not work when they are home and awake, LOL. But when my husband lost his job during Covid, one of us needed to work to support the family. And even when my husband went back to his job, I stayed working because I love WBMT.

The money I make is great. I bring home about $1000 a week working 40 hours. And there are many girls here who make more than me. I set my own hours, and I can change them about every 3 months as needed. Even though this was meant to be a temporary job, the money was too good for me to not keep working here.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Starts Right Here

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator begins right here. When I was looking for a phone sex job, I read testimonials like this one for hours. Not many companies even had a hiring site quite as nice as this one if they had one at all. I enjoyed hearing the positive things that girls had to say about this company. And because I read over and over that phone sex requires work, I was prepared to work and blog.

I have been here for three years now. And I love it. I wanted to work from home, so I had flexibility to go to school. Although I finished my degree, and I do have a day job, I still do phone sex because I love the extra money. In fact, I make more money part time at WBMT than I do at my full-time job I went to school for.

Phone sex is booming business. I was shocked to be honest. But not all companies have great traffic. WBMT does because of blogging. Girls blog many times a week here at WBMT and it shows because that blogging drives our traffic. We have high SEO ranking on google. I know that might not make sense to you now if you do not blog, but you want a company with a lot of traffic. And blogging is the best way to drive traffic to your site.

I know girls making a couple hundred a week at other companies. And even part-time I make over $1000 a week. Of course, I did not do that initially. But with time your call volume will increase too. Apply with us and see how much money you can make.

Phone Chat Jobs Can Be Lucrative for Women Who Work

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs can be lucrative for women who work hard. In this industry you need to do more than just show up and answer your phone. You need to blog and go that extra mile. I think phone sex gets the bum rap of being a lazy girl’s job. But the lazy girls never make much in this industry. They may scrap by or get lucky because they have a great voice, but why put your paycheck at risk.

When I started at WBMT, I was new to the industry. Very naïve about how it all worked. And it took me a few months to master the blogging game. I do not think I was lazy in the beginning. I just had to find my way and understand the business. The more I blog, the more calls I get. Honestly, it is that simple.

I started blogging more than the minimum required per week. And I learned how to time blogs well. Like posting blogs at the start of my shift not the end of it. Once I understood how to make the real money, my paychecks soared. Any girl can make a couple hundred dollars a week doing this with no effort. But when you realize that with time and hard effort you can make over a grand a week, why would you settle for a couple hundred?

If hard work does not scare you and making serious money motivates you, then WBMT Is the place for you.

Adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs allow women to support themselves and their families. There should be no shame in this kind of job. I have a husband and children. I was a stay-at-home mom, and my husband lost his job during covid. He is a restaurant manager. But he could not find a job during the shutdowns. And we needed more money to support ourselves.

I applied for a phone sex job. Although it took me awhile to build a clientele of regulars, WBMT gave me the tools and training I needed to be a successful PSO. They taught me how to blog and stressed the importance of showing up on time for my schedule. After a couple months I was making what my husband was before the pandemic.

It felt good to keep us in our home and pay our bills on time. So, when the world opened back up, I stayed at WBMT. This is an honest job. Not a scam. No skills necessary, but you do need a cell phone, high speed internet and a modern computer. And you need a quiet background to work from.

When I first started here, my kids were home, so I worked third shift while everyone slept. Then when they went back to school, I switched to days. This job allows for flexibility. And I can spend time with my family and never leave the house for work. I love being a phone sex operator at WBMT.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator for WBMT

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. I did not think I would love this job. When I started here about 4 years ago, I just needed a job until something else better came around. Guess what? Maybe better jobs on paper came around, but no job that was actually better came around. I like setting my own hours. And I love working from home. And I love no commute. Combine that with the fact that I make 6 figures a year, and I am super happy I work for WBMT.

Phone sex enables me to support myself and to actually enjoy life. It is a job I can tune off when I am not working. It is not a stressful job either. Sure, it can get a little hectic at times when the phones are busy, but this is not the kind of stress that hurts your health or your mental state.

And it is a job that pays well if you work hard. I love that WBMT makes it so everyone could make up to $1.10 a minute if they wanted. Pay scale here is based on how much we do in a week, not how many minutes you make in a week like most companies. Everyone has a fair shot of making a living wage if they just blog and show up to work. Curious? Want to know more? Apply today and learn even more about what a great company this is when you join our team.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Not a Dying Field

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs might seem like a dying business in light of Only Fans and cam jobs. But I am here to tell you that phone sex is thriving. Although you may see fewer phone sex companies around than 20 years ago, that is not because the industry is on the decline. Phone sex companies have always come and gone.

It takes people behind the scenes, like the owner and the managers, to make a company great. If people behind the scenes do not know what they are doing or do not invest the time and money into building a successful company, then that company will not last. Although it can be fun thinking you are with a new company helping them build something special, it is risky too.

WBMT has been in business for over ten years now. And that is a long time in this industry. And as technology and SEO changes, this company changes too. For example, years ago men found phone sex companies often on advertising platforms like Phone Sex Central. But that company folded several years ago.

They way most men find phone sex sites nowadays is through Google keyword searches. And that is why you want a company that requires blogging. Blogging companies have more traffic. And we have high SEO Google ranking from our blogs. Every girl here blogs many times a week, even a few blogs a day. And that helps us all get calls.

WBMT has great management and folks invested in making this a lasting and profitable company for us all. I have been here since the company’s two-year anniversary. And I have not needed to look elsewhere because I make great money here. Plus, I am treated with respect. No drama here. No backhanded crap either.

Join our team and continue to grow with us.

A Phone Sex Operator Works from Home

phone sex operatorA phone sex operator works from home. We provide sexual conversations and fantasies to clients over the phone. You get to set your own hours and you can work as much as you want. You can work 30, 40, 50 or 60 plus hours a week with us. The more you work the more you make.

To be a PSO with us, you must be at least 18 years old and have a landline or cell phone. And you must have a modern computer and high-speed Internet. Previous experience in phone sex is not necessary, but it is welcomed. Good record keeping skills and a quiet place to work are a must too.

The job duties of a PSO with us include answering calls from clients, blogging several times a shift and keeping good records. You must be comfortable engaging in sexual conversations, role playing, using explicit language and fulfilling clients’ fantasies. You must also be able to keep the conversation going and maintain a high level of energy and enthusiasm without showing judgment.

We offer training and support for new operators. We will show you how to blog effectively. And teach you how to utilize our programs. We use Word Press for blogging and Google Docs for our record keeping. Prior experience is beneficial but not necessary. Our pay scale varies. You can make anywhere from 20 cents a minute on your talk time all the way up to $1.10 a minute. The more you blog and work, the more money you earn on your talk time. I love working for WBMT. I think you will too

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator is a Smart Question to Ask

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a smart question to ask yourself. A question I wished I had asked myself soon. Honestly, I had no clue that you could make real money doing this. Like an actual livable wage. And I think I thought maybe it was a scam. But I am mostly guilty of wrongly assuming that this was the kind of job only women who did not go to college or lazy women who did not want to work hard had.

Every notion I had about phone sex turned out to be wrong. I have met some amazing women doing this at WBMT. Women who are smart and hard working. And women who taught me that no matter what your background might be there are 100s of reasons for women to work in this industry. We have women who support themselves and their families with phone sex. We have coeds to grandmas working here too.

Although I do not have children, I have a disabled partner. I never wanted to leave him because he could no longer work like he once did before he got injured. But my salary alone was not going to support us both until his disability came in. But one day I looked into phone sex thinking it would be a side hustle. And it became my only hustle after only a few months.

I support us both. And I work from home, so we get to spend a lot of time together too. I can be around to help him when he needs it. I work hard for my money, but I have always had a good work ethic. And if you can blog and put in the hours to build yourself a good following of regulars, you can thrive too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Great

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is great. I cannot believe I never thought of this industry sooner. I get to set my own hours, and work from home. I am not treating my body poorly with physical labor or standing on my feet. I save gas money and wear and tear on my car. My energy is great now too because my job no longer stresses me out or makes me work overtime.

The greatest thing about working for WBMT is that I can live my life better since I am able to pay my bills and enjoy life now. I travel and go to the movies. And I even have time for a relationship. I love the freedom that doing phone sex gives me. But I still work hard because it is my job. And when you treat phone sex like the job it is, you will make more money.

Those of us who make over $1000 a week have good work habits. We blog daily a few times per shift. We show up for our scheduled hours. Sometimes we work a little more per week too. And we are always nice and polite to our callers. Phone sex is a job. Therefore, you do need to put in some time and effort to make your phone ring. But if you can do the work, you can thrive too.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not that hard. To get started, you need a cell phone with an unlimited plan. You also need high speed Internet and a modern computer or laptop. Combine these things with a quiet place to work and you can start working for WBMT.
I will admit when I applied for a job here, I had no clue what to expect. I’d never done anything like this before. But I needed a job. And I wanted to work from home. WBMT trained me on all the requirements of the job.

They showed me a lot of patience too. I am older and I did not have a lot of experience with computers. I knew how to check email. But I had never blogged or run a credit card before.

But once I got the hang of blogging, and processing credit cards, I felt more confident. I got used to things and found myself a groove. Before long, I started making decent money. After about 4 months, I was making more money than I ever had at any job I had before.
Making money is not instant.

You will make money when you start, but your oak will grow the longer you are here and if you are consistently blogging every shift and working your schedule. Phone sex is not rocket science. You need no experience, but you do need to work hard to make the best money. But we can all make good money if we put some time into this. Treat phone sex like the job it is, and you will make great money too.