Phone chat jobs are the best work from home jobs a woman can have. Think about it. You can make a better than decent income working from home. I love PSO work. I have been in the business for years. I have a chronic health condition, so regular work is not for me. I had other work from home jobs, but none paid me what I make at WBMT. When the Corona Virus hit the US, I was grateful to work from home. It was slower for me than usual, but I still made more money from home than any of my friends on unemployment. I had to work a little harder and longer than normal, but that is the beauty of this job. You can work as little or as much as you want. You can design your own hours. You can work 30 hours a week or 120 hours a week. WBMT does require a committed scheduled that you pick week to week. And, to make top dollar you must blog daily too. I love that my hard work and effort is financially rewarded with a higher pay rate. The more hours I work in a week and the more days in the week I blog, the higher my check is. I am very grateful to have such a great company to work for
Category Archives: Phone sex operator
Phone Sex Jobs for Every Kind of Woman
Phone sex jobs are for every kind of woman. Old, young, black, white, big or small. We like to think we hire something for everyone. I never thought I would be in this kind of business. Honestly, I am college educated. I had a white collar job, but I was unemployed from the COVID virus. I knew I could go back to work eventually, but I had a family to support and unemployment was not enough to support us. I decided to take a chance and apply for a job with WBMT. I saw their hiring page, the one you are reading this testimonial on. I took a chance. I was making money the day I got hired. It took two weeks to get a paycheck, but once my checks started coming, the stress of how to feed my babies lessened. I was employed. From home too. While my son and daughter were doing their home schooling in their rooms, I was talking dirty in my bedroom. I have a good work ethic, and that has served me well in this business. I stick to a committed schedule and I blog daily. That helps the phone ring. I am not sure when the world will get back to normal, but until them I am going to keep making money from home.
Apply to be a phone sex operator
Apply to be a phone sex operator with us today and start making money from home. When the coronavirus hit, I was not out of a job. I already worked from home and had been for 6 years. I was worried about my income, but I was still making good money despite what was going on in the world. PSO work is work like any job, but it is safe work from home. It is low stress and there are zero health risks. While my friends were out their bartender and restaurant jobs, I could still work. I love working form home. I can take care of household things, tend to my senior pups and make money. I set my own schedule week to week. I can work as much or as little as I want but WBMT does require at least 20 hours a week. You won’t make much at that if I am being honest. The highest pay rate goes to girls who work more than 50 hours a week. WBMT is a great company to work for in this industry. Drama free. Female owned. This is not dispatch, so you do need to blog daily to get your phone ringing, but the pay out is higher. Work from home with us and apply now.
Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are In High Demand Now
Phone sex operator jobs are in high demand in these trying times. It’s a real job and you can make a real living at this line of work. The best thing is being liberated from a predominately male culture when it comes to working from home. It was a thing years back that the majority of high earning careers that allowed one to telecommute were of some kind of executives or programmers. These were positions nearly always held by men. Women working from home was more or less the mother, housekeeper of the home rearing children, cooking and cleaning. You never made a wage, maybe the husband gave you an allowance. Well fast forward 20 yrs and we are here. This is phone sex and this is not just a simple sit on your ass and answer the phone while doing your nails. This is a job. You have to be tech savvy and know your way around the internet and a computer. You should be able to function well in multitasking and have good grammar. We train and support you, but you must be motivated to make something of yourself. In the current situation where a viral outbreak can collapse the system of working in a public forum, this is a true god send. It’s the time to become self sufficient and find alternate means of making a living and online adult entertainers are always in demand.
Phone Sex Jobs are Work from Home
Phone sex jobs are work from home jobs. Many women don’t realize that. The days of women talking dirty in cubicles are long gone. You just need a quite place to work, high speed internet and a land-line phone. Then you can work from the privacy of your home. I love working form home. I was especially glad to be an at home worker when the coronavirus hit, and everyone was told to stay at home. I love this industry. You can make a good income without leaving the house. That means you can watch your little ones, do laundry, shop online and do other things while working. I don’t want to make this job seem easy. It is easier than say retail, but it does require work like any other job that pays well. We are a blog driven company. Several blogs per day are expected. You will want to blog to get your phone ringing. This is a direct dial company. No dispatch. You answer your phone and you collect the billing information. A direct dial company pays higher than a dispatch company. You can earn any where from 20 cents a minute on your talk time to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time. How much you make depends on how many hours you commit to working in a week and how often you blog. This is a good living for a woman who wants to work and doesn’t mind committing to a schedule and blogging.
Social Distancing with PSO Jobs
PSO jobs are the perfect jobs for social distancing. When this pandemic hit, I was grateful I worked from home. Call volume waxes and wanes, but it is still good money during tough times and excellent money during great times. WBMT is the highest pay out in this industry. I love working here. I can make up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. I can make far less too, but why would I if I can make more. I love our pay scale. It is based on effort not the minutes you make like at most companies. I have been in this industry for years. At former companies I never made more than $1.05 a min on my talk time and that was only if I made over 1,000 minutes. At WBMT my effort is rewarded with a higher pay rate on my talk time. The more hours I work and the more times a week I blog, the more I make. WBMT is like no other phone sex company. Not just because of the pay either. This is a no drama company. That is rare in a business run by and for women. You also get two weeks training, so you can be a kick ass phone sex operator. Apply with us and see why we are the best.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is a smart question to ask yourself. This is a great industry for women, but it does require work. Many women think they can sign on and the phone will ring off the charts. This is a direct dial company which means you must work to make the phone ring. The best way is with daily blogging. So, if you can’t see yourself writing several blogs between 200-300 words a day, this is not the company for you. We blog in Word Press, but we can train you on how to use it. I love working from home. I enjoy writing erotic stories that help me bring in callers. I was not sure I could dirty write but turns out I am very good at it. Phone sex is not rocket science, but there is a lot to learn to be successful. Unlike many companies that just tell you to sink or swim, WBMT gives you two weeks training to learn how to be a successful PSO. You need a working computer with up-to-date software, a landline phone, high speed Internet and a quiet place to work. An open dirty mind helps too. We are accepting applications, so apply with us today.
PSO Jobs with US
PSO jobs let you make money in your comfy clothes. Most days, I roll out of bed and sign on to work. I wash my face and brush my teeth afterwards lol. I was never one for working at home, but daycare is expensive, and I can multi-task in between calls with laundry and dishes. My girls are teenagers now. I have been in this industry for over a decade. I worked somewhere else that was hell before finding Nirvana with WBMT. This company requires hard work, but you are rewarded financially for that hard work. I have never been at a company like this. No drama is tolerated ever. We are paid a higher rate the more hours we commit to weekly, and the more days of the week we blog. We are paid on time too. I earn a $1.10 on my talk time most weeks. To make that pay, I work 60 hours a week with at least 10 of those hours on the weekend. I blog three times a day for 5 days. I vote on Phone Sex Central, which is a free advertising source. And, I do some social media promoting too. I love working here. I work hard for the money, but I have money to enjoy life and that is worth the hard work.
Be a Phone Sex Operator and Have Your Own Money
No woman says I was born to be a phone sex operator, but if she needs a decent job, this is an industry she can make that needed money. I got divorced a few years ago and when my ex would not pay his support for our son, I had to get a job. I couldn’t afford daycare, so I looked for at home job opportunities. Phone sex was everywhere on that kind of Google search. I figured I could work at night while he slept. He needed way more sleep than me. It worked out great. My son is in school now, so I work days when he is at school and some late nights while he sleeps. One of the good things about this industry and our company is the flexibility in scheduling. I can choose my hours and my shifts. I make enough money that I don’t have to worry about my ex-husband. He is a deadbeat dad and it feels good to support my son and I comfortably. It feels good to have my own money too. So, even if your situation is not like mine, you can still enjoy working at WBMT. This company has flexible scheduling and a high payout on your talk time.
Are Phone Sex Jobs for You?
Are phone sex jobs for you? Just ask yourself a few questions. Do you have a quiet place to work? Do you have a working computer? Can you blog? Can you get a landline phone? Do you want to make good money from home? If you answered yes, then this is an industry for you. I needed to work from home after a surgery. My job was being held for me, but I was not going to be paid. I needed money and it had to be from home. I investigated phone sex work. Turns out, I made more doing this than my other job, so I never went back. Honestly, it was a surprise. I looked at this as a temporary job. I got addicted to the money and working from home. Now, I don’t want to make this job seem like a cake walk because it isn’t. Like any other job, you must work to make money and build up regulars. You can do that with working consistent hours and blogging daily. This is a blog driven company, so if you don’t think you can write daily, this is not the job for you. We may work from home, but we are not lazy. PSO work requires commitment, consistency and a good work ethic, but if you have those qualities, you can make great money.