All Inclusive Women owned and Ran company

pso jobs

The great thing about Our PSO jobs is that we have an inclusive work environment. All ages (18+) are encouraged to apply. All races and backgrounds of women are treated equally and pay is based on your work ethic not your size, shape or color of your skin. I found a little home here when I first got hired a couple years ago. As a middle aged housewife with little desire to work outside of the home, I knew I wanted to contribute to the household income. A friend told me about WBMT and I applied right away. My Babes are older and I work mostly over nights so I can be a mother, a wife and Have some extras for us all. Picking my own schedule really is nice as well! I was extremely glad last year and still into this year as I was able to keep us afloat during covid-19. I do work hard, I write sexy little stories and learned WordPress easily. I knew how to work a computer and was taught the basics of blogging and edit pictures. If the money doesn’t draw you I can assure you finding a nice little group of all kinds of women is a big plus. No judgments and being in a beautiful mix of backgrounds is a big plus for my work environment! I hope you read over the requirements and give us a try for one of the best phone chat jobs around!

Phone Sex Jobs Are Great Incomes

phone sex operatorWith college ready to break for the summer I started searching the help wanted ads. I didn’t want to work retail and the restaurant jobs were horrible right now, so I delved a little deeper. I happened across an ad for phone sex jobs with WBMT. I was curious so I looked further and read what kind of job that actually was. I read a lot of Reddit threads of girls who had made careers of it, and they were making great incomes from their homes. I asked about employers and EBMT kept coming up as a great company. I pulled up the site and filled out an application. The owner called and interviewed me over the phone and since I already had a computer, internet and land line I immediately started training. It was so interesting and so different from what I was used to. The other girls working there were great and friendly. All questions I had were asked and they walked me through the entire process. I love it here and will continue to work it even when school starts back in the fall. The flexibility of scheduling will be perfect for me. I am so glad I became a phone sex operator with WBMT.

Our PSO Jobs Require Blogging

pso jobsPSO jobs pay well if you work hard. WBMT is an elite group of phone sex women. We are a direct dial company, which means you can make more money on your talk time. The way to make the most money is blogging several times a day. Blogging is free advertisement for you. It is how guys find you and learn that you are their wet dream. I never thought I would be good at this, but I am a good writer. I make great money because I blog. I blog more than the minimum required 3 blogs a day. You should too if you want to make great money. This is not a job for women who do not want to work at least 40 hours a week because WBMT pay structure is based on many things, one of which is how many hours you commit to a week. Committing to 40 or 50 hours has a higher pay grade. Plus, this is just the kind of job you must work more to make more. Keep in mind, you are working from home. You save on commuting time. You can do things around the house when not on a call too. If blogging and committing to 40 or more hours a week does not scare you, apply and find out how much money you can make.

I Love Being A Phone Sex Operator

phone sex jobs

Are phone sex jobs lucrative? I found myself asking the same question. I had been let go due to downsizing and was having trouble finding a good fit. I had been at home a while with quarantine and schools being closed and I kind of liked it. I really wanted a remote job. I applied some places, and they were still just not right for me. A friend of mine worked from home, had a flexible schedule but still made great money. I knew what she did but had never actually talked to her about it. I gave her a call and she told me all about WBMT. She has been here for years. She sets her own hours and explained how the more effort you put into it the more money you could make. I only needed a computer, internet and a landline. I had those so I put in an application. Talked with the owner and started training. I worked my way through the training manual and any questions I had were quickly answered by the manager or other girls. I was out of training in no time and taking calls. I now can spend my days at home with my kids and schedule days off for fun activities and still make as much money as I was going into an office job. I couldn’t be happier being a phone sex operator with WBMT.

Make Bank At WBMT!

Phone sex operator job applications

You have opportunities that never seem to run out, you are given the best and thorough training for you to always have access to! You pick your own hours with a schedule to your liking if you of course put the work in for it! Here you don’t just take calls and get to do some writing as well! Which was what made me feel better about it because I feel like I am doing what I need to make my check at the end of the week a big one!

So when you apply be ready to assert yourself at your own pace and to also enjoy being in a drama free community of women supporting other women and even look forward to logging into work! Enjoy your time at home while you work and make money by answering calls, submitting some work and be sure to be creative and get ready to be a successful phone sex operator! Come join us!!

Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is likely not what you think. It was not what I thought, but I am glad I applied anyway. I thought it was a job for slackers. I thought women just sat around eating and watching soap operas while talking dirty. I thought it was an easy job that paid okay. I thought I just moaned and groaned for guys. There is a lot of work that goes into being a successful PSO. First, it is not just moaning and groaning. Sure, some guys want you to moan like a porn star. Most, however, want role plays or conversation. So, you must listen to callers and not treat them all the same. Also, WBMT is a direct dial company which means to make your phone ring, you need to blog. If you cannot see yourself blogging, this is not the company for you. If you can blog, I will tell you that you can make great money in this industry. I am not a young girl with a cute giggling voice; however, I blog my ass off weekly and I make over $1,000 a week. You will not make that instantly, but after a month or two, if you are working over 40 hours a week and blogging regularly, you will make bank too. My guess is you will enjoy the PSO payoff if you put in the work.

phone sex operator



phone sex operator

To be the best phone sex operator, you must work at wbmt. I’m kidding but serious. Wbmt hires the best. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you are a great pso. To be a great pso requires more than having the best voice. You can have a voice that’s not the cream of the crop as long as you indeed want to be great. I won’t share my age, but I am a lot older. I’m a grandma, and I do pretty darn well and love to be part of the wbmt team. When I first started, I was a little reluctant. My voice isn’t what you would describe as butter smooth and sweet. It’s got some life in it, and that’s okay. Plenty of men enjoy mature women.
We have no only the best advice the best sexual encounters. We have indeed been around, and men love to do calls with seasoned women. My calls range from everything under the sun. My familiar mature voice soothes them and keeps them coming back. I do so well because of wbmt. They have made this environment of work better than I thought it could ever be. As with everything, it requires work. You must put in the effort to succeed. Any of the pso jobs you come across won’t be as fulfilling, in my honest opinion, because wbmt gives you the best tools to succeed. If you want a stable income and a great support system and are honest and hardworking, you will find the best niche here.

PSO Work For You

phone sex jobsPso jobs are a great way to make money when you find the right one for you. For myself it took a bit to find the best one with great communication, great pay and a way to make my own schedule along with putting in the work and feeling like I did what I needed to make that great check at the end of the week! I finally found it here at WBMT! It is full of amazing and friendly women along with a competitive work style that can make your job fun plus having every day conversations as if you were with others in person!
Now that I have an amazing opportunity as a phone sex operator I get to experience so many things I would usually miss out on if at a regular nine to five such as traveling, studying more and a healthier life style to focus on myself! I have the time of seeing family, friends and building relationships. Since working for WBMT I have built new friendships and have received unique privileges of working whenever I would want! You can find just any phone sex job but WBMT is not just any phone sex job. Apply today!

Are You Looking for PSO Jobs?

PSO jobsAre you looking for pso jobs? I know from personal experience there is no better job than the phone sex industry. I work from home. I earn great money and get to set my own schedule from week to week. I am college educated and have held typical white-collar jobs but they always burned me out. I may be over educated for a dirty talker, but I have a chronic health condition. So why risk my health with long commutes, long hours on my feet, or exposure to workplace germs? While my friends are spending hundreds of dollars on clothes and gas for work, I am walking around in comfortable clothes at home and waking up 20 minutes before work. No stress, no drama, no commute, no germs.

What kind of job can you make money without leaving your home? What kind of job can you wake up a few minutes before the start of you shift? What kind of job lets you set your own hours? Where can you work where there is no age, size or racial discrimination? What kind of job allows you to still make money while doing your schoolwork or doing housework? My guess is nowhere but WBMT.

We are a company of women aged 18-60, off all shapes, sizes, and colors. What we have in common is a is a desire to work from home and make great money. So, what are you waiting for? Apply now and become financially independent!

PSO Jobs Are Great Incomes

phone sex operator

I found myself diagnosed with an auto immune disease. Not severe enough for SSI but severe enough that a typical out of the home job was impractical. I joined some support online groups and through discussion about at home jobs I started researching. A lot were the “Babe Boss” or pyramid schemes that I wanted no part of. One of the girls was doing a phone sex operator job. I was so curious, and the thought was actually quite exciting. I didn’t even know that such thing still existed with the internet and easy access to porn and chat rooms. I met her for coffee, and she told me all about her day. How she could set her own schedule from week to week. Allowing for flexibility of appointments and family life. She explained I would need a landline and computer and internet access. I already had all of that. She told me how wonderful the girls were and that the company was female owned. She explained the pay scale and how the more I was able to put into my job the higher my pay would be. I was already hooked by her excitement and put in an application. I received a call back and I was hired. I went through training and am enjoying every minute of my new career. If you find yourself in a place like I, was I couldn’t recommend a better place than WBMT for PSO jobs.