Phone sex jobs saved my life during Covid. I lost my job and needed money. Unemployment was not coming fast enough, and I was behind on all my bills. A friend did PSO work while in college and suggested I look into it. Best idea ever. I honestly had no clue what it was about, but I am glad I looked in to being a PSO. WBMT is a great company to work for too. I make better money here than I ever did at my waitress job. I doubt I will ever go back. I only got unemployment for a couple weeks before I stopped it because after two weeks at WBMT I was making more than my unemployment check. After a couple months, I was making more than I did at The Olive Garden. Now, I do not have to carry heavy trays of food or stand on my feet all day. I traded that for blogging daily. This is a company you can make great money at, but it does require work. Blogging and working consistent 40 plus hours a week only way to make 500 or more a week. If you are unhappy at your job, or just want to work from the safety of your home, apply for one of our PSO jobs.
Category Archives: Phone sex operator
Come join us
So I’m sure you want to know how to be a phone sex operator if you haven’t had any experience working as one. Well, you might have already engaged in some pso stuff, and you don’t even know it; I know most girls have had times where they haven’t been around their significant others and have kept the spice going from a distance. Well, it’s the same. Yes, it is not a personal relationship, and it is still a sales position mixed with some therapy-like sessions. Know you are dealing with people, and don’t stress yourself out because honestly, you’re only a voice to them that will get them through the night or day. The anonymity is fantastic. You can talk about whatever they desire without worrying others will know. You’re here to provide a fantasy that will ultimately leave you earning a good amount of amounts of money long as you listen to your caller. Be their dream girl. It doesn’t matter if you’re a little thing and they are fantasizing about a curvy babe or vise versa. You have to help sell that fantasy, and if you read up on the terms, you will know so much. Get knowledge, and you will be able to make the guys happy. Ask for the help you everyone here helps each other. The only thing you have to do is be responsible, show up, pick up the phone, and blog. Learn as you go here at wbmt as a phone sex operator:)
Our PSO Jobs Pay Well if You Blog Daily
PSO Jobs pay well if you work hard. A lot of women apply for jobs with us, but they do not want to blog. I am going to be blunt. This is not the company to work for if all you want to do is answer the phone when it rings. At WBMT we have to make our phones ring. We are a direct dial company, which means we advertise ourselves. The difference between dispatch companies and direct dial comes down to pay and blogging. Direct dial you get paid more per minute on your talk time, but you need to blog. We require several blogs in Word Press a day, so if you cannot blog this is not the best phone sex company for you. Our pay structure is based on how much you blog a week, so you will make at best 20 cents to 50 cents a minute on your talk time if you never blog. If you blog 5 days a week, however, and work 60 hours a week, you can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you make. If hard work does not scare you, join our team and start making money!
PSO Jobs Are Great Income
PSO Jobs are great income! I came to join WBMT in a world of hurt after losing my corporate gig to layoffs. I was struggling to keep up my mortgage and bills as the unemployment was cut. I was desperate and had to give up my car. I needed a stable income that I could do from home. The pandemic made things extremely difficult. I felt completely lost. I happened upon an advertisement for phone sex operator and decided it couldn’t hurt. The company has been extremely welcoming and helpful. I was welcomed into this family and I love it! I make great money and I don’t think I could ever go back to working for a corporate company again. Corporations are so cold. This company is great and women owned and operated. I am so happy to have found my place at WBMT and make way better money than I ever expected. I work out of my home and that really is a great thing these days! I find it the best fit for me since I am paying a mortgage and was only enjoying my home a few hours a day. Working from home can really bring in a good income. You just need to find the right fit for you. For me it is at WBMT!
Make Money As A PSO
Becoming a Phone Sex Operator was one of the best decisions I have made as a young woman! This job can be for anyone above the age of eighteen but as a college student who struggle sometimes and tired of minimum wage jobs, I jumped at the opportunity of making great money every day! I am able to make my own schedule and still attend classes with ease along with keeping up with my own personal life. When I was brought on to WBMT I had amazing and kind experiences with the wonderful women I get to work with and work for. You are welcomed in with open arms and the best support for you to work. If you have an open mind, creativity and enjoy talking along with writing then working with WBMT may be for you! You begin with great training and getting to know the girls you get to work with here and are given a wide open schedule for any hour of your choosing each week. You are also paid weekly! Remember you earn what you work for so putting in the time and work is very much worth it at the end of the week! Try Pso Jobs today!
PSO jobs rock
If you’re on the hunt for pso jobs, you have ended up in the right place. You will understand for yourself why we make the best company ever here. WBMT is unlike any other company. If you want to get paid and feel that you are earning what you are putting in you, have stepped into the best company thus far. If you do your research, you will see why wbmt is the best company around. Most companies are scams. They come on the day and are gone the next. The best way to make it in anything is if you have a great support system. Luckily wbmt will be precise, what you need because you will be provided with all the tools possible to set in place all your goals. Anything you want you will be able to accomplish, the amount of money you make depends on what you put in as your work as a pso. It takes dedication and attention, but if you put in the work, you will have the best experiences as a phone sex operator in the industry in 2021. So much has changed, and things only happen to get better in a company evolving and one that cares.
Phone Actress Job For You!
I had no idea Phone Sex Jobs were still a thing until I looked for jobs to work from home. I was curious when the thought came to my mind but I applied and later on received the job for becoming an operator. I was given great training and every question I had was answered quickly and I learned my way pretty fast! The websites are easy to work with and you get to use your own creativity and imagination for your own work. With your own work, you use that to make your own schedule and have the pleasure of working from home and having your own free time for yourself! Express your self in your own work when you write and learn how to make money as a Phone Sex Operator! We need hard working girls who want to make great money and love to express them selves through their own work! It is a great job with the pandemic and the new school year coming up. Come and join WBMT today and make the money you want and how ever you want it! We would love to have you and you get to work with amazing women!
Being a Phone Sex Operator is Rewarding
Being a phone sex operator is rewarding. Okay, we are not saving the world, but we are supporting ourselves and our families and helping men feel better. I struggled in the beginning when I started. I had no phone sex experience. I needed a job. Life threw me a curveball and I was desperate for work. I was not a prude, but I was naïve. If I could become a kick ass phone whore, so can you. I never thought I could make this kind of money, but I make over $1000 a week. Now, I have been here years and I have a built up clientele and I blog daily. It takes time to make my kind of minutes a week, but if you blog often and work consistent hours, eventually you will have financial freedom too. I was a stay-at-home mom. I got married when I was 20 and started having babies. When my husband cheated on me, I left. I was not going to let financial dependence force me to stay in a bad marriage. I looked for any job I could do without a college education. My kids were grown so I was on my own financially when I divorced my husband. Felt amazing to support myself, especially since my husband told me I would never leave him because I was not qualified to do anything. Women work in this industry for all sorts of reasons, but if you are a hard worker and consistent, you soon can support yourself too.
Phone chat Jobs from home
I will always be so grateful to have been searching for work at home opportunities when I came across WBMT’s phone chat jobs listing. If you’re already curious and wondering if you can make a living doing this. I was once where you were. I never thought about making money this way. You can. But the tricky part is finding a solid company with a good foundation to work with. First things first we are no taboo sites and direct dial. You are responsible for your own blogging, chats and billing your calls. But that only means you have a chance at more money per minute with WBMT. Your rate per minute increases with how much you work and blog. We blog in word press and follow company chat and client chat and emails. I was very lucky to come across WBMT as I was struggling to find work and living far from town without my own car. I had my laptop, a phone line and internet so that’s why I began my search for at home work. I will ever be thankful I landed on WBMT’s advertisement for PSO jobs. I chose my own schedule, and my per minute is based on my initiative each week. I love working from home in my own personal space! I especially like the weekly pay that is direct deposit and the company environment is a positive friendly one too!
Looking For PSO Jobs?
Have you thought about PSO jobs? The you may have come across the perfect site for you. When the pandemic hit I was working your basic and some what miserable job and living paycheck to paycheck. But now I work on my couch or in my bed or from my kitchen while be paid at one of the highest pay rating companies. Your bosses are the best and generous when it comes to contests and working at your own pace with your own schedule. You are given amazing training when you are brought on to our little family and learn the rest and become better as you go! Here at WBMT become the one of the best phone sex operators to make the money you deserve and put in the work you want! Enjoy working from home and having time to your self while taking calls amd making money in your own home. It is really easy to enjoy your job here and mae great money by just talking and typing during what ever time you want! Give our close family of hard working women a shot for your self an see what you can make of yourself and what you can put in your bank!