Adult phone operator jobs

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are not what you think. They were not what I thought. I figured this would be a good part-time gig to make a couple hundred extra a week. It is nice extra-income while I am in college. I make over a grand a week while my sorority sisters make minimum wage in some store or restaurant. I have no commute and I have no prep time for work like putting make-up on or nice clothes. I can work in my Victoria Secret sweatpants with my hair in a ponytail. When I am in my off-campus apartment, I study and I take calls. The phones do not ring non-stop, so I have some down time to work on assignments or study for an exam. I still have a social life. I work 40 hours a week here while in school, but with it being summer I work 60 hours now because I can make 10 cents more a minute on my talk time working 60 plus hours a week. I love the pay scale at this company. I can make up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time doing more things like work more hours and blogging. Whatever reason you have, working from home is great and profitable.