Get Hired as A Phone Sex Operator


phone sex jobsIf you are a motivated, and reliable woman, then this is the perfect job for you. A real job requires effort and work to make a decent pay check. Here, you have freedom, support and a creative line of work that will help you build great skills. If you have computer knowledge, well the ability to use one that is, and have motivation as a self starter you should really check us out. We are a legit work from home job in the line of adult entertainment. This requires an open mind, healthy attitude about sex and sexuality, and a landline, hardwired phone. As a phone sex operator the amount of money you bring in is ultimately up to you. We work hard but it’s really a fun kind of work. This is really the best PSO company one could ever wish to find. You get support and training as well as an opportunity to make a real living wage. You control what you make by following certain guidelines of our motivational pay rates. It’s actually not that daunting to make the maximum rate and it’s a no drama company. If you need work and really dread the whole commuting and worrying about getting to work then try this out.

How to be a phone sex operator

how to be phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator in a world where people cheat you and don’t give a damn if you sink or swim. Well That one is easy peasy! Come be a contractor with us. WBMT is always looking for new talent. Women who have a kinky side and need to pay bills are the type that get men off over the phone and can make real money doing it. Not a get rich quick scheme, no money needed to start if you have the necessary tools needed already. And you get to work from home. No commute, no gas money and a real opportunity to make a living. The issue is we love doing what we do but we need a company that will back our ass up. It isn’t what you can do for WBMT its what WBMT helps you do. This female owned and operated company gives you the tools to succeed. You bring the quite place, computer, lane line and internet and a desire to fend for your self in a world that is hard enough. All training is provided and from one woman to another… I started my life over with nothing and now I have confidence and money in the bank. Its not given to you but earned, and I think that is the best thing. I see what I am doing for myself using WBMT as a platform to make my life livable again. Be someone you are proud of join us even if you have no experience all training provided.

Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is rewarding. Maybe we aren’t saving lives, but we are providing for our families. We are taking care of ourselves. This is a female owned and operated business. It is a kick ass one if you ask me. I have been in this industry before landing at WBMT. Companies were full of drama, cattiness and unproductive behavior. Negativity was rampant and that affects business. I didn’t want to work in a toxic place. I no longer worry about that because WBMT is a drama free company. Women are positive and supportive here. And I love WBMT for more than just the positive work environment. I love the pay. This is a direct dial company, which means you can earn more here. But to earn more, you must work more. I don’t just mean hours either. Of course, the more hours you work a week up to 60 hours earns you a higher pay per minute of talk time, you must blog here too. This is a daily blog required company. It’s free advertising for yourself and the best way to get your phone ringing. We are a small company, but we kick ass because we hire smart, motivated, hard-working women like you. Join our team.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs

phone sex operator jobsYou may not take a phone sex operator jobs choice as something real or even something you can make good money at, but you should. If you are able to become self motivated and open minded then you really should give it a try. Women struggle for multiple reasons in life and it can be a real issue when trying to make it on her own. Becoming a PSO *phone sex operator, was a really great career move after having fractured my pelvic bone. I was a professional waitress and took a fall thanks to sloppy kitchen staff. That injury greatly impacted my career as a server as it caused a couple of nerves and tendons to be squeezed as well. It was a regular thing for restaurants, owner ran and operated restaurants to avoid workman’s comp cases and deter employees from filing such. In the end I had to eat the medical bills and waitress in high end private restaurants was my career choice as a professional server and I had to take a hard look at my career choice. I am not a corporate slave, refused to work minimum wage and refused to work in an office cubicle. I wanted control of what I earned and I wanted to make use of my acting skills. Yes, it’s true, waitress is always the budding actor/ actress career because you are always in the spotlight. I didn’t have the connections or money to pursue the career of being a voice over actress as I was told often I should be, so I stumbled upon this line of work almost by accident. It was something I had friends tell me I should try and I never dreamt I would do so well with it. I manage to average a decent salary now and honestly could not dream of doing anything else.

PSO Jobs Are The Best At WBMT

pso jobs

Don’t be frightened by the idea of becoming a pso , as pso jobs really aren’t so bad. If you have an open mind, are creative, and have a pretty healthy opinion about sex, then give it a try. Seriously the best thing I ever did. I was struggling after moving to a new town and had promises by another that I would be able to easily find a job there. I had promises of the use of a vehicle. The place was rural and was a few miles from the town center, the promise of a vehicle was false and I felt trapped. I started looking online for something I could do from home and had a landline and decent internet connection and my desktop computer. This was the beginning for me and that was 15 years ago. I was at another company and they did not train me for anything and my hiring manager was gone the first week I started and I was shuffled to another manager that just assumed I knew everything. I was essentially thrown to the wolves in the beginning and I figured that is how it was. Fast forward seven years and the unstable company I worked at was still having a revolving door of management and the support network was never there. The owner was paranoid and accusative of girls and we were only known by our model names. Being let go of that place was the best thing ever. I found WBMT in a PSO forum and instantly had respect for this owner. I applied and was welcomed to this company even though I was a little apprehensive after the prior experience. I have been given every opportunity to succeed here and I continue to grow and learn every day. I love my job and if you are reliable, creative and motivated you will love it here also.

Third Time was the Charm Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I had a bad taste in my mouth about being a phone sex operator after I worked for a couple awful companies. I was at one for a month that never paid me. They stayed in business for years somehow screwing women out of pay. I worked at another one where the drama was so high it was making me sick. Luckily, the third time was the charm. I had to go through a few bad companies to truly appreciate the best PSO company around. WBMT is an honest company run by women who use to be PSOs themselves. They designed a company better than the rest. One that feels like a family. The hard-working women of WBMT make great money. They leave their drama at home. They commit to a schedule and show up on time to work, even from home. They blog their asses off to help generate callers. And, they help their fellow PSOs succeed. Many companies are catty and full of back-stabbing women. Not at WBMT because drama is not tolerated here. We are honest, loyal and hard-working women at this company. We are always looking for a few good women who mirror our ideals and want to make great money from home too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Saved My life

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator changed my life. Before I was hired at WBMT, I was stressed about money. So stressed, I made myself sick. I was selling stuff to pay bills, but I could never pay all my bills. I was behind in rent; my cell phone had been shut off and I was eating Ramen noodles daily. I was looking for work, but I was either overqualified or not qualified. My unemployment had run out and I was desperate. I had actually thought about doing cam shows just to keep a roof over my head. While I was looking for those kinds of jobs, I came across PSO jobs. That sounded so much better to me than live sex shows. I might have to work more hours, but I kept my clothes on. WBMT was the first company to hire me. I made about $200 my first week and I was so happy. The more I worked, the harder I worked, the more I made. That was 6 years ago. I have a steady income over $900 a week now. It didn’t happen overnight. With consistency and hard work in the form of blogging, I am not behind in any bills and I have fun money. Yes, PSO work saved my life.

I Love Working From Home!

phone sex jobsIt can be tough finding your groove as a PSO, but this place is the ultimate platform when it comes to learning all the important things in order to succeed in this business. Nothing beats working from home and having the opportunity to be creative with your words and ideas. While making great money too! I came into this line of work because I had exhausted all other local avenues, and nobody was hiring! Well, minimum wage places were, however I enjoy my comfortable lifestyle and didn’t want to have to give it up. I found this place just in time and the money started rolling in almost instantly after training. I’m here to personally tell you that this is one of the best phone sex jobs you’ll ever find, and I want to share the wealth of that knowledge. I love encouraging other women when it comes to finding their independence. This place really offers that for me. The best thing about this job is you can move anywhere you like and boom, you still have a job. Many PSO companies don’t even offer training which can be very intimidating. My first company just threw me to the lions, and I found that to be rather counterproductive. You’ll get nothing but support here.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Home Based And Legit

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are extremely great opportunities when you find a good company. This industry has many shady companies and many that treat you as just a dollar sign. I have been in the Industry for a decade and been through a few companies before I found this one. I worked for one applied to many others and some just gave me a bad taste. I like being a PSO and after the first job in the field I thought about going off and doing it on my own. I am so glad I came across WBMTLLC when I did and saved myself many nightmares! This is a wonderful company ran by professionals that treat us with respect. Today the training and support is seriously exceptional with our company for this industry. I love my job here and would recommend it to any woman that was seeking financial freedom and in need of a lift in today’s workforce. You get support here, and training. We as women work together and not against each other, and trust me many companies push their employees to be catty, that is not allowed here. We are supportive and that is what is what makes us successful. I never thought I could achieve such independence working from home and that it would be so addictive. It’s mind blowing how phone sex is still quite popular and how much you can make doing this. If you want to be independent, and make good money you need not leave the house to do it. I love not commuting and worrying about getting to and from work in bad weather. I love that I can make good money and not have to worry about the cold, rain, snow or fuel costs or transport. Come join a wonderful family and make great money.

WBMT has Given me a Way to Support Myself and My Family

phone sex operator

As a single mom I needed to make some serious income and have the flexibility to take care of my children and be available for their school functions, doctor’s appointments etc. WBMT has given me this. They offer not only a very good pay plan that increases with the amount of work you put into the job, but the flexibility of hours. I had never done PSO work before and was completely trained on everything needed to be a success. They called me to get me started, setting up my computer, links and phone lines. I was then put in training which they closely followed and were available for any questions I had. If I couldn’t find the answer in the training manual provided, I could just pick up the phone and contact management or IM any of my co-workers. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help no matter how silly I thought my question was. In a little over two weeks I was able to easily navigate every aspect of the job. I really enjoy the management and other employees and have found them so supportive of each other. I could not ask for a better company than WBMT to work for. If you are looking for a change in career or changing PSO companies I couldn’t recommend WBMT any higher. You will not be disappointed.