If You Ever Considered becoming a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorf you ever considered becoming a phone sex operator then now is a great time. The numbers of unemployed in the US has skyrocketed due to this worldwide pandemic. I for one am quite happy to be in this business. I have been in this job through many things that have caused an unstable economy and the livelihood of this has been persistent. I’m extremely grateful to have come across this company after dealing with a shifty company prior. I stayed with that one for 8+ years only to realize they never valued their employees and were extremely paranoid. They had issues with paying their girls a time or two and caused paychecks to bounce in our bank accounts. But I expected that as the norm in the industry. It isn’t! The fact is there are a lot of companies and many of them see their employees as just numbers. They could care less and thrive on drama. If that’s something you thrive on, then you can stop reading now. This company has been awesome. Reputable and honest is how I would put it. We are drama free. We work together to help each other out and help you succeed. We have a family and really strive to get new hires started on the right foot. One thing though, you must be hard working, self-motivated and drama free. We are happy to have you apply if you think you are ready to take the step forward to improving your livelihood in such uncertain times.

Phone Chat Jobs are Stay at Home Jobs

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs for women who want to work. Think about it. Life is going to change. It already has. If you were displaced by COVID-19, furloughed or if you just no longer want to work with the public, apply with us. Being a PSO is financially rewarding. I may have seen a little decrease in my call volume, but I still made more money than my friends on unemployment. When my phone is not ringing, I work harder to make it ring. Blogging is key at this company. Blogging helps men know about you and it helps them find you. If you can not see yourself blogging a few times a day, this is not the phone sex company for you. WBMT is the best company I have worked for and I have worked for several. Some companies were filled with drama and that made working stressful. Other companies never paid me or paid me late. One company kept bouncing my checks. WBMT is drama free. They pay on time and weekly too. I applied 5 years ago thinking it was just temporary, but I am still here because I make great money and work from home. With the way the world is now, I am glad I work from home.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator at WBMT

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator with WBMT is a good question to ask yourself. We are not an easy company to work for, however, we do have the highest payout in this industry because you are paid for your hard work. To begin with, you need a landline phone. You need high speed Internet. You need an up-to-date and fast computer. You need basic computer skills. Once you have those things, you can apply for a job. Once hired, you receive two-week training. We use Google Docs and Word Press, so knowledge of those programs is helpful, but not required. This is a blogging company. Direct dial companies require blogging and other forms of promotion to bring callers to you. You do not have to blog here, but you will not make over 50 cents a minute on your talk time if you don’t. You might even make as little as 20 cents a minute. WBMT’s pay scale is structured to reward daily effort. Most companies have a straight per minute pay rate. Most are less than a $1.00 a minute. You can make up to $1.10 a minute of your talk time or as little as 20 cents a minute based on how hard you work to make your phone ring. I do not want to scare you off. This is absolutely the best PSO company I have ever worked at, but to make good money, you must work at it.

PSO Jobs are Recession Proof

pso jobsPSO jobs are recession proof. Sure, we had a bit of a slow down when stay at home orders were issued, but women in this business still made money. I could feed my family and I was proud of that. I could even help some of my friends. I have been a PSO for about 7 years now. I love it. I set my own hours weekly. I pick hours that work for me and I change them up. We pick our schedules a week ahead of time, but you can select hours from 30 to 50 hours a week. The more hours you commit to the more per minute of your talk time you make. WBMT is a great company because you have incentives to work harder. The more you work and the more you blog, the more per minute you earn up to $1.10 per minute. That is high payout in this industry. This is a no drama company. I like WBMT more than other companies in large part because of the no drama. It is nice to work with honest women who are not catty. It is also nice to be rewarded for your effort and to make a decent living from home.

Phone Sex Jobs are not What You Think

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are not likely what you think. Women in this industry are not some dumb sexpots who cannot do any thing else. We are homemakers. We are wives. We are single or married parents. Some of us have college educations. Some of us have health issues. We all have a desire to make money to support ourselves and our families. This kind of work pays well for what it is. I have a college education, but I also have a chronic health condition that makes working outside the home impossible. When this virus hit, I was glad this was my job. While friends were laid off and waiting on checks that never came, I was still feeding my family safely at home and not at risk for this virus. I work hard to make a good living here. I blog daily. I work over 40 hours a week and I show up for hours I commit to working. All you need is a dedicated landline, high speed Internet and a modern computer. Plus, a quiet place to work. The phone does not just ring, but if you can blog you can make the phone ring and when the phone rings, you feed yourself and your family. Apply with us today.

Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorThis is for the women who are not sure if being a phone sex operator is right for them. Well if you are here reading this you have stumbled across a great woman-owned and ran PSO company. You will get paid what you are worth and given the tools to self-promote yourself. I will give you a couple of questions to ask yourself. Are you able to use the computer with at least medium skills? A private place to work and have internet and landline or can get one? Can You write 200 hundred-word dirty stories to captivate our wide client base and newcomers to our sites? Are you a person who will be able to work 40 -60 hours a week and while you’re logged in pay attention to your emails, chats, and our company chat room? Its not a grueling task, and if you have that sweet voice and imagination and dirty mind you can support yourself and help your family out. We pay up to $1.10 a min. We are no taboo direct dial company that empowers women. I started my life over with the help and skills I have learned here. You will find a family of other ladies who enjoy our PSO jobs here. I highly encourage women of all ages and experience to put in an application and take control of your life. I really love what I do and hope you will join Us.

Want to be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? I know that is probably a question no one has ever asked you and maybe not even one you have thought about yourself. It was not a profession that even entered my mind. I never really even thought about phone sex girls except in the context of a joke. Then I was in terrible car accident and I lost my job. A settlement was not going to happen anytime soon, and neither was social security disability, yet I had bills to pay. A friend suggested PSO work. I laughed at first, but desperation got to me and I applied. Best decision ever. I was making money from home the next week. You need a working computer that is modern. You need high speed Internet and you needed a dedicated landline phone. I had all those things already. I was lucky because I applied blindly not knowing that there are some bad companies to work for. I got lucky and I have been with WBMT for many years now. I never needed SSDI because I make more as a phone sex gal. This is not a cake walk job. You need to commit to 40 plus hours a week to make a decent living. You need to blog daily too. But the work required in this industry is nothing like the work in my old job. Plus, the more I work here the more I make. May paycheck never went higher with more hours and more work at my old job. If you want to work from home and still make money, apply with us today.

Grateful for Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are the best work from home jobs a woman can have. Think about it. You can make a better than decent income working from home. I love PSO work. I have been in the business for years. I have a chronic health condition, so regular work is not for me. I had other work from home jobs, but none paid me what I make at WBMT. When the Corona Virus hit the US, I was grateful to work from home. It was slower for me than usual, but I still made more money from home than any of my friends on unemployment. I had to work a little harder and longer than normal, but that is the beauty of this job. You can work as little or as much as you want. You can design your own hours. You can work 30 hours a week or 120 hours a week. WBMT does require a committed scheduled that you pick week to week. And, to make top dollar you must blog daily too. I love that my hard work and effort is financially rewarded with a higher pay rate. The more hours I work in a week and the more days in the week I blog, the higher my check is. I am very grateful to have such a great company to work for

Phone Sex Jobs for Every Kind of Woman

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are for every kind of woman. Old, young, black, white, big or small. We like to think we hire something for everyone. I never thought I would be in this kind of business. Honestly, I am college educated. I had a white collar job, but I was unemployed from the COVID virus. I knew I could go back to work eventually, but I had a family to support and unemployment was not enough to support us. I decided to take a chance and apply for a job with WBMT. I saw their hiring page, the one you are reading this testimonial on. I took a chance. I was making money the day I got hired. It took two weeks to get a paycheck, but once my checks started coming, the stress of how to feed my babies lessened. I was employed. From home too. While my son and daughter were doing their home schooling in their rooms, I was talking dirty in my bedroom. I have a good work ethic, and that has served me well in this business. I stick to a committed schedule and I blog daily. That helps the phone ring. I am not sure when the world will get back to normal, but until them I am going to keep making money from home.

Apply to be a phone sex operator

phone sex operatorApply to be a phone sex operator with us today and start making money from home. When the coronavirus hit, I was not out of a job. I already worked from home and had been for 6 years. I was worried about my income, but I was still making good money despite what was going on in the world. PSO work is work like any job, but it is safe work from home. It is low stress and there are zero health risks. While my friends were out their bartender and restaurant jobs, I could still work. I love working form home. I can take care of household things, tend to my senior pups and make money. I set my own schedule week to week. I can work as much or as little as I want but WBMT does require at least 20 hours a week. You won’t make much at that if I am being honest. The highest pay rate goes to girls who work more than 50 hours a week. WBMT is a great company to work for in this industry. Drama free. Female owned. This is not dispatch, so you do need to blog daily to get your phone ringing, but the pay out is higher. Work from home with us and apply now.