WBMT phone sex jobs

how to be a phone sex operatorEver wondered how to be a phone sex operator with hundreds of other ladies competing? Lucky you you have stumbled across WBMT phone sex girls. We are a team of women who have a special formula that allows us to make up to a dollar at 10 per talk minute. In every call is sold in blocks so at 40 hours a week and doing all your extra stuff you would make a dollar a minute for every call making even a 10 minute call $10. Sounds great doesn’t it? We also have a system setup where we blog so guys know what we’re into and how kinky and dirty we can get. And trust me the men read the blocks and it’s super fun to make pictures and write dirty stories pulling your customers to you. We also have an amazing new phone system that make sure that you get all your calls and there’s no whole times and no restriction on how much you could work and make here. I have seen the other companies and while they are great they just don’t have a call volume we have. Our owner and management team is always promoting us and making sure that we are on a top ranks to make sure that our filthy men find us. So why struggle anywhere else trying to get clientele when you have a pool of men who you can put your special sass down on him make your regulars. I had look at a requirements they’re not even too hard, you will find that you will support yourself and your family all while doing something you love come join us.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs are For You

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are plentiful nowadays but how do you know which company to apply too? There are other companies, many great too, but with far less requirements than we have. I will tell that we have great call volume, likely the best call volume at the pay rate we offer. Girls often leave here because they do not like the blogging requirements we have or the fact that we do require a committed schedule of your choice. But guess what? They all come back and plead for their jobs back because they do not make as much money at any other company. WBMT does require a lot of work, but the payoff is so worth it. When I started here, I was negative in my account, and I was about to have everything shut off. I was even facing eviction too. A bad week for me here is like $1300 a week. I never made that kind of money anywhere else. I do have to blog a lot and work more than 40 hours a week, but I have good time management. If you can budget your time when not working, you can put your blogs out as soon as you log in and your phone will ring. It takes a couple months to get the regulars calling back, but if you put in the work and are patient, there is no reason you cannot make over $1000 a week too.

Looking for phone sex operator job applications?

phone sex jobs

I bet you would love to know how to make money from the comfort of your home.. Wouldn’t you? I mean like real eligible taxable income.. With no hidden agendas! WBMT is hiring. We are looking for self reliant, ambitious individuals who are willing to put in the dedication it requires to become one of our top paid phone actresses.. Now, there aren’t any hidden sign up fees or anything.. All you need is a cell phone, yup you read that right and be able to download an app. From there you can make as much money as you want and work as many hours as you please. We even train you and help you become a top tier phone actress.. We offer the best training and have a wonderful team to help you whenever you need. Our phone sex job applications are located at the bottom of our site.. All you have to do is click Jobs and submit your application today! Its time for you to start a career in the entertainment business and what better way to start than with a team who is willing to give you the tools you need to become a high paid phone sex actress. Come join our family here at WBMT.

PSO Jobs Are Everywhere, But Not all of Them You Want

pso jobs

PSO jobs are everywhere now, but they are not all created equally. Many companies are nightmares to work for. Some never pay on time nor pay well. Some companies are simply too new to have the kind of traffic needed to make good money. I have been at all those kinds of companies before. I love working for WBMT because I am finally making an above living wage. I not only pay all my bills on time, I have extra money to do fun things with too. I can travel to see friends. I can go to concerts. I can take weekend trips with my husband too. I love the freedom to work when I want. Now, we do design our own work schedules here. You need to work 40 hours or more a week here. The more hours you commit to and work, the more you make on your talk time from a $1 a minute for 40 hours a week up to $1.10 a minute for 60 hours a week. We have girls here who work 40, 50 and 60 hours a week. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you make. As long as you can work at least 40 hours, you can make decent money as a phone sex operator.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Equals Financial Freedom

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator is liberating. Hate your job? Hate your work hours? Join our team and get financial freedom. I have a chronic health condition that has me at medical appointments more than the average woman. I was constantly needing off at my last job and they eventually fired me. I do much better with managing my health with a job that I can work from home. And I make more. A lot more. Now, I do not have a 401K and that sort of stuff. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid here, but if you can be smart with your money, you can save for the future with this kind of job. I love the freedom of designing my schedule around my life, so I never have to ask off. I like the flexibility of working from home. I can travel too because I just need a strong internet connection to work this job. I make great money, but I do hustle for that money. This is not the job for you if you cannot blog several times a day. We are paid well for blogging. Companies that pay far less per minute are usually what are call dispatch jobs, but we are a direct dial company. The pay is higher, but more work is required. If blogging does not scare you, apply for one of our pso jobs today.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Will Make You Money Even in a Recession

phone sex operator

I love phone sex operator jobs. Honestly, it is great to work from home. I have been doing PSO work since before Covid. I almost felt bad about it because I had so many friends loosing their jobs or making way less, but I was employed from the safety of my home. Plus, I was making great money. I helped my friends out when I could, even got a couple of them jobs at this company. People are getting scared about an economic recession soon on the horizon. I am worried too, but I feel confident that men will still call for phone sex. I think if you want to work from home and make more than minimum wage, phone sex jobs are a good route to go. You can work from home. You can set your own hours. And you will make money, especially if you blog. I blog my ass off, and it pays off. I make over $1000 a week here at WBMT. I did not instantly make that. You need to be here a few months and build up regulars, but the more you work and the more you blog, the more money you can make. You just must put in the work and effort to make your phones ring, then your earning potential is endless.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Both Smart and Profitable

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator is smart. Sure, it is not a job that comes with a lot of status. In fact, it may not be a job you want to brag about. But it is a legitimate job field, and it pays well. Our phone jobs pay the best in the industry. They let women thrive not simply get by. There is no shame in putting food on the table and keeping a roof over your head. Plus, with this kind of job you will likely stop living paycheck to paycheck. How does that sound? To do this job you need a computer like a laptop or a desk top computer. You need highspeed Internet. We recently did away with the need to have a landline phone. You can use your cell or your computer to talk with callers. I went to college. I had a great job but guess what. I make more money with phone sex jobs. I have more flexibility too. I get to set the work schedule that works best with my life. I am paid by the minute and that pay rate goes up the more you blog and the more you work. This is a sales job, so you cannot just sit on your ass and let the phone ring. We hustle for our minutes. But if you want an honest job that pays well, apply today.

Phone Sex Jobs Let Women Thrive Not Just Survive

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs let women thrive not just survive. You can make more than a living wage in this industry. I was skeptical at first. Honestly, I had no clue what to expect. I needed a job, and I was not qualified for much. I graduated high school, but I got married young and had a family. My husband worked and supported us all. When I got divorced, I had few options for employment and none would make me enough money to support me and my kids. A friend told me about phone sex, so I applied at a few companies. The third time is the charm. The first couple places were bad PSO companies. They had a lot of drama and pay was always late. At WBMT I am paid weekly and on time. I am trained and no drama is allowed. I did have to learn things like blogging in Word Press and using Google docs to keep track of my blogs and my calls. But I have support here to help me learn to be the best PSO woman around. We have a family friendly feel about our team. We are always growing and expanding too. The money is great here. If you can blog, the sky is the limit for your earning potential.

Phone Sex Jobs Are Not What You Think

phone sex jobs

I bet phone sex jobs are not what you think they are. They were not what I thought they were. I thought maybe I could make a couple extra hundred a week and it would be a fun Part time job. Turns out the money potential in this business is limitless. You can make as little or as much as you want. The key though to making top dollar in the phone sex business is blogging daily and working 40 plus hours a week. Not all companies require blogging, but the ones with the most earning potential do. So, this is not the job for you if you cannot blog a couple times a day and commit to 40 plus hours a week. I learned the blogging game early and now I make about $200 a day. Yes, a day. I average $1500 a week. I work hard for that money, but I am not special. I am not the best PSO around. I just learned how to blog, and I know how to make men feel special. I love to make money, and I am not afraid of hard work. If you can blog and work a set schedule that you design, you can make great money as a phone sex operator too.

Phone Sex Jobs Rock

Phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs rock. I have been in this business for almost 20 years. This is by far the best company I have worked for. I have been here the longest of any pso companies in the past. Women do not stay at a phone sex company long if they are not treated well. WBMT is the best PSO company out there. They have a pay scale like no other company I have worked at before. How much I make per minute on my talk time is not based on how many minutes I make in a week. It is based on how hard I work. My effort determines my pay rate. I can work anywhere from 30-60 hours a week and make between 80 cents to a $1.10 a minute. This is a blogging company. You do need to blog to make money here. It is the best way to advertise yourself and get your phone ringing. WBMT has great call volume too. They have high SEO ranking which helps bring callers to you through blogging. This is not a company for lazy women, however. You must blog daily, and you must commit to a schedule. But if you can work hard, you will be rewarded with a nice, fat pay check at this company.