Adult Phone Operator Jobs Require an Open Mind

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are not for everyone. You do have to have an open mind about sex for this kind of work. We do talk about all sorts of taboo subjects because we are a no taboo company. But if you think of yourself as a fantasy actress, you will do just fine. Once you start making big money from the safety and comfort of your home, you get comfortable with the subject matter quickly. This is a good job for any woman who wants to work at home. You can want to work at home because you are a stay-at-home mom. You can work from home because you have a health condition or social anxiety. You can work from home because you don’t have a car. There are all sorts of reasons women love to work at home. Me? I have Lupus, and it’s better for my health to work in an environment I can control. I was skeptical of the money I could make here. Almost a decade later, I am still a phone sex operator because not only is my health doing better, so is my bank account. If you can blog and keep an open mind, you can easily make over $1,000 a week here at WBMT. It will not happen instantly. You need a few months of consistent blogging and working to make that, but at this company you can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time, making it easier.