Your voice earns you more than a career

phone sex operatorHere are the reasons I love being a phone sex operator. First and foremost, I get to work from the comfort of my own home. I get to wear what I want, have my hair any way I want and i get to use the bathroom without alerting the entire office of my need to pee. There is a freedom that I feel because I get to work from the comfort of my favorite place, my home. I am allowed to listen to the music I love and watch my favorite shows when I am not on a call, I can make myself food instead of trying to shovel my lunch done in a super short lunch. There is so many perks I could list, its just awesome.

Now while I have all of these freedoms, you must understand that I work by butt off too. I do this willingly because I love the freedoms that come with my career choice. While I enjoy all of my freedoms, you must remember that choosing to e a PSO is also like any other job, you Have to Put the Work into It. You will need to follow the rules and keep up your end to enjoy all of the awesome things that come along with being a PSO.

I will say this, I have never worked for a company that is as amazing as WBMT. They care about their employees, we are a family, we care about each other as well. The girls are amazing and the owner goes the extra mile for you without hesitation. All you have to do is keep up your end and you can also enjoy great hours, the ability to work from home, the freedom of working from home and being in control of your own paycheck.

Best phone sex jobs

phone sex jobsThis job is truly a blessing. I have been here for awhile now and I can honestly say that I hit the jackpot being part of this team. I found my forever job and I freaking love what I do. This company makes my life so much better. I look forward to coming to work. It is actually the least stressful thing in my life. lol. This job does require a good amount of tasks to complete though. This is not a company that will let you just sink. We are held to a certain standard so that we can be some of the best girls on the market. You have to put in work in order to be successful. If you are not motivated to make a good amount of money, or to put in some extra work then it may be hard to hang. The women here are very encouraging and are always willing to help out. The boss ladies are by far the most amazing women you could ever work under. One thing I truly appreciate, among many things is that the bosses really organize everything. There is never a moment that is not already planned for or organized. It is not hard to get the hang of things and make them into a routine. It just takes practice, much like everything else in life. There are a lot of phone sex jobs out there. It is rare to come by one like this company though. If you happen to find this one, and you are offered the position- I swear you will not want to work for anyone else. We have great clients/traffic, great pay, on time pay, a supportive team, and organized bosses that really do care for you and you thriving in this job.

WMBT Is The Best

phone sex operator

If you’re looking for a job as a phone sex operator then WBMT is the best place to be. I have been professionally working as an adult phone chat girl for about 4 years now and I am so happy to have found WBMT. After working for several other phone sex sites, I must say that WBMT is hands down the best place to work for. They offer the best payout and the most opportunities for their phone sex operators to make money. They are extremely organized and run by great women. This job offers a way to be at home with your family and make enough money to support yourself. I was struggling to find a company that could let me be at home with my family and still provide for them and WBMT gave me everything I needed. If you are new to the industry they will make you feel comfortable and more than prepared to start as a phone sex girl. WBMT is by far the most organized, well run, and friendly company to work for in this industry and I looked forward to spending many years working here. For the first time, I feel like I have a secure job that I can rely on to take care of me and my family. If you’re willing to put in the effort then WBMT will take you far as a phone sex operator.

Adult phone operator jobs are easier than you think!

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are easier than you think, if you’re a creative, open minded person it should be no trouble at all! If you blog like you’re supposed to and vote regularly you will see a steady paycheck every week, it’s really that simple. Now, if you think that you will be just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, you are very wrong. We work hard here and that is why we are consistently at the top, slacking around doesn’t get you anywhere in this business. WBMTT is a wonderful company to work for with better pay than any other company out there and I know that for sure because I have worked at several places. There’s no competition here, we all work as a team and we all build each other up and help each other succeed, there is never any kind of catty bullshit here you can count on that. We’re a company of women working together and succeeding together, who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? You can definitely support yourself completely with a job like this and you get to do it all in the comfort of your own home, it’s the best!

Freedom and Self Suffiency

PSO JobsI’ve been with this company for over a year now, and this job has been amazing!  The girls I get to work with are just like me – self-sufficient women who wanted a way to support their families while being able to be home WITH those families.  They are amazing ladies, strong and supportive, and are willing to bend over backward for one another, and for me.  The environment is first-class, and I have definitely had my share of jobs by which to judge.

The owner of the company is fantastic, and willing to work with you as long as you are putting forth the effort necessary to make your business work for you, and she gives 110% of herself to making sure that the company is working for you, too.   As long as your business is growing, the company is growing, so it’s a win-win situation!  Her manager is also a complete sweetheart, and they make a fantastic support team for their ladies.  There is nothing that we can’t ask for, and little they won’t do to make sure we have what we need.

I’ve never found such a supportive work environment, or group of people, and there really is a team effort every single day.  That’s what makes it work.  Because of that, we get freedom to take days off whenever we need them, spend time with our families at school or sporting events, and even spend the holidays together with our families.  I can take my daughter to her doctor any time that I need to, instead of having to work around what corporate and their management team could find for me, and I can even take a day off just to have a day off!  I could not have asked for a better job, or team, than what I’ve found here at WBMT, and I look forward to many years growing with them all!

Be a Phone Sex Operator Today

phone sex operator

Do you want to be a phone sex operator If you are like me, you never thought about this as a serious job. I am a mature woman. College educated, with 25 years of white collar work under my belt. I never thought of talking dirty as a serious job. But, working for WBMT has shown me that not only is this a real job, it is an honest living. I had health issues that made me look for non traditional work opportunities. Phone sex was not foreign to me. I had talked dirty for some time with a long distance boyfriend. I had just never gave any legitimacy to it as a career. Then, I found myself sick with no insurance and unable to work my current job. Almost four years later, I am a full time phone sex slut. I make over $1,000 a week. I am paid on time and every week. I earn bonus pay. I have no stress at work. I am healthy and happy. Is it easy work? I don’t want to tell you it’s cake walk, because to make good money week to week you need to put forth some effort. It takes a while to build up regulars and make consistent money week to week. I do that by working 8-12 hours a day and blogging every day I work. Blogging is my way of advertising myself to potential callers. If you can’t see yourself blogging daily, then you will not make the kind of money a week I do. What you get from your pay check, depends on how hard you work. I think you will discover, however, this kind of work from home is far less work and time than traditional jobs. Apply today and you can soon have your first paycheck.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs!

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are the best. I have ever had. I make more money and have more fun doing phone sex than I have ever had a job. My typing has gotten faster and so has my spelling. I write everyday! I do blogs to get my profile out there every day so more eyes see my pictures! I write about all sorts of fetishes and other things that get guys to call. Now not every call is roses, some are real hard core and get real nasty. So don’t think that this job doesn’t have some effect on you. You have to be able to act and act well. A lot of guys just want to talk, they want company and to not be alone. Some men will tell you the world and promise you everything under the sun. Realize that this is a job. A Job were men pay you just to talk to you. I love my job. I truly enjoy waking up everyday to work. I love it because I get to live a different life while I am on the phone. It is fun. I love that I have made enough money to be able to work from home. I enjoy being home! I get to hang out with my animals and keep my house clean. At the end of my work shift I still have energy to go hang out with my family and friends. I finally have money for all my bills and even more. I just love doing this everyday and I love working hard for my money and getting paid for it! The more time you spend working the more money you make! You have to be able to shut the calls off in your mind and you can make some good money!

My job as a PSO

phone sex jobsHello potential co-worker. If you have landed on this page, it is safe to assume you have an interest in phone sex jobs. I’d like to take a few moments to tell you the dirty truth about my job. First of all, it is a JOB. It is a job that I love, but it is a job. It is not something I do during my available time to make extra money. This is my main way of supporting myself and my family. When you work with WBMT, you are committing to a set schedule. I work 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, every week. I also work overtime as needed.
I love my job for so many reasons. First, I am in control of my earnings to a certain degree. We have a base per minute pay rate, but I am never content with making a minimum pay. I do what I need to do to earn maximum per minute pay. Doing those extra things also means I have more calls, which makes those per minute extras beneficial. Secondly, I work from home. Working from home means no money spent on gas and maintenance for my vehicle for commute. It also makes my car insurance cheaper since my vehicle is being used only as a “pleasure” vehicle. I have no special work clothes required. This means I can work in my pajamas or just plain naked if I want to! This saves me money on clothing and laundry. Working from home gives me lots of tax write offs for things I would normally have anyway like internet and phone service. It means I am home when my family needs me. Working from home was the main reason I came to work for WBMT, but the reasons I stay with WBMT is because I a make enough money to stay here and I love my coworkers. My coworkers are what makes my job enjoyable, so I look forward to coming to work every day.
Hopefully, you will make the choice to work here. Take it seriously and you can make enough money to be in control of your own life. Work smart, not hard!

I love Phone Sex Jobs!!

phone sex jobsAs of today I have been with WBMT for over 2 years now. Phone sex jobs are the best. I love my job and my coworkers. My job is not normal and neither are my coworkers! I love it. I work with a group of women who empower each other, work hard and are there for you in ways you never knew possible. I started thinking I would not last long. At first I didn’t put in the effort this job needs and trust me its a lot but it is more than worth it. I work hard for my paychecks. This isn’t a normal sales job. You promote your characters by blogging. The more blogs the better! You want your girls to be seen as much as possible and you do that by posting blogs. Writing has become a big part of my life and I enjoy it. I love seeing the hard work i put into my job daily paying off with my paychecks! It is the first job i have had that I can see the actual changes to my paycheck the harder I work. This job has given me the ability to take charge and be independent. I am 26 working from home and loving it! I get to spend time with my pets and give them attention when ever I want. There is tons of freedom with this job so you have to be able to make yourself work. You can do the bare minimum but you wont make money. Yea you can get a ok check but if you want to have comfortable like then you need to bust your ass. Working from home friends and family tend to think its not a real job. Having a good support from those whom you live with will help you get comfortable and used to working from home. There needs to be a separating because yes we have a lot to do and if you use your time wisely you shouldn’t have any issues. We love having new girls and helping them take charge of their lives. I know you can have the things you want as long as you work hard!

adult phone operator jobs

adult phone operator jobsFirst I will like to say, I love my job!! I honestly could say I found my dream job. I would not go back to nursing. I love management in this company everything is fair you get paid what you work for. The more you put love into you work the more money you get. Money, money is great here its the highest paying company I know. Plus a BIG plus we always get paid on time always always. Everyone here is so friendly, we help each other out with everything we can. I remember I was scared of taking calls but this calls are super easy nothing like a call center. We work in a drama free environment from the comfort of our own home. I don’t have to worry about getting all pretty or worrying about what I’m going to wear. I love that I don’t have to spend money on gas. Even the fact of not having to pack lunch. I could just get up and fix my self something to eat. I love everything about this job. The fact of strict rules make this company so so so awesome. It keeps everything and everyone running smoothly! I love the opportunity I got of working for WBMT!