At home phone operator jobs are great jobs to have. We are independent contractors, but we make great money in this industry. The key is working for the right company. Most companies take more than half of your talk time. In the phone sex world, you are paid based on your talk time. You do not get a salary or an hourly rate. If the phone does not ring, you do not make money. The best companies pay you at least half of your talk time. Each company has different rates of pay, but you do not want to work for a company that gives you like a third or a fourth of your talk time. Our PSO jobs pay up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Our calls are $2 a minute, so you can make more than half here. You can make less too but that is on you if you do. Our pay structure is based on effort. The more hours you commit to and the more you blog, the higher your pay rate goes. I have been at companies that paid less than 50 cents a minute, meaning the company gets more than half of what you earn. If you can blog and commit to at least 40 hours a week, you can make at least half of your talk time here. But if you can commit to 50 hours a week, you can make even more.