How to be a Phone Sex Operator is Not Rocket Science, But it is Work

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator may not be rocket science, but it is still a job that requires work. Too many girls do not know the potential in a job like this. And they get lazy. In phone sex, the harder you work, the more hours you work, the more money you make. We hustle in the PSO world. The best way to hustle at WBMT is by blogging a few times per shift.

We have high SEO ranking because of our blogging. And for those of you who have never blogged that’s how callers find us. Men search for phone sex related topics like teen phone sex or mature phone sex and often find our sites. And that brings in new clients. Companies that do not require blogging never pay as much as those that do. Plus, they do not have high call volume either.

We are not a phone sex company for lazy girls. You simply will not make money here if you cannot or will not blog. When I first started here, I was lazy. But I wanted and needed more money after a breakup and that motivated me to kick my ass into gear. Once I got the blogging game down, my paychecks continued to go up.

With phone sex you can make as little or as much as you want. But you need a passion for making money to be successful.

We Have Phone Chat Jobs for Women

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs for women who can blog. I know many women hate to blog, but it is how you make money at a direct dial company. We are not a dispatch company. And if you have never been a PSO, a dispatch company has a middle person who fields the calls and bills a man’s credit card. Dispatch companies rarely pay much, and they have little requirements for their phone operators.
But a direct dial company puts you in control of processing credit cards.

And because they pay you more per minute, they require more things from you too. We have blogging requirements here and some other requirements like social media promotion and set schedules. But you set your own hours. You can work 30, 40, 50 or 60 hours here a week. The more hours you work, the more money you can earn on your talk time.

This is a great place to work. Female owned and the other girls who work here love to help new girls. Drama free too. So, you can rest assure we do not allow for cattiness. This company is smaller than many, but we have a family feel. The money is truly awesome too. So, if you are ready for a change and want to make a livable wage, apply today!

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator May Not be as Hard as You Think

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator may not be as hard as you might think. This is one of the few job fields that hires women with little to no formal education and women with PSO experience or none. Any woman at least 18 years old can be a PSO. But you do need a few things to start.

First thing, you must have an open mind. Our caller wants to discuss a lot of different things but many of those topics will be taboo topics. Some companies have limits on what men can talk about. But we do not. And we are expected to talk about any subject without judgement. So, make sure you can do that before applying. It is all fantasy though. Keep that in mind.

If you have an open mind, then you need a working computer. Preferably a laptop so you can move around your house as you want. I work from my office in the day, and my bed at night. Sometimes, I work long shifts and my back gets sore in my chair, so I move to my bed. Also, you need high-speed internet. Sometimes you need to upload files that require fast net speed.

You need a cell phone. Our toll-free numbers work through an app. So, it does not matter if your cell phone has voice mail. The app bypasses that. And that is super convenient. I like to travel to visit family and friends. And using a cell for calls means I can work anywhere.

You need a quiet place to work too. Now, you can work with kids in the house if they will not interrupt you when on a call. If you have these things, you can begin working here. But you will also want basic Internet skills and good writing skills because you need to blog here. And great organizational skills because you need to do a lot of record keeping. This job allows women to thrive if you work hard to make your phone ring.

Phone Sex Jobs Help Women Support Themselves

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs help women support themselves and their families. There is no shame in this kind of work. Despite the increasing stigma against folks in the adult industry, this is an honest living. For me, who dropped out of college, I never had great job opportunities. I could work in retail or food service. That’s about it. And neither pay enough to live on. Not with rent prices the way they have been.

I am almost 60. I do not want to have a roommate at my age, but all the desperate ideas I had before I came to work at WBMT are all gone now. Because I do not need three jobs. And I do not need a roommate to split the bills either. I make enough finally to not only support myself, but to live a little too. Now, I can travel and visit friends more freely. Plus, I am making decent money which will aid in my social security payouts when I decide to retire.

Most girls after a few months of showing up consistently and blogging each shift make over $1000 a week. It is easy to make that kind of money at WBMT. But it will not happen overnight. Be patient. Build your client base up. Stick it out and it will pay off. Before long you will thrive too.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs may not be for every woman, but there is no shame in this kind of work. Not every woman goes to college. Not every woman has a husband who can support her. And let’s face it, most adults cannot support themselves on minimum wage, especially not with the high cost of rent and groceries.

Phone sex makes a great part time job, but an even better full-time job. When I started here at WBMT last year, I just worked 30 hours a week. I did it in the evenings after my full-time job. Rents skyrocketed after covid in my area, like many areas, and I needed extra money. But after a year of working here, I realized this was better money and less stress than my full-time job and I put in my notice.

This is an easier job than what I did before too with a lot less stress. However, I still needed to hustle. I blog daily and work about 50 hours a week. But it is easier to work more hours when at home. I can do household things in between calls. I am happy here. And I can support myself better with this as my full-time job than I could when I did this part-time and had another full-time job.
You can design your own schedule and make great money too. Ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck?

Phone Chat Jobs Still Exist

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs still exist. And I am glad they do. Honestly, I did not think phone sex was still a thing in the cam world. I had a friend who did phone sex in the early 2000s and she made great money. She did it when she was in grad school. I went back to college and needed a part time job I could do from home. So, I applied at WBMT. And I finished my degree, but I still do phone sex because the money is just so good.

WBMT is a great company. We set our own hours, and you can work anywhere from 30-60 hours a week here. Now the more you work, the higher your pay rate is. I work 40 hours a week here at night, and 40 hours at my post college job. I might not always be able to handle 2 full-time jobs, but I love it for now. Keeps me out of trouble. And I will be able to buy a house before I am 40.

Phone sex does require work though. But I think blogging is fun. The more I blog the more money I make because blogging makes the phone ring. This is the type of job you can do full-time and not need any other job. We have girls like me who have two jobs. We have girls who work part time too. You decide how many hours you want to work. But the more you work, the more you make.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs Pay Well

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs pay well. And bonus, you get to work from home. This may not be the sort of job anyone wants. But just hear me out. I used to laugh and say I could never do phone sex when my friend tried to get me to do this sort of thing. She did it when she was bedridden with her pregnancy. She needed money but she could not stand on her feet for long.

After my back surgery I was in a similar situation. I could not work for several months, but I bartended for a living. My place of employment said they would hire me back when I was ready to come back, but I never came back. Even though I told myself it was just for a few months, I got spoiled. The money was great. But what sold me was never needing to stand on my feet and carry heavy boxes of booze again. That’s what resulted in hurting my back in the first place.

So, after I healed, I never went back to bartending. Now, phone sex should be treated like a job, because it is a job. And like any other job you need to show up when scheduled and you need to follow some rules. You also need to blog. But if you can blog and show up when you schedule yourself, you can make an honest living without breaking your back.

Phone Chat Jobs Should Pay You Well

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs available. And the very best kind too. The kind you can make real money at. We get lots of girls from companies like US Love and other places that do not even pay their contractors $1.00 a minute. If a phone sex company is taking more than half your talk time, then it is not a place you can make real money. I came from a company that paid me 60 cents a minute when they charged $2.50 a minute for the caller. Now, I did not know what I now know back then.

You can make much more money at a direct dial company. That means there is no dispatcher fielding the calls for you. You will do the billing part. And you will self-promote yourself too. The best way to advertise for yourself is through blogging. We require daily blogging here. With a direct dial company, you have more work. But you get paid far better too.

At WBMT, you can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. We base pay on effort. The more hours you commit to working in a week and the more you blog, the more money you make. Tired of the phone to your ear all day and barely scraping by? Join WBMT where the money is real.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. However, you do need a few things in place before you can start working here. First, you need a computer. Preferably a newer laptop with a Windows working system. You can use an Apple computer, but some of our programs do not run as smoothly on Apple devices. You need a cell phone with a good signal. We use cell phones for our 800 numbers. They are run on an app, so you need a good signal, so you do not drop calls.

You also need a quite place to work. Other people can be in the house, but when on a call nothing else can be heard by your caller. Not kids, not a TV and not other voices either. And let me tell you if you work at a desk, you will want a comfortable chair to sit in. Plus, I recommend a good pair of wired headphones. You can get long calls and a good pair of headphones helps. Also, so does a back up battery source for your cell phone.

And high-speed internet is the last thing you need before you can start here. This is a fun place to work. And you can make decent money here too. Apply today and find out for yourself!

Phone Sex Jobs Can Change Your World

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs can change your world. They did mine. At least WBMT changed my life. And it has changed the lives of most women who work here because the money is a livable wage. No need to be on welfare or food stamps or living in HUD housing. And no need to have more than one job either. Before I came here, I had three jobs. And I had no life and still could not pay all my bills.

I never finished high school. Although I went back in my 20s for my GED, not many job opportunities for a woman with a GED and no set skills. So, I survived the best way I knew how. I had two restaurant jobs and a home pet sitting job. No time to date. No money to do anything with either. So, needless to say I did not date or hang out with friends. Then one day I was on Facebook in a group for women needing help. And I asked about jobs. One girl told me about phone sex. And she even went as far as to tell me some legitimate companies to work at.

She worked at WBMT while she was in college. And she loved it. So, I applied. I quit one of my restaurant jobs and kept the other one and the pet sitting. But after three months here, I quit the other restaurant job. And after 6 months, I stopped taking new pet sitting clients and only did it for long term regs. I have a life now. One job. And a life and I pay my bills on time. I even have a boyfriend now too.

I cannot share with you how much this job changed my life. Like really changed my life. Financial freedom and independence are keys to happiness. If you are juggling several jobs and not making ends meet, take a leap like I did. I bet it makes a world of difference too.