Phone chat jobs require hard work if you want to make top money. It took me awhile to understand that. I almost quit more than once because I did not seem to be making money. However, one of the veteran girls here took me under her wing and coached me. She taught me how to make money and I am forever grateful for that.
The key to success at WBMT is blogging. And showing up when scheduled too. I came from a company that did not require blogging. And that did not have schedules either. So, this company seemed completely different from anything I had done before. However, my last company barely paid us. We did not earn much money there. None of us there did.
Many of us jumped the sinking ship, and I landed at WBMT. But it seemed like a lot. And I struggled to learn the blogging game. The vet told me to do my blogs before my shift, so I had them ready to publish at the start of my shift instead of the end of my shift like I had been doing. And when I did that, my paychecks grew. And kept on growing. Now that I learned how to work hard for this company, I can live. For once, I can pay all my bills and have something extra.
If you do not like your PSO company, jump shifts like I did. You will see what I mean when I say WBMT lets us thrive.
Tag Archives: Pso jobs
Why Apply for Other Phone Sex Jobs When You Can Apply Here
You can literally apply for hundreds of phone sex jobs. But let me save you some trouble. Just apply here. You will not make much better money than here. I worked for three other companies before landing at WBMT. I guess you could call me a vet of the PSO world. Been doing this now for almost 20 years. And although I thought I made great money at the other places, all that money paled to what I make here.
The call volume is high here. And there are enough callers to go around. Plus, you can make even more money when you blog. This is a blog focused company. And that’s a good thing because blogs serve as free advertisements for us. And that makes you money. It took me a while to learn Word Press and get my blog game down pat, but once I did my pay checks grew week to week. None of the other companies I worked at required blogging. But as technology changes and the Internet grows, companies adapt and change too.
I love working here. More rules than my other companies and blogging of course, but all the hard work pays off and is seen in my paychecks week to week. This is a small company and feels more like a family than anything else. So, think about joining our family.
How to be a Phone Sex Operator Begins Here
How to be a phone sex operator is easy. You need a reliable cell phone. You need high speed Internet. And you need a fast and reliable computer. I would suggest a laptop so you can move around the house as you want. Add in a quiet place to work and you can begin. But just because you have those things does not mean you can work here.
We do not require experience. But we do not fault you if you worked somewhere else before. Most girls here now came from another PSO company. WBMT requires set schedules of at least 40 hours a week. But the main component is blogging. This company likely has a higher blogging requirement than other places. But that is a good thing. Because here, the more blogs you write, the more money you earn. We have great Google ranking and that’s what all PSO companies strive for.
So, if you can blog and that task does not sound daunting to you, then you will likely succeed here. However, if blogging scares you, this may not be the best fit. We do train you on how to blog. But you do need decent writing skills. I think you should give us a try and see how much money you can make too.
Adult phone operator jobs
Adult phone operator jobs are not hard to come by. There are hundreds of legitimate phone sex companies. And many folks think they make great money at the company they are at. I know I did. But apparently, I had no clue how much I could make until I jumped ships. The call volume seemed to drop after the owner of the company stopped advertising her sites. And we all felt the sting of an economic recession. So, I applied at WBMT.
I have been here almost a year and even my first couple weeks here while I was learning the ropes, I still made more money. And I know why. WBMT does not need to advertise because our blogging brings the men to the company through SEO. WBMT has high SEO ranking which was all over my head when I started. I went from a company with no blogging to a company with a lot of blogging. But now I understand why we need to blog several times a day.
I averaged $800 a week at my old place. Now I average $1500 a week. But I do work hard for that money. The old company I just showed up and answered my phone. At WBMT I blog my ass off. But it is all worth it knowing that my hard work pays off in the end. Maybe you would like to go from good money to great money too?
Phone Chat Jobs Enhance Your Life
Phone chat jobs can enhance your life. I mean this too. This line of work gives you flexibility. We get to work from home. And we set our own hours. This allows you to work around your children, your social life and appointments. My life appears complicated to some one on the outside. I am a single mom with three schoolchildren. Plus, I have a medical condition that requires a lot of doctor’s visits. So, a job with flexibility is key. I lost two prior jobs because of my doctor’s appointments or my kids’ appointments. Now, I can feel confident I will never lose my job.
Working from home means I can multitask. Do laundry in between calls and help check homework. This means I can work more hours because I am taking care of things at home that I never could take care of while in an office. And I have no commute. Plus, if I work more hours, I make more money. And my salaried jobs could work me to death with no extra money.
But this type of job pays by the minute. You are not salaried. And no taxes get withheld. You will need to pay taxes every year. But if you work 60 hours you will make more money than if you did 40 hours. That’s because your phone will ring and your per minute rate goes up based on hour many hours you work in a week up to a $1.10 a minute for 60 hours. This job can be great for so many reasons, but it is a job. So, you must treat it like a job. If you can show up when scheduled and blog and follow the rules, you can make lots of money in this industry.
Join WBMT and find out for yourself how much money you can make. And the flexibility it can give you too.
PSO Jobs Let You Support Yourself
PSO jobs let me support myself. After a car accident, I found myself stuck at home recuperating but not making any money. And I needed money to live. So, I looked for home jobs. I thought maybe I could get hired at Amazon or something like that doing customer service. And I happened upon this site. I read through testimonials like you might be doing too.
When I saw this ad for WBMT and realized I could have flexibility, I applied. My back healed and so did my broken leg. However, I never went back to my original job. Why would I? I mean I got spoiled working at home. Plus, the money feels great. Although I needed to keep track of things for my taxes, I still make a lot of money here at WBMT. More money than at my other job.
But I do work for my money. Hard too. I blog several times a day. I show up consistently for my shift. And I make my phone ring with blogs. Many girls come into this industry and never want to blog. If you cannot write a few blogs a shift, then you will not make it here. Just being honest. Although there is no drama, there will always be some competition. The girls who blog the most earn the most too.
If you apply, your life will change too. Apply and find out.
I Love Being a phone Sex Operator
I love being a phone sex operator. Although, I never thought about this profession after college. I needed a job after my divorce. I did get child support, but I refused alimony. Pride, I guess. I worked before motherhood, then I did the stay-at-home mom thing for almost 20 years. And the world changed. So, no one wanted to hire me with a 20-year gap in employment. But phone sex does not care if I have ever had a job or lack knowledge of the field.
When I needed to support myself, phone sex hired me. WBMT feels like a family. Everyone from the managers to the girls here helped me learn the ropes. And I think I will do this until I die because it is great money, not stressful and fairly easy. But this is a job. And you must treat it like a job. The harder you work, the more you make. And by work, I mean blogging and just showing up to work. We operate on schedules. We design our own, however. And we can change it every three months.
I hope you will love this job too. You can make a great living at WBMT. The best phone sex company. Find out for yourself.
PSO Jobs Offer Women Financial Security and Flexibility
PSO jobs offer women financial security. However, this line of work is not a cake walk. Some PSO companies require very little of you, but they pay crap. However, WBMT lets you earn real money. But you must work for it. If hard work does not scare you, then you will succeed here.
Blogging and showing up to work are the main things required here. We do have set schedules. But we design them and can change them every 3 months. But if you commit to hours, you must show up. Or it will affect your pay. Blogging is required at least 5 days a week to earn the top pay rate of $1.10. And you need to work 60 plus hours a week. And that is not hard to do when you work from home.
Good time management skills will help you too. I write my blogs on my down time because it can get hectic with callers and chatters when I work. And I never want anything to prevent me from making all the money I can. Phone sex is not rocket science but it does require work. Blogging and showing up to work. Plus, some social media promotion. But it is a great job that pays well if hard work does not scare you.
Being a Phone Sex Operator is a Legitimate Job
Being a phone sex operator is a legitimate job. I support myself and my family on the income I make here. As a single mom, I struggled to find a job that paid me enough to afford daycare for my little twins. A friend told me about phone sex. And when she told me I could make great money from home negating the need for daycare, I investigated it.
I have been at WBMT for a few years now. And my income soured. Although I lost all public assistance, I no longer need it. With what I earn here, I can support my twins. Last year, I even bought a new car. My schedule, I designed myself. So, I work a split shit around my twins’ sleeping schedules. I have enough time to work, sleep and spend quality time with my angels.
Plus, if one wakes up, I can mark myself on a call and soothe them back to sleep. If you are a mother like me, it is important you have a space away from your kids so they are never heard on calls. I put a desk in my bedroom. And I have a cam in my children’s room so I can watch them while on a call.
You should give phone sex a try. It worked for me. I have never been happier and more financially stable.
No Two Phone Chat Jobs are the Same
Phone chat jobs are not a dime a dozen. Most women think all companies are more or less the same. I have worked at three companies, and none were the same. One was a dispatch company. And although those companies have almost no extra work, you do not get paid much on your talk time. But I stayed there too long because I thought all phone sex companies operated in the same manner.
My next company was what they call direct dial company. And those pay more on my talk time. However, they require more like blogging and set schedules. WBMT, the company I am at now, is a direct dial company. But even these types of companies vary greatly too. The first one I worked at I did not stay long. The owner acted a bit crazy. Like wouldn’t let us leave if no one else was on. It turned into a nightmare because I was constantly told I would be let go if I tried to leave
So, I gave WBMT a try. And I told myself if it did not work out, I would get out of phone sex all together. But that was 8 years ago. I am finally happy and making great money. Owners do not expect me to work any hours past my shifts. I am paid on time. And I work with really nice girls. Plus, I make more money here than the previous two companies combined.
So, if you are ready to explore the best of the best in the phone sex business, apply with us today.