Adult Phone Operator Jobs are for Women Over 18

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are for any woman 18 or older. Our callers love teens through grandmas. I am an older woman. I was going to retire at 55 but I could not make enough on social security. I am now almost 60 and not collecting social security because I make too much money doing phone sex to collect social security too. I thought this would be a great part time job. I never thought I would make as much money as I do. Phone sex saved me. I was too young to retire and make the full benefit, but I was sick. I have a chronic health condition that forced me to retire from my primary job younger than I had planned. Being a phone sex operator helped me still make an income while saving my energy and body. This is a job like any other job, and women who treat it as the real job it is can make over $1,000 a week with persistence and dedication. It was a learning curve for me. I had to learn to blog, and I had to get used to working from home, but this is a team. We help you adjust. We train you to blog. If you want to make good money from home, apply today.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins right here reading through our PSO testimonials. You will see we have many happy women working here. There are a lot of phone sex companies out there and it can be overwhelming to understand which ones are the best fit for you if you are a newbie in the biz. We are a direct dial company. With direct dial phone sex, you will make more per minute on your talk time. This type of work is independent contractor work. That means no taxes. You are responsible for your own with holdings. And in this industry, direct dial companies pay more than dispatch companies. Dispatch companies have a main operator who takes care of the billing part then patches the callers to you. At a direct dial company, the middle person is cut out. The call rings directly to you and you bill the caller. Direct dial pays more but requires more work too. You need to blog at direct dial companies. Blogging is like free advertisement. It is how you make your phone ring. We are a direct dial, blogging required company. You do need to commit to 40 or 50 hours a week at this company. You can work 40 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 50 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1.05 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 60 plus hours a week and make $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you make as a phone sex operator with WBMT.

Phone Chat Jobs Were Not What I Expected

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs were not what I thought they were. Honestly, I thought perhaps I could make a couple extra hundred dollars a week. I figured I would work 20-30 hours a week to help boost my income. I had been donating plasma for money, but that was getting hard on my body. But I did not make enough at my full-time job to pay all my bills a month, so a few bills were always late. I was making more doing phone sex at WBMT part time than I was making at my job full time. I waited a few months to see how my money was going and I quickly discovered that the more I blogged, the more calls I got. This kind of job means you are only paid when you get calls. How much per minute you earn on your talk time is based on how many hours a week you work and how many blogs you publish. After watching my pay increase week to week, I took the risk and quit my job and became a full-time phone sex operator. I do not need a side job anymore. I make more than what my expenses are, and I have even been able to do some fun things and travel now too. If you are struggling to make ends meet, join our team.

At home phone operator jobs are competitive

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are competitive. There are so many companies out there now. I suggest you do your research because not all of them pay well. There is a trade off in this business that if you have not been in the business, you would not know. Companies that are dispatch, which means you do not run their credit card information, often pay you cents on your talk time. You may not have to do much at a company like that but answer your phone, but you will not make much money either. We are what is called a direct dial company. At this type of company, you are paid more. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on you talk time here. You can make less too. At this company your pay rate is determined by how many hours you commit to in a week and how often you blog. Direct dial companies require a lot more work, but they give you a bigger payday. I love working at WBMT because I know I will not make more money anywhere else. You are required to blog and submit a 40 plus hour schedule. It may seem like we have a lot of requirements, but they are all designed to help you make more money. This is a great company to work for.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins Here

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not hard. But once you become one, it does take work to make money. This is sort of an elite PSO company. We hire girls with and without experience, but to make great money with us, you must hustle to make that phone ring. The way you do that is blogging. You will be trained on how to blog using Word Press, but it is free advertisement for yourself. A few blogs a day will make your phone ring. I love working at WBMT. I have my own schedule that I set. I can change it every three months, so I have flexibility to change up my schedule to accommodate my life. I make more money than I ever thought I would working at home as a phone sex operator. Honestly, I had no clue that this was such a good money-making job. If I had, I would have quit my minimum wage jobs long before. To do this you just need a cell phone, high speed Internet and modern laptop or desktop. A quiet place to take calls is a necessity too. Although you do get trained, you need basic computer and writing skills. If you want to make good money from home and blogging a few times a day does not scare you, apply today.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Means You Work at Home

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator means you can work from home. Personally, I love working from home. I was already doing this when COVID hit, so I felt lucky. I was able to support my family when many of my friends were unemployed. I have chronic health issues that stay better in check when I work from home. Turns out I make more money than any job I had in the regular 9-5 world. Phone sex is not easy, but it is not hard either. There is a lot to learn, and you must blog daily to make your phone ring. You may in the beginning have to work more hours to get established and get regulars, but any effort you put into this job, you get back in your paycheck. Unlike most jobs, the harder you work the more you can make. This company pays you based on effort not total talk time like most companies. So, the more you blog, the more you work, the more you earn. It is nice to be at a company that rewards your effort. This company is drama free too. You can work as much as you want, but you will need to design a schedule and show up for your hours. If you want to make money from home, this is the perfect job for you.

PSO Jobs Can Save Your Life

pso jobs

PSO jobs can save your life. When I first got into this business, I was in a panic. I lost my job because of COVID. I had small kids at home, so I need a work from home job since schools were closed too. A friend suggested phone sex. I thought she was kidding me. Like who would want to talk to a mature woman. She said many men. She was right too. Covid is in the rear-view mirror now, but I am still at WBMT. I love working form home. My kids are back in school, and I schedule my hours around their schedules. Being a phone sex operator is profitable as well as flexible. I set my schedule and tweak it if need to every 3 months. I can work as much or as little as I want, but the more you work, the more money you make. This company does require daily blogging. It is not hard to do, but the more you blog the more calls you get and the more money you make on your talk time. WBMT requires that you have good time management skills, plus basic computer skills. You need to be fast on a computer and know how to navigate the Internet and check email. This is not rocket science, but it is a legitimate work from home opportunity.

Becoming a Phone Sex Operator is Smart

phone sex operator

Finding an at-home job became really difficult when covid hit and I really needed to work from home. I am an introvert at heart, and it would have been so much easier to focus on school studies if I got to stay home as an independent contractor who makes their own hours! It was surprisingly easy to apply as a phone sex operator and I am grateful to have been hired here at wbmt. When I was first hired it was definitely a lot to take in, but the more I worked the easier it became. The hardest part can be finding the right hours and the work to get to those hours. Here at wbmt you really get what you work for, and it is a perfect place for those who are hard-working and determined. Making money from home has never been easier for me and it’s so freeing to finally have time for myself at home. No wasting gas to get back and forth to a job I would dread. Instead, I get to lay in my comfortable bed or have a lazy day stretched out on the couch while I work as a phone sex operator! Come and see if it’s for you!

Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

Starting as a phone sex operator was different. All of my past jobs had been in fast food and retail. It was very fast paces and left me anxiety ridden with crying meltdowns every other day. It would be too hot or too cold and finding free time was next to impossible. Starting as a phone operator was a real game changer for me. I have more time for myself, my friends, and my family. I also have more time to focus on school and mental health is very important here because it can be a tough job from time to time. You do have to work a good forty hours to make good pay, but you are at home while you do it. You’re comfortable and warm or cool however you prefer it. You also get to travel while working. You could take a weekend vacation and even work for a few hours in your hotel before a dip in the pool or walk on the beach! Wbmt is one of the highest-paid phone sex operator websites that I or my friends and coworkers have ever seen! The work environment is welcoming and kind and there’s never a boring day with some call you take! Come see what we’re about!

Adult Phone Operator Jobs

Adult Phone Operator Jobs

I don’t think coming across this job could have come at a more perfect time for me! I was and still am a full-time student with a disability that keeps me from working on my feet. It was something that took a lot out of me and drained me, and I had just moved out of my parent’s house with no way of supporting myself and as a very independent woman, I knew I needed something. I looked for adult phone operator jobs and got really lucky to come across wbmt. Not only do they have the highest rate of pay of all the others, but I have never been in a more welcoming area with the best management I have ever met. I worked a few jobs growing up and this by far has been my favorite. I get to continue my studies, stay at home and work on myself to heal from an injury that nobody saw coming at my age. Working with these girls and our one gentleman has been almost life changing because you talk to someone different every day and learn about a lot of things that you didn’t know existed. These can be funny, interesting or weird and it’s made a positive impact on my life. I see myself being here for a long time and we hope you do too!