We Have PSO Jobs for You

pso jobsWe have pso jobs. Our jobs, however, require work. Not hard labor work, but this is not a company for girls who want to nap or just sit around and wait for the phone to ring. We are a direct dial company, which means you need to work to make your phone ring. This is a blogging focused company. Most are nowadays. We use Word Press but will train you how to blog. If you cannot blog at least 3 times a day you will not make it at our company. I just want to keep it real. Girls do not leave our company because they are not making money. They leave because they do not want to blog or commit to weekly hours. If you can commit to 40 or more hours a week and blog three times a day at least 5 times a week, in time, you can make over a $1,000 a week. It took me awhile to master blogging, but once I did, I started making more than decent money. You can have PSO experience or none. Either way you get 2 weeks training from us, so do not get nervous. I think you will love being part of our team.

We Have the Best Phone Sex Jobs Around

phone sex jobs

We have the best phone sex jobs around. We do not over hire girls so you can make good money here. We do not have thousands of girls working for us like many companies. It can be hard to make a decent living at those mega companies. Now our jobs are not easy. We require committed schedules weekly and blogging daily. But the more you work and the more often you blog, the more you earn on your talk time. Also, the more minutes you make. This is the kind of industry that the harder you work the more you make. Not just in minutes, but also in per minute rate. We have a unique pay scale that is based on your weekly effort. You can make as low as 20 cents a minute on your talk time by doing nothing. Like literally nothing. Or, you can make up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time working 60 plus hours a week with 50 of those hours committed and blogging several times a day at least 5 days a week. I like working at a company that rewards my hard work with a higher pay. You can make an honest and decent living as a PSO if you work for the right company like WBMT.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins right here. Read through our PSO testimonials and you will learn a lot about our company. I have been with WBMT many years now. I do not plan to go anywhere else. Why would I? I am treated well at this company. I am paid well too. Many companies are hideous to work for. They do not pay well nor on time. They are riddled with drama and have a high turn over. Not at WBMT. We are paid weekly and on time. Our pay is based on our effort so the more we do and work the higher our per minute pay rate is up to $1.10 a minute. Most companies pay half of that if not less. This is a drama free company too. We are a team and a family. We all know each other, help each other, and support each other. This job does require blogging and a committed weekly schedule. We may have more rules than some companies, but all rules are designed to help PSOs thrive and make the most money. Join our team today and find out why this is the best PSO company around. You will be glad you did.

pso jobs are great

pso jobs

pso jobs are great if you look to work from home and make it a priority to treat them like an actual job. You have to be diligent in bringing your A-game. Working for Wbmt will give you all the tools you need to succeed as a contractor. If you need a liveable wage in this field, you might be running into a few scams or places that don’t pay you enough. At wbmt, you can rest assure if you are willing to put the work in, you will be getting out so much more. The money is excellent, but only if you are consistent. Consistency is perfect and will help you get better at the craft. Make sure you come ready to entertain. As a pso, you provide an erotic service through phone acting and written one as well. As a writer, you have to bring in some customers by making your blogging captivating for those horny clients. You can rest assure that the terms and lingo will become second nature as you put in work to become a great so. It’s fun and creative and makes a pretty good amount of money if you are ready to put the work into it. Join us and become a Phone Sex operator at wbmt.

Do You Wanna Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? You should. You can make great money at home doing PSO work. I never thought I would be in this profession, but I lost my retail job after COVID hit. Unemployment was not enough to support my kids. I thought about getting into restaurant work as it was an essential job, but I worried about getting sick or getting my kids sick. I looked for anything I could do from home. I was doing some Amazon work, but it was a lot of work for little pay. Then I saw an ad for phone sex. I did some research and applied to a few companies. WBMT had the best high end per minute pay out. You can make up to $1.10 a minute at this company. I doubt I will go anywhere else because I make more money doing phone sex than I ever did at retail. Plus, I am working from home. No commute time and no risk of COVID to my small kids. I never saw myself doing phone sex, but now I cannot see myself doing anything else but phone sex. I love the flexibility of designing my own schedule and making money at home. Apply today and join our team.

PSO Jobs Reward You

pso jobs

PSO jobs are not easy like many women assume. Honestly, I never thought I would work this hard in this kind of job. But I also never thought the pay off would be this great either. I work hard because I want to make the most money that I can make. The more I work. The more I blog. The more I make. It is that simple. I could make okay money doing the minimum requirements for this company, or I could bust my butt to double the minimum requirement and make twice what I could doing the minimum. I like money. I do not want to just get by. I want to enjoy life. And with WBMT I can travel. I can buy concert tickets. I can spoil my dogs and my loved ones. All this in a job I can easily turn off once I clock out too. My down time is my own. I may choose to blog ahead for the next day, but that is because that is the smart thing to do. I love working at this company because my hard work is rewarded. It is nice to be appreciated and to have your effort rewarded financially. Apply with us and start making money tomorrow.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Rewarding

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator may not be rewarding in the same sense as a social worker, but guess what? You are doing men a service and helping marriages. This kind of work can be rewarding financially, however. And mentally too because it is a job that you can turn off while not working. WBMT is not a stressful company to work for. You get to set your own hours. That means never having to ask for time off, because you get to design your work hours around your life. Plus, you can decide if you want to work 40, 50 or 60 hours a week. The pay scale varies depending on how many hours a week you commit to and how much you blog. Personally, I love working for a company that pays me more based on how hard I work and how much I work. WBMT is devoid of many problems that plague other PSO companies. We are drama free. We pay on time weekly with direct deposit. We offer a pay scale that motivates you to work more and not to procrastinate. Trust me, WBMT may seem like it has a lot of rules, but each rule is designed to help you make more money. This is the best company I have worked for ever.

Phone Sex Jobs are Plentiful

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are plentiful nowadays but trust me when I tell you that not all companies are the same. This past year many knew companies came up, most not very ethical. I know I could sound biased, even territorial, but I am speaking from experience. When I first started in this business, I worked for a couple companies that I wish I had researched before applying. I worked at two companies before I landed at WBMT. Both companies had not been in business long, but I did not know that because I thought they were pretty much all the same when I applied to them. The first company never paid me. I was there three months, which was three months too long. I worked my ass off and made good money, but I never saw a dime. The other company there was so much drama among girls and the managers too that my nerves were shot. I worked there 2 months and again, 2 months too long. When I applied to WBMT, I was a bit wiser. I knew to Google research the company and check reviews on BBB. WBMT pays on time and well. There is also no drama. The company feels like a family. I will not go anywhere else. Now, if you are applying to phone sex companies, please do research on the company. If you are at a company not paying you well or on time, or there is too much drama, join our team. We hire women with or without experience because we offer training to teach you our ways.

Phone Chat Jobs Provide a Good Income for Women

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs provide a good income for women. It is honest, legal work and it pays well if you can blog and work 40 plus hours a week. Some women think this will be easy work. It is easier work than many jobs, but it is still work because it is a job. A job you can work form home in your jamies if you want. I love PSO work because I have a chronic health condition. I could no longer work in the 9-5 job I had for a decade. It was wearing my body down. Working from home where I could sit in a comfy chair all day saved my quality of life. Now, I still work hard. Women with good work ethics are who needs to apply. You need to be reliable to show up for the hours you commit to. I love the flexibility of working hours designed around my life. At my old job, I had to ask off every time I needed a doctor’s appointment, or a court date as I was suing my husband for custody of our boys. My job now works around my life not the other way around. Apply today, work tomorrow and see your life and money change for the better.

Phone Sex Jobs are Not Easy

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are not as easy as most women think. They are a job like any other job. And sometimes with work from home jobs, it can be easy to lose track of time. This is not a job for a woman who is a procrastinator. You need to be motivated to make money and follow the requirements for your pay. At WBMT your pay rate is based on your effort. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you can make on your talk time. The most being $1.10 a minute and the least being 20 cents a minute on your talk time. The difference in pay is based on how many hours you work and how much you blog. You can do a lot, work a lot and make top dollar on your talk time. You can do nothing but answer your phone and make the least amount. Or you can make somewhere in between. Most girls here make between 90 cents and a $1.10 a minute. We are a small group of hard-working women. No drama tolerated. This is a great company for any woman needing to make some money and wanting to work from home.