I enjoy my career as a phone sex operator with WBMT. It’s a nice contracting position that allows me to adjust my days off and hours around my schedule. I pick my hours and show up, and if I’m having a boring day and want to log on to make money outside of that I can. As a woman trying to make it in the world I needed a reliable pay source and found that here. Payments are weekly and Per minute time 10 minutes at least per call and a varying client base helps me keep my finances in order. WBMT has been around for ten years and is owned and managed by women who have been in the PSO world a long time. We have great sites to blog on. Go ahead and check them out. You’re trained to make advertising blogs (dirty stories and Pictures) . Have numbers that when guys call are pushed to your private line. We are direct dial no dispatcher, and bill on our own. Schedules are picked weekly for the next week by you. Per minute bonus is up to 1.10. I have never seen a company that at the highest bonus makes less per minute than the contractors. The company layout and support is very nice indeed. You Trained for a couple weeks while taking calls! Training while making money already is sweet!
Tag Archives: phone chat jobs
Phone sex operator jobs
WBMT is taking phone sex operator job applications for women who want to talk dirty and get paid for it. I became very lucky a few years ago to have found one such ad. I did not even look at these testimonials back then, I was desperate for work at home and had never did phone sex for a company. When I say I worked my way up, I’m not Joking. The best thing is with the internet and a laptop and phone line I was able to lift myself out of a bad situation. Looking at the last few years I don’t know what I would have done during the Covid Pandemic. I do know we still have a lot of business and Sex always sells! The women are nice and kind here. We help when we can, and you never feel alone. We are no Taboo and that means we have no limits on our fantasy conversations. If you can handle that and need money to pay bills when the world is crazy, put in an application with us! We require you to pick a schedule (work around your life) and to self promote through blogs and chat. But we have great per minute bonuses that fit your hourly needs!
PSO jobs are worth it
PSO jobs that are legit and a stable PSO company with WBMT. Owned by and run by Women who are PSOs and can give you advice on how to succeed. We all have our own way of doing things, but the women here that work the lines beside you are wonderful. Yes, you make money with your voice on a good phone line, and you blog and check chat ect. It seems like a lot but soon you will transition seemingly and all under the hand of WBMT. I began here a couple years ago with nothing but my clothes, a chrome book and internet and a phone. Training was great and I had nerve done phone sex for money. I knew I could do it as the days went on and I was seeing money come in. What I like most about WBMT is that every woman here has helped me become who I am today. Oh, I did it myself, but if u had questions or was unsure nobody told me wrong and tried to be ultra competitive with me. We basically run outlines and learn how to market and have a company full of regular clients. No get rich quick scheme, but an opportunity to boost yourself and make money.
pso jobs are fun
pso jobs are so fun. I’m learning how to be the best pso I can be with all the tools wbmt has offered me. I’m pleased to be part of the family and take my time here very seriously. It may seem like this could be an easy peasy kind of gig, but it’s not. You have to be motivated to do a good job and show the guys how much you appreciate them. This is about sales. You have to market yourself through blogging and being a team player. It would be best if you always showed the utmost respect to the callers and your fabulous co-workers. I researched phone chat jobs and landed right on the wbmt site. I enjoyed all the testimonials and everything that was required. I won’t deny I was a bit intimidated because I thought I couldn’t blog or do the requirements, but I found a great support system that showed me the way. I’m so happy I applied, and you will be so excited to join the team and see it is possible to be in a drama-free zone with extraordinary ladies that will help you excel and grow along with all of us. Apply now you won’t regret joining the wbmt family.
Phone Chat Jobs are for Women Over 40 Too
Are you looking for phone chat jobs? We have them. We hire all kinds of women 18 and older. When I first got hired, I was under the impression that phone sex was a job for coeds. I am a mature woman. I did not realize men called women my age, but they do. Guys love talking to mommies, milfs, cougars and grandmas. So, do not let your age prevent you from applying. I almost did, but I was desperate for work when the pandemic hit because I lost my job. Working from home was perfect. I never intended this to be a permanent job, but here I am a year later after things opened back up. I want to still work form home, but even if COVID were gone forever, I would still do this because it is more money than I have ever made, and I am not on my feet all day. I can work from home and save my body, my time, and my energy. I can get things done too like laundry and dishes. I love phone sex work. I think you will too, but you need to blog and commit to a schedule weekly. You can make great money from home.
Phone Sex Jobs Require Blogging
We have phone sex jobs for all shifts. We are constantly hiring. There is a lot of turnover in this business, but girls tend to stay at this company. The ones who leave either do not want to do the work we require, or they violate one of our rules like creating drama. I love working here, but it is not a cake walk. You do have to treat PSO work at WBMT like a job. It is a job like any job. But because we work from home you need to be motivated and consistent to make decent money. Blogging is required at this job. Daily blogging too, but it is worth it to blog your ass off because blogging makes your phone ring. This is a great company to work for. Honestly, it is one of the best pso jobs I have had yet. I will not lie to you though, we do require a lot more than most pso companies, so if you are not good with unstructured time and cannot see yourself blogging, this is not the place for you. But if you can commit to a weekly schedule and blog a few times a day, you can make bank from home.
Phone sex Operator Is Real work
I never thought being a phone sex operator would become my only income. I just needed something to get money so I could go and find a “real” job. My life had started over and I had to make money to rebuild my life. Within a month or two here I quickly realized that this was a legitimate income, a way to support myself. I was able to start pulling checks I would have been making at a fast food place full time. And With every week, I fine tuned my chat, blog and client skills. I had a shorty slow laptop at first, but I had a decent landline and internet so I managed until I bought a new laptop. I learned from training and my peers. I fell in love, was able to move and have an apartment. And a little while later a vehicle. I now consider PSO Jobs to be one of the “real” jobs. It does take work, but I do it from home and WBMT provides training and encouragement. Communication Skills, Trustworthy, decent Computer skills, and A drive to help your self through working for WBMT as an independent contractor? Apply with WBMT.
Phone chat jobs are real jobs
Phone chat jobs are not just boring or lazy jobs. You can make real good money working these jobs. The main catch is that you should be self-motivated, dedicated to a schedule and willing to work more than 40 hrs a week. At WBMT you are required to work 10 hrs on the weekends. These times you can get the best callers also. We are a company that offers a variety of topics. We offer paid cyber text chat and phone chats. The system in place with WBMT is a fine honed machine and put in place to make the most if you do the most. We really do work our asses off. Management puts a lot of effort in the training and ensuring each girl gets a fair chance. We are a drama free company and everyone is treated fairly. This is one of the best companies to work for from my experience.
Many of the women working here has been with the company for a long time. This doesn’t mean there isn’t room for someone new. We have newer women working here now as well. This is an industry mush like the service industry, there will always be folks coming and going. I have been here for nearly 10 years and I don’t plan on leaving.
Work hard as a Phone sex operator
I am so appreciative of my position as a Phone sex operator. The money I make is based on the effort I put in. It used to be not so much money. I was in school and juggling studies, a bad relationship and a shitty company. I finally gave up and quit. The thing is I had not been able to stop thinking about the phone sex job and wanted to try again. I found WBMT and went through the training. I started off a little unsteady as it overwhelmed me at first. This company is way different than the one I made no money at. Here we earn our pay with a motivational per minute pay the more you do the more you make. This is in all aspects. The blogs really pull in the callers. So, blogging lots really makes the pay better in every way! Taking calls and multi-tasking is the key to success here also. Some days you will really be busy and it seems like you won’t get everything done. You can always plan ahead even on your blogging and just know that you have woman here that will help and guide you to success. I am making far more than I ever thought possible.
Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Perfect For Holiday Money
I work as a Phone sex operator and initially started to make extra cash for the Holidays. A few years later and I am doing this full time. I love the ability to work from home and enjoy the creative calls I get to take. I get to have a potty mouth and be paid for it. I’m not going to lie that it took time to get used to this kind of work. It takes a good bit of self- motivation and work to make good money. I enjoy it. The writing blogs and learning about search engine optimization is interesting. I date a programmer and am always intrigued by programming, this is fun. No, I don’t program in this job, lol, but learning about the way sites get hits is interesting. I’m a geek and always wanted to do some kind of blog. Now I do many blogs, they are creative writing and it’s really a good way to keep up writing skills. Then you have the chat network here. We have a messenger like system on our pages that we chat with clients. They can pay for it like they do calls. This job works best if you dedicate a schedule. Callers like knowing you are on at the same time and days. I make great money.