Phone Chat Jobs are Perfect for Stay at home Moms

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are perfect jobs for stay-at-home moms. When I got divorced, I needed to work. Child support was tough to get from my ex, but all three were small at the time and daycare costs were too high to afford for any job I could get. I started looking for data entry or customer service jobs I could do from home. I found this site while conducting one of my exhaustive Google searches. I was not searching for phonesex jobs, so this did not come up right away. Most of the at home jobs I had looked at were scams. They wanted you to pay them. I never really thought phone sex was still a viable business in a world of Only Fans and cam girls, but it is thriving. I was hired the day I turned in my application on this site. I started working a few days later. That was over 6 years ago. My children are in high school now. You can be a mother and do phone sex. I tell my kids I have a customer service job and I need to stay in my office when I have a call and cannot be interrupted. When they were young, I worked nights while they slept. Now, I work day shifts now that they are in school. I make more money than I ever thought I could make from home without a college degree. If you can blog daily, and commit to a schedule weekly, you can make bank too. Being an independent woman feels amazing.

Phone Chat Jobs are Legit

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are not what you think, I bet. They were not what I expected. Honestly, I thought I would just make a couple extra hundred dollars a week. I was not prepared to make over a grand a week. Now, I will be honest, I did not make that at first. Took me a few months of consistently working and blogging, but once I saw my money increasing week to week, I quit my full time job, and started doing this full time. My life is better. I have no commute. I am not standing on my old feet for hours at a time. I was a sales manager for a retail store. Let me tell you that was a thankless job. I was over worked and under paid. It was nice though to find a job that had unlimited earning potential. The more I blog and the more I work in a week, the more I make. I mean it is nice to know that I can put in some more effort and make more in a week. Phone sex is a job like any other job, but if you dedicate yourself to putting in the time in the beginning, you will thank yourself later when you find yourself thriving.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not hard. It does not require much to start either. Lots of woman think phone sex is a scam. I thought it was too. Some companies are scams. They give legitimate phone sex businesses like WBMT a bad name. A bad company pays you pennies on your talk time and threatens you to work like a drug mule, so they get rich off your work. Legitimate companies like ours pay you more than half your talk time or at the very least, half. We have a pay scale up to $1.10 a minute. Pay is based on your effort. How many hours you commit to and how much you blog determines your pay rate. In phone sex you are not paid by the hour. You are paid on your talk time. So, for example, with us if you commit to 40 hours a week to work and you have an hour call, you just made $60 for that hour of talk time. WBMT pays fairly, an above minimum wage for women who work hard. This is a blogging company. This is a company where you must show up to the hours you commit to also. Just need fast speed Internet, a cell phone and modern computer. Apply now.

PSO Jobs Are Not All the Same

pso jobs

PSO jobs are not all the same. I know because I have worked at a few. Most of the ones I was at before I stumbled on WBMT paid me pennies on my talk time. I literally had a phone glued to my ear my entire shifts and I still could not pay all my bills. Some of these companies used threats to get me to work very long hours if they were short. It was pure greed. Those companies took more than half of my money. Hell, they took 70-80% of my talk time, then made threats like, “I guess you don’t really want to work here,” if I said I could not work longer than I was scheduled. I honestly thought those companies were what all pso companies were like. I decided to apply one more time to a company, and it was WBMT. That was almost ten years ago too. I found the perfect phone sex company to work at. I set my own hours. I make at least half of my talk time, sometimes more. No one bullies me or threatens me. I am earning a livable wage. I have some down time on my shift so that I can grab a snack, toss in a load of laundry and use the bathroom. If you want to make a livable wage and thrive doing phone sex, apply with us today.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I work from home. I set my own hours. I work around my life. I never have to ask off. I do not have to worry if someone I work with is vaccinated or not. I do not have to deal with drama. I get paid weekly. Now, I do not want to make phone sex seem like a cake walk of a job, because it is not that. This is a job like any other job, and to be successful you must work hard at it. The keys to success in this industry and with WBMT in particular, are blogging daily and committing to a set schedule. Not all companies require set hours or blogging, but the ones that pay the most do. If you cannot write a couple 200 plus blogs a shift, you will not make any money here. Blogging is how you get guys to call you. It is like free advertising. You must blog to get guys to call you because we rely on SEO to reach a lot of clients. Also, you must stick to the schedule you select and show up for the hours you commit to. But, if you can blog daily and if you can be reliable, you can make awesome money.

Pso Jobs are Perfect for Women Who Want to Work at Home

pso jobs

PSO jobs are great to have for many reasons. Maybe you just like working from home. When you work from home, you do not need to interact with the public or even spend time commuting to work. Maybe you get anxiety around people. Work from home jobs let you avoid the public and fellow drivers. Phone jobs are perfect for stay at home moms who want to take care of their young ones while still working. Perhaps, you have a health condition that makes it hard to work in the traditional work force. Or, maybe you do not have a car or do not drive. I mean there are a lot of reasons why many of us would prefer to work from home. It does not matter, because you can make an honest and profitable living doing phone sex. You just must remember to treat phone sex as a real job, because it is. That means you need to follow the rules and the requirements for the job. You need to show up when you are scheduled to work. You must blog, which is a requirement of our phone sex jobs. If you can treat phone sex like a job, and can adhere to the company policies, you can make a great living from home too.

Phone Chat Jobs Are Great for Many Reasons

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are great for many reasons. One, they pay well. You do not need a college degree. You do not need many skills. All you need are basic computer skills, communication skills, time management skills and basic writing skills. We have had women here with just GEDs who sadly could not make much more than minimum wage anywhere else. Women make more than a livable wage doing phone sex. Another reason phone sex is a great field is because the harder you work, the more money you can make. The more hours you work, the more you will make. The more you blog, the more money you can make. A third reason phone sex jobs are great are the flexibility. You work at home, so no commute. You can roll right of bed and start working. And you set your own hours. We can set our own hours here at WBMT and change the schedule every three months. I never have to ask off. I can get someone to cover me, or I design my schedule around my plans. And a final reason phone sex is great is that it cost very little to get started. You need a cell phone which almost everyone has nowadays. You need high-speed Internet, which most people have too. The last tool you need is a modern laptop or desktop computer. If you don’t have that you can get a cheap HP many places. It will pay for itself after a few weeks. Start making decent money now.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs are Plentiful

at home phone operator jobs

At home phone operator jobs are plentiful these days. Since Covid, everyone wants to work from home. I was working from home long before Covid changed the workforce. I love working from home. I have a lifestyle that requires flexibility. Being able to set my own schedule and have no commute times is a sweet thing for me. Plus, I never have to worry about someone at work giving me a plague, LOL. When I started in this business, there were not a ton of companies like there are now. Many newer companies have popped up in the past several years. This is what I tell everyone. Do your research before you apply to just any phone sex company. Look to see if they have been in operation for at least a year. See if they have negative reviews from both ex-contractors or clients. Understand their requirements and their pay. Some companies pay you pennies on your talk time. Those companies you do not have many requirements like blogging, but you make tops $20 an hour, but that is not good in this industry. In the phone sex world, you are not paid hourly. You are only paid on your talk time. You are an independent contractor, which means no benefits and you pay your own taxes. WBMT is a direct dial company. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time, but that does come with 60 plus hours working in a week and 15 plus blogs a week too. The hard work is worth it though once you see your paycheck.

Phone Chat Jobs Can Be Lucrative

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs can be lucrative, especially if can blog several times a day. Now, I never saw myself doing this kind of work, but it is legal and honest work. There should never be any shame in providing for yourself and your family. I tell people I am a blogger. That is not a lie. I do a lot of blogging at this company. It is how I make my money. But I know that others can judge, so if you don’t want to shout it to the world that you are a PSO, you can fudge it and say you are a blogger or a customer service rep for some company. Do not let the stigma of sex work prevent you from having a job that pays well. You can work from home and that is a great perk for stay at home moms, women in college or grad school, women with anxiety or health issues. I have health issues. I have RA and diabetes. I just do better in an environment that lets me stay safe from germs and adds no stress to my life. Plus, I get plenty of rest working from home. Phone sex forces me to be creative, but I like it. I have great hours. I make great money. And for once, I can enjoy life.

Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are the best jobs for women who want to work at home. This is a legitimate work from home job. It is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. You can make good money. I make on average $1500 a week. I do not have a college education, so I thought the best I could aspire to was a manager of an all night gas station. I hated my job. I was on my feet all the time and dealing with situations that could have resulted in harm to my body. Now, I work from home. I am safe. I am not testing my body. And I make in a week what I made in a month at my last job. Phone sex is not a cake walk, but it is not physical labor either. It takes a woman with good time management and good communication skills to succeed in this industry. It takes consistency too. I did not always make over $1500 a week, but I learned early on that the more I blog, the bigger my paycheck is. Money was a great motivator for me to blog. WBMT is a great company to work for, but you do have to work.